Embry X-Pack Wish List


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm currently writing Embry's X-pack. It's not public yet, because I'm trying to make it somewhat coherent before that stage. This thread is pretty much a free for all asking what folks are after.

Here's what I've currently got planned. It's all a really rough draft, so these are subject to change:

  • A Happiness score from 0 to 100, based loosely on the one with Bess. The longer you're away or the meaner you are, the more obviously unhappy she is. On the flip side, the nicer you are, the happier she is! Crazy, that.
  • Pet play. Specifically something like with the Anno scene, except having the extra option to have her go 'all the way' with locals. If you're into sharing, that is.
  • Pregnancy, but she'll be knocked shoreside. I'm writing a friggin' residential deck for Tavros to try help support this.
  • Gift giving. Namely shiny stones and other little gifts to raise her happiness and just make you feel fuzzy.
  • Embry's cooking. Depending on the time, get her to serve up breakfast, lunch, dinner, or midnight snack. WHY WEREN'T YOU THERE FOR BREAKFAST? Celise and I had pancakes!
  • Suggesting and helping her take up a career like romance novel authoring or being a seamstress. These may or may not be made harder by having a whole bunch of kids on hand. Who has time to work when juggling kids?
  • Obligatory sweetness. Dates. Finding more out about her. Her opinions on your current quests and stuff. 
  • Obligatory sex.
  • Probably a collaring scene and some opt-in BDSM sexytimes.
  • Option to sleep next to Embry at night and have monkeygirl snuggles and kisses.
  • Different dialogue for how many times you've engaged in a different sex act. {0-5 times: I-I don't think I can walk naked in public!/Else: Y-yes, Master—right away!} 
  • Maybe some kind of dick extension to give her back a full-sized peener.
I won't be doing outfit changes unless someone's gonna fork out $15 per outfit for it, short of quick, non-bust altering sex scene cosplay (E.g. Princess roleplay). And a hard no on Treated Embry.
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Un-done screw

Active Member
Sep 21, 2015
Your doing gods work Jim, may Armok reward you with the blood of 10,000 virgins.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
With all the stuff that is being added since there is already an option for being an alpha would she be more okay with you being around with others? Also will she be able to travel with you on a ship with your children if she keeps them or would they be put in a nursery while you are off and about with her as a companion. I would also like to see if there is a thing for Bess and Embry being good beta's on my ship. My tech needs all the beta's to keep him company while he is out destroying everyone's hopes and dreams.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
> A collaring scene

All my yes. 

> Anno-like Petplay

Honestly, I'd prefer housepet-Embry over walkies-Embry. Petplay isn't just exhibitionism, y'know. 


I can definitely see the first two, but S&Embry would have to be done really really well.

> Dates, gifts, kids, job, sharing a bed

It's like you're making her into a real waifu.  (Please tell me we can give her shiny expensive gemstones from Myrellion.)

Also: Anno/Embry bed-sharing?

> Changing dialog over time

Aw, is Embry finally gaining some confidence? 

> Cheating has consequences

Please tell me that you'll build in an extension so that if you cheat on multiple partners at once, one of the others can convince Embry you're not worth staying with. 

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yessss! More sweet Embry goodness! I have no problem going down into the Myrellion caves to scavenge for those minerals or find something on Uveto since that place has a mining operation there. I'm a little on the fence about the whole "sharing Embry" bit, but if that's your thing, more power to you. JimThermic, you've certainly have a winning waifu on your hands that I have no shame in admitting that I will coddle the hell out of her AND enjoying snuggle time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
  • Gift giving. Namely shiny stones and other little gifts to raise her happiness and just make you feel fuzzy.

Could use it as an excuse to see Queen of the deep again

{Wandering the deep lake you see a familiar shape, its the queen of the deep, yadadada (if PC had her kids: "is there any reward you would like [PC,name]? For saving my race and bearing my young." Can I has a shiny rock for my waifu?}

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Could use it as an excuse to see Queen of the deep again

{Wandering the deep lake you see a familiar shape, its the queen of the deep, yadadada (if PC had her kids: "is there any reward you would like [PC,name]? For saving my race and bearing my young." Can I has a shiny rock for my waifu?}

Or if you took the Crystal Bow from said Queen, you could try to furnish it into something unique for Embry. Just throwing it out there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Or if you took the Crystal Bow from said Queen, you could try to furnish it into something unique for Embry. Just throwing it out there.

optional route since you wouldn't of had her young if you took the bow, could have her take a chunk out of her bow as the rock if you bore her children, or whatever your going to give to Embry, either way their on the same planet, and queenie is a elusive person

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
optional route since you wouldn't of had her young if you took the bow, could have her take a chunk out of her bow as the rock if you bore her children, or whatever your going to give to Embry, either way their on the same planet, and queenie is a elusive person

That optional route works fine as well. Is it possible to get some sort of crystal from the Crystal Goo in Queen Tavira's palace?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Or if you took the Crystal Bow from said Queen, you could try to furnish it into something unique for Embry. Just throwing it out there.

Or convert ALL of Tavria palace's bling into a set  of Princess Cosplay Dress and a super gaudy Loveable Space Rogue Suit.

When the first public patch introduced gemstone drops, I was convinced that it had something to do with Embry, since she was the only NPC that mentioned something vaguely related.

Quote said:
  • Suggesting and helping her take up a career like romance novel authoring or being a seamstress. These may or may not be made harder by having a whole bunch of kids on hand. Who has time to work when juggling kids?
All of my yes. Hope you'd be able to encourage her to incorporate more sweet sweet smut into her works. Maybe have one or two inspirational sessions.

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

Or convert ALL of Tavria palace's bling into a set  of Princess Cosplay Dress and a super gaudy Loveable Space Rogue Suit.

When the first public patch introduced gemstone drops, I was convinced that it had something to do with Embry, since she was the only NPC that mentioned something vaguely related.
I felt the same way about that and starting farming those minerals for a while in case I could use them for something special.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
With all the stuff that is being added since there is already an option for being an alpha would she be more okay with you being around with others? Also will she be able to travel with you on a ship with your children if she keeps them or would they be put in a nursery while you are off and about with her as a companion. I would also like to see if there is a thing for Bess and Embry being good beta's on my ship. 

If you've told her you're her Alpha, then that's how it's going to be. She'll probably get super nervous when obviously pretty, confident, smart girls like Anno pop up and need some reassurance that she's not going to be overshadowed or replaced. 

I'm aiming to have the 'canon' arrangement be that you keep the first four children between you and Embry on the ship, name them, and interact with them in a very hands-on manner. Ideally I want everyone to get to know each kid's personality, mannerisms, etc like you would your own kid. However, I don't want to force this choice on players who feel having kids on a starship that will probably get repeatedly attacked is seriously unsafe, and would prefer to have them far away and safe in the nursery. Embry, as any mother would, will be understandably upset by being seperated from her kids (particularly if it's her first) but she'd be temporarily upset. It would be a once-off joint decision when you have your first kid, not a kid-by-kid basis.

All kids over the four-kid limit would, after an "I-I'm not coping—!" scene from Embry trying to madly manage so many toddlers, be reluctantly relegated to the nursery. These kids would not be named, but it would be written in the scene that you did name-them off camera, much like with Briha's kids. That way breed-happy folks can keep on doing their thing, but I don't have to ask for name and gender tracking for 129 kids. That's how you crash Skyrim. I should know.

Hoping to have Embry + my other characters interact, but I'm not going to give full priority to that with the X-pack. I want to lay foundation before I start putting on extras.


I can definitely see the first two, but S&Embry would have to be done really really well.

> Dates, gifts, kids, job, sharing a bed

It's like you're making her into a real waifu.  (Please tell me we can give her shiny expensive gemstones from Myrellion.)

Also: Anno/Embry bed-sharing?

> Cheating has consequences

Please tell me that you'll build in an extension so that if you cheat on multiple partners at once, one of the others can convince Embry you're not worth staying with. 

S&Embry... I like what you did there.

Housepet Embry is a given.

Bed sharing is a big fat no. Not because of me. It's because it can't be done, period. Ask Gedan. He has stated to me that in no uncertain terms, multi-waifu bed sharing is simply not possible, and would be an incoherent fucking mess for anyone to try. In that light, I'm not going to penalize anyone for sharing a bed with folks other than Embry, *unless* you've said you're an exclusive couple and you're, you know, quite clearly sleeping with Anno or Bess instead of her.

Gemstone gifting from Myrellion is something I want to incorporate. 

I don't know how the 'multiple partners walk-out' would even work. I'd like to say yes, but the potential code fuckery of that would be so convoluted it hurts my brain.


Or convert ALL of Tavria palace's bling into a set  of Princess Cosplay Dress and a super gaudy Loveable Space Rogue Suit.

All of my yes. Hope you'd be able to encourage her to incorporate more sweet sweet smut into her works. Maybe have one or two inspirational sessions.
Princess Cosplay Dress and Loveable Space Rogue Suit... ;_; I don't have any moar money to give to CheshireCatSmiles... don't tempt me.

Yeah, the idea is that with each book she'll get stuck somewhere, and you help inspire her through her writer's block, probably by giving her romantic or sexual inspiration with a sweet or kinky new scene. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Quote said:
Gedan has stated to me that in no uncertain terms, multi-waifu bed sharing is simply not possible, and would be an incoherent fucking mess for anyone to try.
Currently the relevant flag is CREWMEMBER_SLEEP_WITH : String, "name" of the character that the PC currently has set as their bedbuddy.

And they're checking that against a string literal. 

if (annoIsCrew() && rand(3) == 0 && flags["CREWMEMBER_SLEEP_WITH"] == "ANNO")

There's naturally a combinatoric explosion if everyone can share beds with everyone and you're using only one flag. CREWMEMBER_SLEEP_WITH could theoretically be set to 'ANNO&EMBRY', but you would need to manually do checks to see who was still sleeping with who whenever you modified it, you're representing two things with one flag, etc. I agree with Gedan that this would result in an incoherent fucking mess.

Alternately, you could use two flags, CREWMEMBER_SLEEP_PRIMARY and  CREWMEMBER_SLEEP_SECONDARY, and then build a few functions to check both and modify both. There's a little bit more error handling to deal with so you don't end up with Anno & Anno in bed with you, but with my admittedly casual grasp of the code it seems like it should be possible. Probably there's some peculiarity of Dictionary objects that sinks this, but I still might ask Gedan.

(Then again, even if it's technically possible, I dunno if it'd be worth implementing just so that Steele can get twice as snuggled. Brute fact of the matter, there are probably better things for Gedan & co. to be doing with their coding time when there are only three or four followers in the entire game so far.)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
(Then again, even if it's technically possible, I dunno if it'd be worth implementing just so that Steele can get twice as snuggled. Brute fact of the matter, there are probably better things for Gedan & co. to be doing with their coding time when there are only three or four followers in the entire game so far.)

Pretty much. A big part of it will probably also be the ordering of morning scenes, the fact that two morning scenes may not mesh well together (E.g. Bess kisses you awake, then Anno sexes you awake. You woke up twice?!), necessitating heavy coordination between authors and possibly coder... even those big problems are probably only scratching the surface. I mean, being done by the same author might help, but there's probably problems with it I can't even conceive of. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
jegus fug, jim

Anyway, it all sounds pretty fun. The only part I'm not sure about is having stats that degrade over time (Happiness score). That's not something I want in the back of my mind while I'm on an indefinite excursion to the bowels of ant planet, you know?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
One would assume it only starts happening after a long period of absense. Just taking the time to walk back every couple of days to say "Hey, I'm ok. No worries." would probably do the trick.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Anyway, it all sounds pretty fun. The only part I'm not sure about is having stats that degrade over time (Happiness score). That's not something I want in the back of my mind while I'm on an indefinite excursion to the bowels of ant planet, you know?

One would assume it only starts happening after a long period of absense. Just taking the time to walk back every couple of days to say "Hey, I'm ok. No worries." would probably do the trick.

Pretty much what Woider said. With Bess, it only really started happening after a few weeks of being AWOL, and was easily fixed with snuggles and/or sex. It's pretty much the same if you leave your real significant other for that period of time. My theory was that a sense of 'dependence' on you makes you feel more special and important to the character. It's something I felt when playing with a few NPC waifus in Bethseda game mods. In short, it's nice to be wanted. Seems to have worked okay with Bess without being too annoying, or at least, nobody's complained about it (Just all the goddamn nulls).



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Not see it meantioned but from posts I noticed Embry will be able to be taken on board of our ship. So like with all others waifu we would probably will have option to tell her she need leave it (probably for now due to size of crew limitation). Do you planned where she will move then? Back to Myrellion or maybe like say Tavros? (second one seems with more than 4 kinds better as she would then she could easy watch all over all her childrens)

Of wish list...Anno and Syri can us take for short time on Ausar homeworld so...would some similar event with Embry and PC going to visit her home planet would be easy to add?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
  • Pet play. (noobsaleh: House pet play, tho.)
  • Probably a collaring scene and some opt-in BDSM sexytimes.
  • sex scene cosplay


The multi-bed thing is more of the fact that the game needs to check who you slept with for the next day's relevant events. You can easily write a multisome sex scene that takes place in the day, and then everyone collapses into an afternoon nap, +4 hours, you get the idea.

Hey Jim since you're going to do Embryxother anyway, how about starting by pairing her with your other characters/followers instead of a faceless/nameless NPC? It's a great excuse for a lot of potential follower interactions. Also I just really want to see Anno and Embry interact. Although I guess they can't have kids, huh.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
All kids over the four-kid limit would, after an "I-I'm not coping—!" scene from Embry trying to madly manage so many toddlers, be reluctantly relegated to the nursery. These kids would not be named, but it would be written in the scene that you did name-them off camera, much like with Briha's kids. That way breed-happy folks can keep on doing their thing, but I don't have to ask for name and gender tracking for 129 kids. That's how you crash Skyrim. I should know.

Ha I am going to end up having more then 129 kids with her with one of my characters. As for my next question, Will you be able to toggle or choose when you want her to have children. I figure in the time period and advancement in the technology there would be a way to control when and how you would want to have kids. Not sure if it is as possible or easy to make happen since Embry's race is already difficult or expensive to change or control.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Some of scenes meantion it already - the way to not have kids. Future version of condoms ^^ Thou knowing Jim likes I not sure if he will be such after including options to not knock up Embry (he's not Savin after all). There is written too that can cause sterility.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Not see it meantioned but from posts I noticed Embry will be able to be taken on board of our ship. So like with all others waifu we would probably will have option to tell her she need leave it (probably for now due to size of crew limitation). Do you planned where she will move then? Back to Myrellion or maybe like say Tavros? (second one seems with more than 4 kinds better as she would then she could easy watch all over all her childrens)

Of wish list...Anno and Syri can us take for short time on Ausar homeworld so...would some similar event with Embry and PC going to visit her home planet would be easy to add?

That's a tricky one. If she leaves the ship on good terms, she'd probably be at Tavros, taking care of the kids if you've got any. Like, you'd have to sell it like 'it's for your own good'. If it was on bad terms, though, like 'we've got to break up'... man, I don't even want to think of the child support and custody nightmare that would be. Like, would she take the kids? Some of the kids? All of them? And go... where, back to Omorii and her parents? Work as a waitress supporting 129 kids? My braiiin... Might be better just to not offer that particular option. I mean, you gotta romance her pretty hardcore up to that point and spend a fuckton of money.

I do plan for you to go back to Omorii and have you help her resolve the outstanding issues between her and her parents, or alternatively, aggravate the situation. I'd love to have Omorii as more than a once-off, though, since I feel like it has a lot of promise. That said, I'm a bit loathe to put in that much effort, considering just doing a Mhen'ga expansion is moving at snails pace.

Hey Jim since you're going to do Embryxother anyway, how about starting by pairing her with your other characters/followers instead of a faceless/nameless NPC? It's a great excuse for a lot of potential follower interactions. Also I just really want to see Anno and Embry interact. Although I guess they can't have kids, huh.

I'll honestly probably do both. But it'll be a backburner thing as stated above. Anno and Embry is tricky. Savin and I would either have to coordinate, or one of us would have to get carte blanche from the other. Better chance with Embry than with Bess, though. :3

Ha I am going to end up having more then 129 kids with her with one of my characters. As for my next question, Will you be able to toggle or choose when you want her to have children. I figure in the time period and advancement in the technology there would be a way to control when and how you would want to have kids. Not sure if it is as possible or easy to make happen since Embry's race is already difficult or expensive to change or control.
There'll be an option to ask her about contraception up front, and request that she start or stops taking it. Strong contraceptives are probably easier to get than her treatment stuff. She, uh, might be a little scatter-brained after becoming a woman in body as well as mind, though, so no guarantees she's the contraceptives from the get go.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That's a tricky one. If she leaves the ship on good terms, she'd probably be at Tavros, taking care of the kids if you've got any. Like, you'd have to sell it like 'it's for your own good'. If it was on bad terms, though, like 'we've got to break up'... man, I don't even want to think of the child support and custody nightmare that would be. Like, would she take the kids? Some of the kids? All of them? And go... where, back to Omorii and her parents? Work as a waitress supporting 129 kids? My braiiin... Might be better just to not offer that particular option. I mean, you gotta romance her pretty hardcore up to that point and spend a fuckton of money.

Well somehow you will need to plan options of her leaving ship after we finaly manage her to take here there. Now all crew members got added option to leave them somewhere when we would need more crew space on ship. So Embry will sooner or later run into similar issue. Well you can always been lil lazy and for current X-pack add option to take her onboard but leave options to boot her for X-pack 2 (if it would ever been added - seeing how Mhen'ga Vanae expansion going it would take ages for 2nd Embry X-pack :( ).
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Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Currently the relevant flag is CREWMEMBER_SLEEP_WITH : String, "name" of the character that the PC currently has set as their bedbuddy.

And they're checking that against a string literal. 

if (annoIsCrew() && rand(3) == 0 && flags["CREWMEMBER_SLEEP_WITH"] == "ANNO")

There's naturally a combinatoric explosion if everyone can share beds with everyone and you're using only one flag. CREWMEMBER_SLEEP_WITH could theoretically be set to 'ANNO&EMBRY', but you would need to manually do checks to see who was still sleeping with who whenever you modified it, you're representing two things with one flag, etc. I agree with Gedan that this would result in an incoherent fucking mess.

Alternately, you could use two flags, CREWMEMBER_SLEEP_PRIMARY and  CREWMEMBER_SLEEP_SECONDARY, and then build a few functions to check both and modify both. There's a little bit more error handling to deal with so you don't end up with Anno & Anno in bed with you, but with my admittedly casual grasp of the code it seems like it should be possible. Probably there's some peculiarity of Dictionary objects that sinks this, but I still might ask Gedan.

(Then again, even if it's technically possible, I dunno if it'd be worth implementing just so that Steele can get twice as snuggled. Brute fact of the matter, there are probably better things for Gedan & co. to be doing with their coding time when there are only three or four followers in the entire game so far.)

The issue is not implementation. Changing it would be trivial.

The issue is disjointed support for all the potential characters that could be aboard the ship for no appreciable reason other than "because somebody didn't write it." Anno is a given for basically anything anybody would want to do, but that won't be the case forever.

Pretty much. A big part of it will probably also be the ordering of morning scenes, the fact that two morning scenes may not mesh well together (E.g. Bess kisses you awake, then Anno sexes you awake. You woke up twice?!), necessitating heavy coordination between authors and possibly coder... even those big problems are probably only scratching the surface. I mean, being done by the same author might help, but there's probably problems with it I can't even conceive of. 

Exactly. We start needing to figure out which character is doing what, specifically, and then logically deriving some middle ground variation (or blackholing events that don't make sense) given the order of actions taken.

Well somehow you will need to plan options of her leaving ship after we finaly manage her to take here there. Now all crew members got added option to leave them somewhere when we would need more crew space on ship. So Embry will sooner or later run into similar issue. Well you can always been lil lazy and for current X-pack add option to take her onboard but leave options to boot her for X-pack 2 (if it would ever been added - seeing how Mhen'ga Vanae expansion going it would take ages for 2nd Embry X-pack :( ).

Nah- if she can get on the ship as a crewmember, then she needs content for getting punted off the ship or it'd be considered incomplete and wouldn't get coded.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Quote said:
The issue is disjointed support for all the potential characters that could be aboard the ship for no appreciable reason other than "because somebody didn't write it." 

We start needing to figure out which character is doing what, specifically, and then logically deriving some middle ground variation (or blackholing events that don't make sense) given the order of actions taken.
Why does this require a different level of support than just having crew member A and crew member B on the ship together? You could always make it so that if you sleep with A&B, you get A events and B events (mutually exclusively), and then if somebody wrote specifically A&B events then you can also get those. Either Anno sexes you awake, Bess kisses you awake, or Anno & Bess wake you up together. The issue of 'where is Bess while Anno is sexing me awake'/'where is Anno while Bess is kissing me awake' can be avoided by some vagueness in the bed-sharing arrangement, so that it's not the case that all followers who are invited to sleep with you are always physically snuggled up to you. (IE, followers who don't have interactions with each other take turns sleeping with you, followers who do have interactions either take turns or sleep with you together.)


Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Why does this require a different level of support than just having crew member A and crew member B on the ship together? You could always make it so that if you sleep with A&B, you get A events and B events (mutually exclusively), and then if somebody wrote specifically A&B events then you can also get those. Either Anno sexes you awake, Bess kisses you awake, or Anno & Bess wake you up together. The issue of 'where is Bess while Anno is sexing me awake'/'where is Anno while Bess is kissing me awake' can be avoided by some vagueness in the bed-sharing arrangement, so that it's not the case that all followers who are invited to sleep with you are always physically snuggled up to you. (IE, followers who don't have interactions with each other take turns sleeping with you, followers who do have interactions either take turns or sleep with you together.)

Pretty much. A big part of it will probably also be the ordering of morning scenes, the fact that two morning scenes may not mesh well together (E.g. Bess kisses you awake, then Anno sexes you awake. You woke up twice?!), necessitating heavy coordination between authors and possibly coder... even those big problems are probably only scratching the surface. I mean, being done by the same author might help, but there's probably problems with it I can't even conceive of. 

Literally the first thing somebody wanted to do with this. Two independent events that didn't refer to each other at all, yet they absolutely do not make sense together because of the actions/activities they portray. If we're just going to whitewash the morning content, then we might as well whitewash the entire thing because at that point there's no actual content is there- "You sleep with Anno and Bess", and then nothing comes of it because there's no content to support the two of them together, or we can't assume the pre/post sleep events will mesh well together so we just show one and... you get the point.

e: Also because we then get into these multiple hour-long back and forths discussing the specifics of a highly variable, potentially very complex non-system that adds very little (if anything) to the game, rather than actually moving forward.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Literally the first thing somebody wanted to do with this. Two independent events that didn't refer to each other at all, yet they absolutely do not make sense together because of the actions/activities they portray.

Can't there be content written for when you want to sleep with 2 people or are their different morning scenes a little too conflicting to do that?