Den of Scum & Villainy: Brothel

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I'm sorry too...

@JimT: Really? I've brought it up like ten times now, lol. Imagine Starless but with 0% bestiality, only 5% (and avoidable) non-protagonist sex, and only 0-5% scat (I forget which and whether or not it's avoidable, sorry).

Also this. HNNNG (<- Seriously, why am I the only one looking at this?)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This Starless talk made me spent hours downloading the full uncensored set. I hope it delivers.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That's actually the reason why I downloaded it, even if it's not something that rocks my socks. eHentai's set had the zooerastia parts removed and I was curious enough to look for the most complete set. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Really preliminary Tasha sketch. Needs work. Figured I'd post it anyway because I feed on comments. Omnomnom.


A wave of heat and humidity rolls over your body as you step into Tasha's, reminding you vaguely of the M'hengan jungle. Unlike in the jungle, pink fluffy pillows bury the floor of Tasha's room. 


A red-haired head pops out from a nearby pillow-drift, and Tasha smiles at you, shaking off the pillow caught between the short horns on her forehead. As she emerges from her comfortable cocoon of pillows, you have a chance to get a better look at her: apparently she sleeps (?) in an overbust corset and a floor-length skirt. The ornate clothing hugs her curves well, emphasizing her slight breasts and girlish hips: slits in the back allow her wings and tail to stretch and flex freely. 

You smile. "Nice to meet you. The front desk said something about your translator being broken?" 

Tasha frowns at you, and says something in reply. Your codex stays silent for a long moment - a far cry from its usual seamless dubbing - then confidently announces: "Topical core poetry, outer under education stands."

You sigh. Apparently even Victor's whiz-bang tech isn't good enough to replicate Tasha's broken equipment. You start to consider alternatives, but Tasha interrupts you by snuggling up against you, tugging at your [pc.armor]. She certainly seems willing enough, even if you can't understand what she's saying...

[Sex] [Cuddle] [Leave]
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
More Aya. I'm having so much fun writing her cheerful insolence. 

You brush aside a translucent curtain as you step into Aya's room in the brothel, and take a moment to look around. The entire room seems to be filled with richly brocaded pillows, stacked up and on each other in wide drifts, burying the floor beneath padded silk. The courtesan herself is nowhere to be seen, though. 

"Hello? Aya?" 

Nobody replies, but you can hear distant slurping sounds from deeper in the apartment. 

Crossing the cushioned floor, you turn the corner, and immediately spot the resident escort. Aya lies on on her front, propping herself up on both elbows. She holds a bowl of ramen with one hand: the other shovels noodles into her mouth. You're not sure which impresses you more - the speed she eats at, or the gorgeous view of her curvaceous, golden-tailed rump. Still, having her slurping away noisily doesn't exactly do much for the mood...


She looks up at you, her chopsticks caught halfway to her lips. "Mmm?" She frowns, then swallows. "What? Can't you see I'm eating here? I thought I told the front desk I was taking a snack break." 


> Sex

You tell Aya that you already own her affections for the hour, and she sighs. "Fine then. Do whatever you want. Lousy fucking front desk..." She picks up her noodles again. 

[Lying Doggy] [Spoon] [Cowgirl] [Get Oral]

> Get Oral

The Sionach rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I'm definitely going to let you fuck my face while I'm eating. There's no possible way that could end with a bowl of hot noodles all over my face and your crotch." 

[Eat Later] [Okay]

> Eat Later
You ask why she can't stop eating for a few minutes to do her job properly. 

Aya just shrugs. "If that's how you feel about it, go get a refund. I need to eat sometime."


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Tasha's bit is pure daaaw, so much so that I feel like there should be a 'cuddle' option in the initial choice, even though it'd make no sense in the context of a brothel.

I like new Aya's scene, it paints a very enticing picture, and even though I know that she isn't a kuudere, I can't help but see her as one. Your decision not to mix food and sex is also nice, because for a moment I got nasty flashbacks to some of the weirdest hentai moments I had a displeasure to watch.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Tasha's bit is pure daaaw, so much so that I feel like there should be a 'cuddle' option in the initial choice, even though it'd make no sense in the context of a brothel.


(Tasha loves cuddling. All these aliens are so warm!)

Quote said:
I like new Aya's scene, it paints a very enticing picture, and even though I know that she isn't a kuudere, I can't help but see her as one. Your decision not to mix food and sex is also nice, because for a moment I got nasty flashbacks to some of the weirdest hentai moments I had a displeasure to watch.
Aya isn't a kuudere because she has no 'dere'. This is all just business to her. 

(If you somehow managed to actually interest her, she would start paying more attention - she's not the type to go 'I will ignore this person because I like them' as a dating policy. If she did that, it would be to deliberately tease Steele.)

Aya might attempt to eat food while you're doing her, but there's a pretty significant logistical problem with both food and dicks going in the same hole. And I'm pretty sure she's not going to continue with her bowl of noodles while being fucked. (Hot liquids + unexpected movement = bad.) More likely, she shoves the noodles out of the way and starts eating a chocolate bar/potato chips/something else more finger-foodish. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
So, Nonesuch is building a dance subsystem.

I went 'hmm, okay, that makes sense' at this idea, made a little mental note that I might want to make a dancer character of my own to help support the subsystem for feminine characters, and promptly forgot about it. 

And then I encountered Visual Poi, which is one of the most futuristic performance styles I've ever seen. 

And that's the story of why I'm going to write a nude Visual Poi dancer with programmable glowing tattoos into TiTs.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
So, Nonesuch is building a dance subsystem.

I went 'hmm, okay, that makes sense' at this idea, made a little mental note that I might want to make a dancer character of my own to help support the subsystem for feminine characters, and promptly forgot about it. 

And then I encountered Visual Poi, which is one of the most futuristic performance styles I've ever seen. 

And that's the story of why I'm going to write a nude Visual Poi dancer with programmable glowing tattoos into TiTs.

Awesome stuff, especially if you'd come up with a way to justify dancer's tattoos flicking and changing like this. Do you plan for those performance to be hypnotic in some way?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015

Under the assumption of 'rito plz': I can do this thing, but that sort of performance would probably be private. Either that or freaky psi stuff would have to get involved, and I'd rather not involve freaky psi stuff. 

(Hypnosis of the type I prefer is a wholly voluntary sort of thing - in the sort of way that being a sub to a SSC domme is a wholly voluntary thing. As a result, it generally involves having to talk to the hypnotist, rather than simply looking at pretty colors.)

As for the tattoos: we already have controllable bioluminescence as a thing with the Sionach, and naturally bioluminescent markings with the Vanae. Those two, plus some experimental gene-modding (and possibly mild cybernetics), and you can probably get the effect we're looking for. Cheri loves being the centre of attention, so shelling out heavily on cutting-edge gene-mods for her performances would be totally in-character for her.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Under the assumption of 'rito plz': I can do this thing, but that sort of performance would probably be private. Either that or freaky psi stuff would have to get involved, and I'd rather not involve freaky psi stuff. 

(Hypnosis of the type I prefer is a wholly voluntary sort of thing - in the sort of way that being a sub to a SSC domme is a wholly voluntary thing. As a result, it generally involves having to talk to the hypnotist, rather than simply looking at pretty colors.)

As for the tattoos: we already have controllable bioluminescence as a thing with the Sionach, and naturally bioluminescent markings with the Vanae. Those two, plus some experimental gene-modding (and possibly mild cybernetics), and you can probably get the effect we're looking for. Cheri loves being the centre of attention, so shelling out heavily on cutting-edge gene-mods for her performances would be totally in-character for her.

 So Sionachs are now 100% approved canon? Great thing to know, spess kitsunes are the best. As for the possible hypnotic effects of the dance being voluntary: I personally enjoy both SSC and extreme versions of hypnosis as a fetish, so having this as an alternative to Lane's and VPs' shenanigans would be cool. No freaky psi-stuff required. 

 However, being a shameless min-maxer, I'm even more interested in knowing if there would be possible combat benefits of learning Cheri's style from her. I was thinking along the lines of "enemies that'd find the relevant teases alluring would count as willing, so your dances would do additional tease damage/apply status effects if you are fully kited out with tats and maybe glowy sticks in accessory slot."
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
 So Sionachs are now 100% approved canon? Great thing to know, spess kitsunes are the best. As for the possible hypnotic effects of the dance being voluntary: I personally enjoy both SSC and extreme versions of hypnosis as a fetish, so having this as an alternative to Lane's and VPs' shenanigans would be cool. No freaky psi-stuff required. 

 However, being a shameless min-maxer, I'm even more interested in knowing if there would be possible combat benefits of learning Cheri's style from her. I was thinking along the lines of "enemies that'd find the relevant teases alluring would count as willing, so your dances would do additional tease damage/apply status effects if you are fully kited out with tats and maybe glowy sticks in accessory slot."

Well, if the brothel makes it in it'll include Aya, who is a Sionach. So if Sionach aren't canon already, they'll be made canon by the brothel. :p

"Glowy sticks in an accessory slot" was already on my mind, but I'm trying not to give the coders fits here. JimT already does enough of that for me. :p  As for learning Cheri's style: It's the Dance Tease system, only available for female characters instead of male ones. That's enough on its own without me adding extra stuff on top of it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
An accessory adding a bonus to one's tease is nothing major, since all the items regardless of slot have the Sexiness flag. Having it work specifically for dance moves that Cheri teaches you can be a bother though, so this idea is likely to be booted. I still think that having crazy-awesome tattoos that'd boost your Poi Dance performance by giving you a perk of some description is at least worth proposing. If nothing else, being able to get those tattoos as a purely cosmetic thing from interacting with Cheri/Ash/both/Jim's new NPC would be radical.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
(Hypnosis of the type I prefer is a wholly voluntary sort of thing - in the sort of way that being a sub to a SSC domme is a wholly voluntary thing. As a result, it generally involves having to talk to the hypnotist, rather than simply looking at pretty colors.)

I am okay with this.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
To be fair, not everyone has the added benefit of experience from being/having been in a (non-vanilla) relationship.

@Eva: I'm not sure how many projects you have but you should be in the Creators group so you can actually have a signature linking to them.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think it's needed to have anything you written to be added already to game not atm in writing phase. Otherwise we would have way more pink nicknames here by far.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Damn it, woman, quit giving me a mind-boner by being one of the few people around who actually get what SSC is. 

Not gonna stop, sorry~

That said, there's a difference between 'voluntary' and 'enjoyable'. Plenty of people voluntarily get vaccinated despite not at all enjoying it. In the same sort of way, in a deep, trusting dom/sub relationship, a sub can sometimes consent to scary things because they believe their domme has their best interests at heart - and a good domme always will: a good dom doesn't want their love to suffer unnecessarily. That said, people are not always perfect communicators: this sort of thing going sideways is why we need safewords. 

To be fair, not everyone has the added benefit of experience from being/having been in a (non-vanilla) relationship.

Hogwash. There are plenty of resources to be found online. I highly recommend the online webcomic Sunstone, which you can find on deviantart, as a very good example of how to do a SSC domme/sub relationship. Also it is hot as fuck, wow. (Spoiler because big.)

@Ormael: Yeah, all the grand plans in the world count for nothing if you can't follow through.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, that's why I said added benefit.

I love Sunstone. It's like "LESBIAN BONDAGE! Okay, now that I got your attention..." Her and her husband's art (SFW stuff as well) is nice to look at.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Hogwash. There are plenty of resources to be found online. I highly recommend the online webcomic Sunstone, which you can find on deviantart, as a very good example of how to do a SSC domme/sub relationship. Also it is hot as fuck, wow. (Spoiler because big.)

Knowing and knowing. Two largely different things for me when it comes to pretty much anything. Every instance of 'hands-on experience', not to mention any significant amount of it, gives me a lot of additional understanding of any subject, regardless of how much I've read, talked or theorized about it before. Obviously, this doesn't excuse ignorance forming opinions for me, just makes me appreciate any practitioners' insight more.

I've skimmed through  'Sunstone'. I haven't been able to 'connect' with any of the characters so far, mostly because they came across as a bunch of well-off individuals, focused entirely on their relatively small and undoubtedly personal problems. I'll read it thoroughly after I catch up to TiTS new content and I have no doubts it'll be an interesting, educational and hot read.

Do you think that for you that comic qualifies as something fitting this category? I'd also be really interested in any additions to the list you would like to make, if Sunset is any indication.



Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Knowing and knowing. Two largely different things for me when it comes to pretty much anything. Every instance of 'hands-on experience', not to mention any significant amount of it, gives me a lot of additional understanding of any subject, regardless of how much I've read, talked or theorized about it before. Obviously, this doesn't excuse ignorance forming opinions for me, just makes me appreciate any practitioners' insight more.

I've skimmed through  'Sunstone'. I haven't been able to 'connect' with any of the characters so far, mostly because they came across as a bunch of well-off individuals, focused entirely on their relatively small and undoubtedly personal problems. I'll read it thoroughly after I catch up to TiTS new content and I have no doubts it'll be an interesting, educational and hot read.

Do you think that for you that comic qualifies as something fitting this category? I'd also be really interested in any additions to the list you would like to make, if Sunset is any indication.

Sunstone definitely qualifies. In the realm of webcomics, I would also recommend Alfie, Oh Joy Sex Toy, The Rock Cocks, Oglaf, and You Suck. In the realm of 'educational stuff': OJST and Sunstone qualify, but for a full course in sex ed I would recommend Futari Ecchi (generalized sex-ed manga, best resource for fingering, sex positions, and transitions between positions that I've found), The Seven Fundamental Operations by the Slow Masturbation Research Society (manga, how to use hands on cocks), the 'cunnilingus how-to' guide that you can find on pornhub (I forget the title, I'll look it up later), and Panty's guides to Oral & Anal (how to give fellatio & take dicks in the butt). 

Also, there's actually a word for knowing (on an instinctual, emotional level), as opposed to knowing (on an abstract, intellectual level). Ever heard someone say that they 'grok' something? 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
>loli, trap, on-male femdon
I can't fap to this! D:

I like The Rock Cocks. It would be super cool of you to link to all those things for everyone else.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I can't fap to loli and male POV femdom.

You need not fap to TGUL to enjoy it. Between comedic sociopathy, feels and sheer insanity of the plot, I wasn't able to fap either. Still loved every minute of it.

Sunstone definitely qualifies. In the realm of webcomics, I would also recommend Alfie, Oh Joy Sex Toy, The Rock Cocks, Oglaf, and You Suck. In the realm of 'educational stuff': OJST and Sunstone qualify, but for a full course in sex ed I would recommend Futari Ecchi (generalized sex-ed manga, best resource for fingering, sex positions, and transitions between positions that I've found), The Seven Fundamental Operations by the Slow Masturbation Research Society (manga, how to use hands on cocks), the 'cunnilingus how-to' guide that you can find on pornhub (I forget the title, I'll look it up later), and Panty's guides to Oral & Anal (how to give fellatio & take dicks in the butt). 

Also, there's actually a word for knowing (on an instinctual, emotional level), as opposed to knowing (on an abstract, intellectual level). Ever heard someone say that they 'grok' something? 

 I've already known about Oglaf, since it's a venerable grandfather of comedic smutty fantasy webcomics and InCase's works have a special place in my collection. The rest of them look interesting and aren't very high profile, so thanks a bunch for delivering an awesome pile of entertainment and research material.

 I must admit that I've never actually read Stranger in a Strange Land, so even though I read about the term, it took me some time to get the reference. Being a Warhammer fan didn't help, I read it as 'gork' several times before figuring out what's up.

 Now, back to them rails: do you think that when you'll finish working on Zil-stealing and focus on DoSV content there will be a place for Shannon?


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
It would be super cool of you to link to all those things for everyone else.

Will do when I actually have all of them to hand: I need to go find some of them again. 

 I've already known about Oglaf, since it's a venerable grandfather of comedic smutty fantasy webcomics and InCase's works have a special place in my collection. The rest of them look interesting and aren't very high profile, so thanks a bunch for delivering an awesome pile of entertainment and research material.

 Now, back to them rails: do you think that when you'll finish working on Zil-stealing and focus on DoSV content there will be a place for Shannon?


As for Shannon & Zil-stealing: No clue, we'll see. The brothel is already huge enough a project without me adding another NPC to it: we've got three already! Maybe she'll get included, maybe it'll happen in an x-pac, I dunno. Gotta finish Zil-Stealing first, anyway. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
It would be super cool of you to link to all those things for everyone else.

Now all I need is to make a good summary for the and into the poll thread they go.
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