[HTML] Tower of Triumph (sex transformation roguelike dungeon crawler)


Jul 3, 2022

An Humble Pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Goddess of Primal Darkness

Play here: https://arcdragon.com/toweroftriumph

Type of game:

A transformation-heavy roguelike dungeon crawler with over 40 achievements that give persistent rewards, Tower of Triumph is a game that will keep you coming back for more! Fight monsters, change sex, grow and lose limbs, and have all sorts of voluntary and involuntary sexy times with a whole host of tower and forest monsters. Catgirls, wolf-men, goblins, naga, minotaurs, you name it! If it's in the game, you can fight it, and you can become it! Transformations are gradual, with individual body parts changing one at a time, so the possibilities aren't limited to merely what you see. Become a spider-taur with eight legs with horse hooves and a fox-girl head on a slime body with a snake tail if you want. Or sometimes...if the tower monsters want.


Legends claim that in times long forgotten, when the Goddess of Primal Darkness gave birth to world, the Tower of Triumph was left as the point of contact forever connecting the mortal world with that of the divine.

A monumental behemoth of stone forever scraping the sky, those brave adventurers who enter the tower don't always return, but those who do are always changed by their experience. Some become rich beyond measure, others become learned wielders of arcane power, while still others escape as twisted wretches with their mind barely intact. But all agree that it is a place wherein great change, whether for good or bad, is possible. It is a place where the hopeful can meet with their dreams, the heroic can prove their worthiness, and the desperate can meet with salvation, or death.

You have journeyed far from your home to at last reach the fabled town of Crescentheart, at the tower's base. And so begins your journey to the penultimate point at the tower's apex: the Shrine of the Goddess, the granter of all wishes, the fountain of immortality...even to path to godhood. And yet also, the bringer of death and tragedy to all who fail to master its beautiful and treacherous mysteries.
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New Member
Mar 14, 2022
The Rescue quest is bugged, I've revived a character multiple times and it doesn't register as complete


Jul 3, 2022
The Rescue quest is bugged,

Should be fixed. Talk to Harmony if you can't find a body. Also the trap problems should be fixed if anyone was having issues with those.

Might need to refesh your browser.


Active Member
Feb 17, 2019
There's a lot here to like, this is a good base for an interesting game! Just a few problems I've personally noted, though:

Attacking the omnibus who has the adventurer held captive permanently locks you out of buying the adventurer. I assume this is what locks iron equipment off? It's a real pain in the ass, because I just wanted to see what would happen and didn't realize that I would be stuck with an incredibly difficult boss fight to deal with. I'm not even sure if I can beat it with the equipment I have.

Two: Please, please change the inventory screen for selling items to the pawn shop. The only way I've found to reliably make enough money is to sell wood and hardwood in order to purchase equipment, and that means I'm clicking dozens and dozens of times to sell these items one by one. And that seems to be the only way to reliably gain enough money to get equipped for more serious combat. Also, I am constantly accidentally selling things I don't want to sell because clicking on one item will move it up into the shop tab and cause everything to shift down a row, and buying it back costs twice as much as buying it new, for some reason.


New Member
Mar 25, 2023
Like what I see so far. Are there any plans to include the ability to export our progress as a file for a backup or those of us that don't have our browsers retain session data?


Jul 3, 2022
Attacking the omnibus who has the adventurer held captive permanently locks you out of buying the adventurer.

Bug has been fixed, pending release of next update.

In the meantime, you can reset world state from the main menu. That resets all quests and overworld states, including Charyss'. Note that doing this also resets your house, so I recommend you clear it out first.

please change the inventory screen for selling items to the pawn shop.

Done, pending next update. You'll also be getting a lumber mill in Crescentheart South where you can bulk sell entire stacks of wood with a single click.

The only way I've found to reliably make enough money is to sell wood and hardwood in order to purchase equipment

I'm surprised at how popular that is. I have 6-8 people on another board advising new players to do this same thing. It's certainly a valid strategy, but there are other solutions too. if you're still doing it much after level 4, it's possible there could be some game mechanics that you might have missed.


there any plans to include the ability to export our progress as a file

Already added to the next update, which is probably going to be on the website within the next 24 hours or so.
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Jul 3, 2022
Build 23.5.15 (May 15, 2023) is now live: Crescentheart South, Enchanting, and Bugfixes


New features and content:
  • New zone: Crescentheart South
  • New shop: lumber mill, which can bulk buy and sell wood
  • New shop: Daphne's jewelry
  • Game save/loading has been added to the main menu
  • Enchanting is now available from Daphne
  • Gems have been added to the loot tables
  • New avatars, and avatars can now be changed at any time from the stats menu
  • Arrow keys can now be used to move
  • 1 new character map icon
  • Items in inventory can now be destroyed
  • You can now build a bed and upgrade storage in your house
  • Change log added to menu
  • You can now "visualize defeat/fantasize" about being overcome to more easily lose battles
  • Pawnshop and house inventories should remain vertically stationary now
  • Minotaurs now have combat descriptions

Rule and balance changes:
  • Meat/semen/milk can now be pawned for money
  • Food/hunger values of meat/semen/milk have been adjusted
  • Scholars no longer start with firebolt, and instead gain an extra +1 xp per combat victory
  • Unlocking prostitute now only requires 10 flirt victories
  • being resurrected now restores you to full health
  • Penis and breast reduction serums can now fully remove parts
  • Newly constructed houses start with 5 storage instead of 10, but are now upgradable to 20
  • The distribution of tree tiers has been significantly smoothed over larger number of forest zones
  • Defeat by goblin now results in waking up in the church rather than being stuck at low health
  • Ordinary and transformative food and drink can no longer be consumed during combat. Potions still can be.
  • Items formerly lost when the player loses a limb but lacks inventory space, are now sold to Skitters at the Pawnshop
  • Snake milk has been removed from the tavern
  • Firebolt mana costs now scale with damage, and will cause feedback damage if they reduce you below 0 mana
  • Increased gold drops in the forest by about 33%
  • Finley's restocking has been made slightly more favorable

  • The transformation code has been completely rewritten from scratch, theoretically solving several related bugs
  • Transformative food and drink should now work correctly
  • Charyss event will no longer disappear if you talk to her then initiate combat
  • Charyss is now correctly treated as a demon type for fire effects
  • Unimplemented spell "passwall" has been removed from tower bookcase events
  • Wolf part health bonus now updates instantly
  • Fixed bug that prevented new body parts from being able to equiping/unequip gear: note does not apply retraoctively, bugged parts are still bugged
  • fixed penis growth serum
  • Power level perk should now be awarded correctly
  • Earning the black mage achievement no longer results in an error cascade, and the damage bonus now correctly only applies if you have the perk
  • Mage class perk description is now phrased correctly
  • slime either ( error has been fixed
  • tower monsters defeated by flirt no longer bleed all over the floor
  • Up highest zone is now properly reset when the tower is reset
  • Peace in the Calm of the Horny can now be unlocked
  • Minotaur defeat event should now be accessible
  • Defeat by goblin female should no longer result in getting stuck
  • Morphology reporting now includes goblins and slimes
  • "giant spider" name/morph error fixed
  • Selene no longer resets her quests when a new player talks to her (looks ok, but verify as stated)
  • Pit trap error when returning to a previously destroyed floor fixed
  • Spiders should no longer give snake meat
  • Horse legs can now kick. Note that this bug occurred at assignment, and the fix doesn't retroactively correct limbs from prior versions.
  • Visual error preventing Best Lumberjack bonus from showing in the UI has been fixed
  • With sufficient Best Scholar levels, it is now possible for new characters to start at level 2
  • Fixed a bug that could cause items of same type but different material to collapse into each other
  • Stats screen no longer mixes up barbarian and paladin bonuses
  • Monk and barbarian unlock requirements have been fixed


Active Member
Feb 6, 2021
Are you supposed to keep your arousal level after you have sex with a defeated enemy?


Jul 3, 2022
Are you supposed to keep your arousal level after you have sex with a defeated enemy?

I'm willing to reconsider this, certainly other people have pointed it out. But at the moment It's a balance compromise. I realize that it "doesn't make sense," but if victory sex resets arousal, that means that every battle includes a free lust damage reset. If that happens, then lust damage has to be balanced with that in mind, as in...the game expects you to do it even if you don't want to.

Do you really want the game's mechanics to penalize you for not sexing up every spider and scorpion and random thing that maybe doesn't interest you at all?

So i understand why you're asking, but Isn't the way it is now better than the alternative?


Active Member
Feb 6, 2021
Not...really. Most of the smut games I play have some kind of lust system that allows you to drop it by shagging the enemies. Generally it increases over time, meaning that you need to manage it to keep from becoming a liability. That seems like a more reasonable solution than the jarring realization that your lust is just as high now as it was before you pounded the goblin into the ground. So long as there are ways to deal with it that dont involve screwing every monster you come across, which there is, I just dont see how its any problem.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
After-battle sex doesn't need to be a totally free action, either. The hunger meter is basically a stamina meter, so you could simply set it up to where you're exchanging stamina for a lust reduction.

Throw in a potion to reduce lust (if there's not one already) as an alternative for someone who's trying to get through as a virgin or whatever and everything should work fine.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
The upgraded storage doesn't work. It'll register as upgraded but you don't get the extra slots.

I also noticed that the teleport spell will cause you to start on the same tile that you were standing on when you left the dungeon. That could potentially get someone stuck.
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Jul 3, 2022
Build 23-6-04 (June 4) is now live: Caves, mining, mobile mode, bugfixes


New content:
  • Caves now appear in the forest
  • Mining picks can mine gems in caves
  • Daphne can now enchant amulets
  • 2 new monsters
  • 6 new sex scenes
  • 6 new avatars

Mobile/Small screen compatibility mode:
  • Horizontal shrink for Crescentheart North
  • Button press for avatar change during character generation

Rule changes:
  • Hunger has been renamed stamina
  • Victory sex now reduces lust at the cost of stamina
  • Pawn store no longer doubles the cost of items
  • Pawn value of gems has been cut in half
  • Firebolt damage has been nerfed
  • Loss by lust now results in gold loss the same as from combat losses
  • Monsters without hands (horses, spiders, etc.) no longer take gold

Bug fixes:
  • House inventory fix
  • Players who have level 10 characters will be retroactively awarded the Power Leveler achievement
  • chest transformation trap (verify)
  • Hunger/stamina descriptive text should now update instantly
  • The priest class can now be unlocked when healing out of combat
  • The level 7 priest achievement 'Parson' should now award correctly
  • Fixed a bunch of problems with minotaurs
  • Horses now drop horse parts instead of fox parts
  • Unimplemented flowers should no longer generate in the forest
  • Visiting forest level 11 no longer generates errors
  • New characters that start at level 2 from scholar bonus now receive a stat point from the free levelup
  • Stoneskin and resist potions are no longer permanent
  • Rina's quest dialogue has been changed to make the Three's Company achievement criteria more clear
  • It should be a little easier to be classified as a horse or naga now.
  • Cleaned up some issues with body display. More remain.
  • Fixed an error that sometimes prevented human adventurers from stealing items
  • Creatures without fluids no longer give bottles of error
  • Several problems relating to naga/snake parts have been fixed
  • Bunny victory sex events are now properly logged
  • CombatUI damage reporting for weapons now no longer incorrectly include bodymorph bonuses
  • Fixed the pluralization error with stackable combat drops


New Member
May 1, 2019
This is pretty interesting! Have you considered any sort of gender toggle for NPCs? It might or might not be viable depending on how you've set things up, but if it is, it'd probably make the game more accessible.


Jul 3, 2022
Have you considered any sort of gender toggle for NPCs?

it'd probably make the game more accessible.

Toggle? You mean, player clicks a checkbox to only get monsters of a specific sex? No, honestly never crossed my mind. And what do you mean by "more accessible?"

As to viability...it would be technically possible, but it would create some problems and exploits that might not be obvious.

Currently the game weights generation to favor opponents of the opposite sex. If you're male, you're more likely to encounter females, and if you're female you're more likely to encounter males. This results in a tendency to push the character to "be more whatever they currently are." Originally it was totally random, but I found that <because math> that resulted in almost every character inevitably ending up a hermaphrodite. It was hard to stay male or female. Biasing generation fixed that problem.

The biggest problem a toggle would create is that not all monsters have every possible gender, so a toggle would allow a player to prevent some monsters from ever generating.

For example, there are no male naga. Checking the box to only encounter males would effectively remove naga from the game. It would create exploits where for example a player could see that naga are resistant to cleave damage, so they could push a button and only encounter monsters that didn't resist that damage type. Or for example, tower bedroom events are with exclusively male monsters. Disabling male encounters would make bedrooms 100% safe.

What is it you're trying to accomplish with this? If you just don't want to see specific sex scenes, that problem pretty much goes away as you learn the game and stop losing fights. Some of the save files I get sent for bug reports have characters as high as level 10 who are still virgins. And if you want more control over your own sex, you can induce transformations with consumables. Drinking breast milk will make you more female and drinking semen will make you more male. You don't always get a sex transformation, but fluids are easy to get: you can buy milk from Tanya, and you can collect fluids from any monster you encounter if you're carrying empty bottles that you can buy from Selene or Gerard.
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Jul 27, 2022
Which trees are supposed to be the hardwood trees? I thought they were the darker green trees starting in the second forest zone but those are just giving regular wood


Jul 3, 2022
Which trees are supposed to be the hardwood trees?

The orange trees that begin appearing in Forest level 3 are hardwood. It's easy to miss, but Boltman's dialogue at the lumberyard mentions that pine and cedar trees both drop a generic "anything else" kind wood for general use. Those are the two green trees you're seeing.


Jul 27, 2022
The orange trees that begin appearing in Forest level 3 are hardwood. It's easy to miss, but Boltman's dialogue at the lumberyard mentions that pine and cedar trees both drop a generic "anything else" kind wood for general use. Those are the two green trees you're seeing.
Ahh, gotcha. I'm really good at missing things that are easy to miss. Or medium to miss. Sometimes even hard to miss.

Do the dark green trees drop more wood? Haven't played in a bit so I haven't been able to check. If there's not any bonus to them I might suggest getting rid of them, if I remember right the weakest hatchet isn't able to chop them. My gamer logic brain told me "better hatchet = better quality wood". Another option might be to make it more clear in the dialogue, maybe with some small colored tree sprites in the text box. That would make even my brain hone in and tell me "hey this is actually important dummy". I'd imagine that a lot of people are like me in that they tend to do a lot of skimming, especially in early "meet the town" stages of a game. We're all so busy "multitasking" and taking care of "Important things". And we're also masturbating.


Jul 3, 2022
Do the dark green trees drop more wood?

If there's not any bonus to them I might suggest getting rid of them

My gamer logic brain told me "better hatchet = better quality wood".

They don't drop more wood, they're harder to cut. Kind of like, if there were harder monsters on level 2 of a dungeon but they shared the same loot table as monsters on level 1 of the dungeon. That wouldn't be improved by removing the level 2 monsters. Uncut trees block movement, so the mechanic has a in-game consequence. On level 1, a copper tier axe can cut anything. On level 2, a copper-tier axe can only cut one out of two trees and a bronze-tier axe can cut everything. On level 3, a bronze-tier axe can cut two out of three. Etc.

They also provide visual variety. For example, if the level 2 trees were removed, then levels 1 and 2 of the forest would look identical and even on level three, 2/3 of everything would look the same. You probably figure out about tree tiers in the first 10 minutes of play, but having 88% of all trees up to level 3 be the exact same green would be visually awful forever.


Jul 3, 2022
Build 23-7-02 (July 2) is now live: Classes and deserts and new boss, oh my!

This is a huge update, with lots of new content and mechanics. There may be bugs.

New content:

  • Tower level 6-10 have been unlocked
  • New boss: Neris the Cursed
  • The bridge can now be built
  • New zone: southern desert
  • 7 new monsters: ant, scorpion, ratkin, hellhound, hydra, troll, drider! (verify all)
  • 5 new sex scenes: wolfquad blowjob, antgirl vaginal, hydra cock, ratkin defeat, hellhound defeat
  • (Experimental) new equipment enchantment mechanic to prevent body parts from transforming
  • New items: cactus, pussy growth/reduction potions, several new armor types
  • Finley's quest for steel is now available
  • 3 new help topics: Class, transformation info, and a FAQ.
  • Inventory now reports fullness/capacity
  • Inactive characters now appear on the map
  • Unique item artifacts now exist
  • Zehtalia has been given a loot upgrade
  • New class: Guardian!
  • Moonstone now enchants for increased maximum mana (verify)
  • New dungeon mechanics: levers and pressure plates

Major class revision:
Class mechanics have been significantly revised, and every class now receives a unique effect that improves with level. These effects stack with retirement bonuses, and the combined bonuses can be substantial. It is advised that you read over the new class info help texts. Some classes that were formerly only useful for their retirement bonuses may be considerably more effective than they were previously.

Rule changes:
  • Achievement/class unlock criteria are no longer hidden
  • Naga have been moved to higher tower levels
  • The retirement quest now awards 40 instead of 30 xp. Just enough to make a new character immediately eliible to complete the death quest.
  • Rebalanced armor values and costs, added a few new armor types, and generally scaled armor/cost ratios so that better armor costs proportionately more and bad armor is more cost efficient.
  • Bras can now be worn on boobs
  • Strength is now a factor in mining success
  • Prostitute class is now unlocked after only 5 flirt victories
  • The player flirt system has been significantly revised
  • Running from combat now consumes stamina
  • Shield bash success chance improved slightly
  • Tower traps should trend towards 2 per level now
  • Living characters inside the tower during a reset will now be teleported to town. Dead characters will become lost.
  • Bonuses from the first three gem enchantments have been massively increased
  • Chest strength requirements have been reduced

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a text display error when praying at demons (verify)
  • Not-yet-implemented classes and perks no longer appear during character generation (ninja, paladin, breeder, etc.)
  • Reversed white/black mage unlock texts have been un-reversed
  • Internal code ID for slots no longer appears on inventory screen
  • Fixed some problems with sex stat tracking for bunny girls
  • Selene's dialogue should remember prior conversations now
  • Caves should now no longer reset with every map transition/game reload
  • Fixed a Charyss dialogue option that wasn't showing
  • Damage absorption now reports correctly
  • starter rolls of cheese now correctly stack. Fix is not retroactive.
  • Fixed another bug with transformation chest traps
  • A couple bugs with soul trap mana costs have been fixed, and "real" costs are now visible in the spellbook during combat
  • Probably fixed a bug that caused traps to sometimes overwrite stairs
  • Fixed a graphical glitch that caused floor tiles to be drawn on top of tower fountains
  • Damage absorption no longer reduces damage from magic attacks
  • Improved morph description handling. You shouldn't be a monstrosity quite as often now.
  • Combat loot drops should stack now (verify)
  • Fire healing now works as intended
  • (probably) fixed a bug that could cause trap placement to overwrite dungeon events


Jul 3, 2022
Build 23-7-05 (July 5) is now live: Say no to bugs!


New content:
* Players requested a discord server, so I made a discord server. Curious to see if anyone actually uses it.

Bug fixes:
  • A problem relating to scorpion body parts has been fixed
  • Added a body part checker to remove irrecoverably broken body parts (scorpion cough cough)
  • Harpies have been removed from the spawn table (they're not ready)
  • Fixed a problem that caused update to not correctly update breast equippability for some characters
  • Fixed a problem that could break the desert for some players
  • Sex part potions should now be able to grow entirely new parts
  • Fixed graveyard reporting
  • Avatars no longer appear on gravestones
  • Starving to death in the tower works again
  • Fixed some problems with monk dodging
  • Dungeon bedrooms now prompt you to sleep again rather than auto-healing you
  • Fixed a problem with slime damage
  • Fixed a problem that prevented stairs from generating on level 5 for some people


Jul 3, 2022
Build 23-7-11 (July 11) is now live: Bugfixes Is Magic


New content:
  • The desert now has music
  • 1 new tower event: statue
  • Bridge and pressure plate graphics

Mobile compatibility
* Compatibility mode now hides upper-right images

Magic system revisions:
  • Spell levels from books have been removed from the game. No more 750+ damage firebolts.
  • New spell: Dart
  • Mage level 7 ability now regenerates mana on kills
  • Mages start with dart, not firebolt
  • Black Mage perk now grants firebolt
  • Portal now costs 5 plus current Tower level mana, and it can be cast in combat
  • Spells can no longer be learned directly from bookcases

Rule changes:
  • The chest unlock/trap code has been completely rewritten, both fixing some bugs and changing the math. Rogues are more valuable now.
  • Encounters now show monster type before combat begins
  • Reptile morphs now grant optional chance to avoid battle before it begins
  • All transformation consumables except slime and demon have been standardized so that their name matches their morph. What it says is what you get. Slime are an exception because they only have one fluid: goo, not semen or milk. And demons are an exception because the demon type has unique names per sex: succubus, incubus and omnibus are all demons, and will drop "demon meat." Otherwise, the exceptions follow the standardization. No more "wolf quad," no more cow meat from minotaur, etc. What it says is what you will become. Sex handling for consumables remains the name: milk makes you female, semen makes you male, meat (usually) applies no sex change. Non-consumable-sex-based transformation may occasionally continue to behave in unintuitive ways in cases where certain monster types have no members of a certain sex. For example, there are currently no male ants, there are no female wolves, etc. Note that the standardization may also result in outcomes that favor clarity of player experience over biological accuracy. "Snake milk," for example.
  • As part of the above change, several monster types have been renamed for clarity. For example, "wolf" is now "wolf-morph" to distinguish anthropomorphic wolf-men from actual wolves.
  • Mining requirements have been increased

Bug fixes:
  • A whole massive pile of problems relating to transformations and body parts have been fixed
  • Catgirl vaginal now logs virginity
  • Best Guardian level is no longer applied as a spell bonus
  • Fixed level 10 event pressure plate
  • Best Lumberjack bonus is counted properly again
  • Fixed a problem that could cause nav controls to disappear after using the magic circle to return to the tower
  • Greedy now unlocks from piggybank deposits not gold drops
  • Sex organ growth/shrink rates have been made slightly more sane
  • Fixed some problems relating to fire breath vs magic attacks and fire vs magic resistence


Nov 18, 2018
Few things:
Love the game so far!

I like the concept of grinding and repeating with different characters, but leveling feels almost like a chore, and less like a joy, with the exception of scholar. Which is sad, because the highest level buff for scholar seems really weak compared to the others', even comparable to the peasant, but even the peasant gets some constant value. I say this because at max 10 (assumed because the scaling is absurd with how much more you need each level) you will only get a flat 10 xp off of a guessed 10k, (level 7-8 was 1.3k required), which sounds almost useless. If it was even just 10x current level of character, then you could at least get 90 off of that insane grind XD. Suggestion: if you make it a % of required, like a 1% each, then it would be decent late, but that would make it less useful during those first 3 levels. [just tossing ideas]

Being a female over a male is almost always better from what I can tell so far, because they have 1 extra ring slot, and 2 more slots for armor being the 'breast' and 'pussy'. I don't really mind too much, because I do prefer to start as a male and then with different characters explore the female part too with these kinds of games (coc or tits).

I'm sure more quests are coming, so not gonna say much on that, but I can't wait until even a simple repeatable quest would be available for any quicker leveling.

I don't need it, (already completed the 100 healing required to get priest) but a healing done stat might be a cool one to have up too. (Imagine how high the numbers could get.)

For against magic, it seems like you have to use the potion type against it, with no chance of dodging (unless rogue? not played it yet). It would be nice to either have that elaborated a bit, or have some other counters to it. (Honestly could just have Selene mention it as an incentive to help her more).

A sell of multiple in the shop would be great! The sell all wood with the mill is nice, but I'm still glad I have an auto clicker for the rest of the meat.

All of that was said because I love this game already! I wanna see where you plan on taking it all! (Even if everything I suggested gets shutdown or reversed in it's entirety. XD)

Finally, quick bug report, I have 10346 gold in the piggy bank, but it isn't registering the greedy perk. I did try to sleep, leave the game and restart it, spend to below 10k and gain it back, so on and so forth.

Arcane Howitzer

Active Member
Jan 8, 2016
Drinking Fox Semen gives an error code: (Error: <<DoTransform>>: error within widget code (Error: <<GetMon>>: error within widget code (Error: <<silently>>: error within contents (Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Unexpected identifier 'State')))<<DoTransform _Morph _MSM>>)
And deletes a random body part. Fox Milk and Meat both work normally.

Edit: Also, How do I turn in the "Unto Eternity" quest? I've already died multiple times, but whenever I try to turn it in, she always says I look alive, even if I starve myself in town and go to her while literally dead.
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Nov 18, 2018
Drinking Fox Semen gives an error code: (Error: <<DoTransform>>: error within widget code (Error: <<GetMon>>: error within widget code (Error: <<silently>>: error within contents (Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Unexpected identifier 'State')))<<DoTransform _Morph _MSM>>)
And deletes a random body part. Fox Milk and Meat both work normally.

Edit: Also, How do I turn in the "Unto Eternity" quest? I've already died multiple times, but whenever I try to turn it in, she always says I look alive, even if I starve myself in town and go to her while literally dead.
this confused me at first too, you have to go to them as a different character

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Reincarnated in the same slot.

Does the 'Pending' mean it's waiting for me to turn it in, or that I haven't actually completed it yet?
Pending means you've accepted it. After that character has died, don't choose to reincarnate. Create a new character from another slot and talk to Rina.
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