Well, this RP has been going for over 2 years now and in the old forums we had over 70,000 total RP posts, so the amount of things that happened is quite extensive.
The setting is in Equestria as you probably noticed from the title, but we have established several other nations.
Minotaurs, griffons, buffalos and dragons all have their respective countries and perhaps excluding the dragons they have active political leaders.
The minotaurs led by King True Grit are very militaristic and would never say no to a good brawl. Their military may not have magic, but it certainly doesn't lack firepower.
Griffonia is in a politically unstable state since the griffons started questioning their King Rasputin's power due to the nobles of the country conspiring against him.
The buffalos under the leadership of King Thunderhooves are very focused on tradition and are generally peaceful, but their stubbornness can lead to tensions regardless.
Dragons rarely interfere with anything on a political plane since their leader, the Dragon Queen/Goddess Tiamat prefers to keep to herself and only act when absolutely necessary.
Diamond Dogs don't have an established nation yet but are in the process of forming one under the lead of Jacknife (ZinkShecoat's character) and have been living in small underground tribes which often resorted to criminal activities to get by, e.g. ambushing unsuspecting travellers.
Equestria itself is led by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, but thanks to them being strongly in favour of female rulers, there is another part of the land of ponies that split off from Equestria, which is called Neigh Orleans, which is ruled by Prince Enigma, the Alicorn of Imagination.
On top of that, there are a total of eight changeling hives around the world, two of which aren't know to exist by the public since they are far away from civilization.
The six hives that are publicly known to exist (these are the only hives a changeling player character can be a part of):
Yellow-The Ultima Hive.
Queen: Her Beautifully And Graceful Highness Benevolence The True Source of Wondrous Unrivaled Beautification Royal Peerlessly Elegant and The Absolute First
The Ultima hive is the first changeling hive in existance. This is where all five of the other queens have originated from and where the first genes of the changelings were born. However, the hive is still one of the least known, for the queen and the hive are sucluded around the location called "The Seas of Madness".
Pros/Cons: Those who chose to have a yellow changling will have a wide variety of cosmetic traits to choose from, due to their mother's deep association with the monstermares. However, gaining notoriety will be harder, for the Ultima hive is only known by VERY SMALL CIRCLES of creatures.
Purple-The Nostra Hive
Queen: Queen Segment
The first born of the yellow queen, Queen Segment is globally known for her fierce fight for mare supremacy and her countless sucesses throughout her rule of both Nostada (her hive/empire) and Equestia (for she married both the Alicorns of the sun and the moon). Nowadays, both her hive/empire has been intergrated into Equestia, making Queen Segment the number ruling power withing Equss, and giving her the title of "Empress"
Pros/Cons: Choosing the color purple allows the changeling to start with ALOT of popularity within Equestian quarters. However, they also start with ALOT of infamy. The changeling also starts with an edge in Lightning magic.
Tyrian purple-The Theta Hive
Queen: Queen Theta
The second born and the fraternal twin of the Empress. Theta is known for being the moon to Segment's sun, for the two have always been knows for their opposing views on everything, especially on the treatment of stallions. Since Segment has gained popularity, Theta's hive has grown infamous with Equestia, but equally popular within other places not associated with Equestia. When Theta isn't known as a complete monster in the eyes of the usual Equestian, she is known to scholars of the magic arts as one of the few living Archmages, for she is close to unmatchable in her magical skills. Currently, her hive is somewhere within the area of Mercy Achipelago. The waters are much more treacherous than the name implies.
Pros/Cons: For those that choose the color Tyrian purple or Fuchsia will be able to breathe underwater and have bonuses on their magic. The amount of magic the changeling starts with will have to be talked about with the GM and the DMs. However, the changeling with start with alot of infamy in Equestia UNLESS they stay in their glamoured form at all times when they are out.
Red-The Marionette Hive
Queen: Queen Fibra Puppetista Haemato
Fibra Puppetista Haemato is known all over, from those that have survived an altercation with her as"The Crimson Puppeteer". Her psychotic behavior of the queen usually (if not always) leave her survivors haunted by red color and her laughter. Where Queen Theta is known for her magical prowess, Fibra is know for her skills in the forbidden arts, mainly Blood Magic. The hive is usually not talked about, for everything within the culture and the appearance of the inhabitants of the hives are deemed horrible to look at. The changelings are described as insanity inducingly ugly. Only a small number of creatures can stand looking at them without going mad, and even they sometimes have a hard time doing so. The real location of the hive is unknown, and many would prefer it stays that way.
Pros/Cons: Those that choose the color red will have a changeling who has an edge when it comes to the forbidden arts, mainly blood magic. However, the changeling's real appearance is so ugly/creepy, that it induces insanity. If the changeling doesn't want to be lynched, they need to make sure they stay in their glamoured form at all times.
White, Black, or the mixture of the two in a Domino design-The Domino Hive
Queen: Queen Crystal
Crystal has been known to be an unusually "sane" changeling queen, compared to her sisters that is. Crystal is a small queen who settled in Ponyville in secrecy to avoid attention. Her hive is currently built under her Seasonal shop "Sugar and Spice". Her hive is always in sub zero temperatures, so her and all of the inhabitants are immune to the cold.
Pros/Cons: Due to Crystal being around ponies everyday, her changelings are more likely to have better social skills. The changelings also have an affinity to the cold, such as both being immune to the color and being able to manipulate the cold. However, due the changeling STILL being a changeling, they will still be treated with caution. They will not be lynched, but they will not be instantly trusted if they decided to walk around in their real forms.
Teal-The Chrysalis Hive
Queen: Queen Chrysalis
Chrysalis is the youngest of the queens, and her age shows through her planning and her lack of paying attention to detail. She has two failed conquests, the most recent being when she tried to take over Neigh Orleans. The Teal queen is mostly known for her almost victory in Canterlot during The Royal Wedding. Where her older sister, Crystal, has an affinity to the cold, Chrysalis has an affinity to anything heat related. Her skills in her fire affinity have rarely been seen by many, because she is pretty antisocial. The location of her hive is unknown, but it is theorized that her hive is inside of one of the many dead volcanos within the warmer part of the Equuator. She has currently settled down with her husband, King Puffle, but many have also theorized that she'll strike again, most likely when Queen Segment is weakened.
Pros/Cons: For those that choose Teal, the changeling with have the edge in both fire immunity and fire manipulation. However, due to the stupidities the queen has committed, the changeling will not be taken as a seriously threat, even when they are in their real forms. Most to all who see the changeling will most likely gawk than take caution with the Teal cliché.
Inferno is the city of the equestrian demons, harbouring rather dark creatures in it. It has a close affiliation with New Orleans and several of the closest allies of Prince Enigma are demons from Inferno.
Paradiso is the opposite, the home of angels, but despite that is also an ally of Prince Enigma.
Your character is free to do anything they are capable of, but it's important to keep in mind that every action has consequences. If you show yourself as helpful and don't cause trouble, your character is likely going to have a good time. If you piss off the wrong characters, that's likely not the case.