Corruption of Champions 2: FAQ edition

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Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Hello! Before going to make a thread, please glance over everything here to see if that satisfies your curiosity first. We're all busy people here, right?

Q.) What is this?
A.) Corruption of Champions 2: Spread of Corruption is a smutty text based fantasy adventure game like everything else on here. It is the indirect sequel to the first game, bringing a new world, story and game mechanics to the table while still exploring similar themes. For additional information, I recommend taking a look at the design document.

Q.) What are the themes of the game?
A.) Corruption, romance and adventure! Not necessarily in that order, depending on your play style - although it's safe to assume smut will be involved in the lot of it.

Q.) Who is developing this?
A.) CoC the second is being headed by Savin, in particular not Fenoxo, and any inquiries for the project should be sent to Savin by PM, email, whatever.

Q.) Will CoC2's development have an effect on Trials in Tainted Space?
A.) CoC2 is an entirely seperate project from TiTs, with different funding patreons and the works. While there is rather obviously an overlap in the people involved with the project Fenoxo's employees all work on both his time and dime, making TiTs the priority. While it would be a bit asinine to say it won't effect it in someway, CoC2 is something done in the employees' free time and the projects are wholly independent of one another. So no.

Q.) What's being brought from CoC the first?
A.) Your choices and actions in the first game may have effects on the second by importing your save, however, we stress that CoC2 is in an entirely separate world from the familiar, if warped, grounds of Mareth. You won't be seeing familiar faces from the first game, nor will you be playing your Champion, but long term developments might influence events in the second game. This has been likened to the Dragon Age series, if that helps.

Q.) What's the "banned" content in this game?
A.) Much like mainline productions here, some subject matter is prohibited in CoC2 - however, it is a slightly different list. Among this is any form of sexual depiction or content of minors, as well as the fetishes and kinks concerning scat, watersports, vore, gore and necrophilia. In addition, because CoC2 is funded by patreon, any hard incest - ie, direct nuclear family relations - is considered out as well. In addition, for the sake of content consistency, the player character cannot undergo any transformations they take them away from a humanoid shape, IE they can't be a centaur. (There can be centaurs! Just not you.)

Do note that this is merely the ironclad list, anything else is subject to approval as well. Don't try to push edge cases, either.

Q.) Can I submit content?
A.) Naturally; much like other works here no small part of it is community driven. If you wish to submit, please follow the guide found here.

Q.) Is CoC2 still being developed in Flash?
A.) No, due to the deprecation of browser support for Flash this is instead being developed in Javascript. This really has no difference to you as both a consumer or a writer, however, outside of having to worry about to play it or not in the future.

Q.) Will it be developed in open source? Can I produce modifications for the game?

A.) No. CoC2 will be a closed source project and no support for modding is planned in any way.

Q.) Will we be able to import CoC1 saves from modded games?
A.) This is not being directly supported, however unless a mod severely changes the save architecture it shouldn't change anything. Do so at your own risk and disappointment.

Q.) Can we get a K in the name somewhere?
A.) no
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