Conversation Battles: A Duel of Wits

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
The What

In CoC2, conversation battles are another way of resolving conflicts between the PC and other characters (or even potentially between NPCs temporarily under the player's control). At its very base, the player is required to navigate a dialogue tree to its conclusion while attempting to keep their resolve intact. If the player successfully does so, they win and get what they want; if their resolve drops to zero through repeatedly picking bad options, they lose and their intent is not achieved. The obstacles thrown at the player in the course of this endeavour will vary from writer to writer and the nature of the conversation battle in question, but the concept at its very base is as such.

Why Conversation Battles?

CoC2 is a game of filled with smut, yes. We also hope to make it a game filled with as much story. Conversation battles allow for another way to bring out tense, dramatic storytelling - a heated, pivotal argument between two people can be just as nail-biting and emotional as a pitched battle. It allows for players who wish to be more pacifistic to talk things out with their adversaries instead of coming to blows, and allows for situations to play out where violence would be counterproductive or impossible.

In similar games, such success or failure might have been decided by a simple stat check or roll, but such things feel rather anticlimactic when compared to combat. No matter how well you persuade, how glib your tongue, how convincing your speech, it all boils down to a roll, maybe with a modifier. That's not fun. Conversation battles hope to bring out meaningful player interaction with the ongoing debate, not make everything hinge on a single roll, while still letting the mechanical aspects of the player character play a part in the resolution of the argument.

Potential situations which could call for a conversation battle include:
  • -Persuading a goddess to release the soul of a mage from her collection.
  • -Convincing the frostmander queen you can help with her daughter's curse.
  • -Talking down a druidess who has taken some lumberjacks hostage.
  • -Convincing an orc warlord that raiding the locale would be a really bad idea, given the power of Khor'minos.
  • -Debating a minotaur senator in a public forum.
  • -Smooth-talking a temple whore into giving you a freebie.
An example of a situation which is best resolved with a conversation battle is given in GarretQuest. Hethia the druid has taken advantage of the snowstorm to capture some lumberjacks, and is holding them hostage. Immediately demanding their release serves no good purpose, but by asking leading questions about her motivations and her faith, the player is able to trip Hethia up on her own words and press the point that by keeping hostages in this manner, she's violating the tenets of her own beliefs. Confronted with this, Hethia agrees to release the prisoners she's taken.

This is a situation which really shouldn't be resolved with a social skill roll, and could be fun for those who enjoy social interactions, so yes, a conversation battle could be held here!

My Character is Smooth, but I'm not!

As many who have played tabletops can attest, roleplaying someone who is physically more apt than you are in real life is a lot easier than roleplaying someone who is more mentally or socially apt. Playing out your barbarian lifting a heavy rock is an easy thing; playing out your wizard solving the cube root of X in your head is significantly more difficult. You want the player to interact meaningfully with the narrative, which means that a simple roll is not going to cut it.

The conversation battle system hopes to alleviate this problem by letting the player's mechanical attributes play a part in helping the player choose the right answer at each fork of the conversation tree, but leave the ultimate decision in the player's hands.

Conversation Battle Structure

As mentioned above, the ultimate goal of a conversation battle is to reach the end without letting your resolve drop to zero. The player is presented with different choices at each fork in the dialogue tree, some of which are more suited to the situation at hand. Wrong choices usually penalise the player in some form, usually by directly subtracting resolve; -10 perhaps for a small mistake, but perhaps -40 for a really egregious blunder.

Stats And Speaking

The two main stats involved in conversation battles are willpower (as resolve) and cunning. The more willpower you have, the more resolutely you are able to hold out on your body of argument. The more cunning you are, you better you are able to identify openings to strike and deflect your opponent's verbal and rhetorical attacks. How resolve factors into the debate is quite standard (as a health bar of sorts), but how cunning works is dependent on the writer. A check can be made versus the player's current maximum (I.E, cunning >= 60%), and some suggested things that writers can do are listed below:
  • Remove incorrect options from the current choices.
  • Add options which take the conversation in an easier direction.
  • Provide clues as to which is the correct current response.
  • Provide clues as to the opponent's tells (see below).
I'm sure writers will come up with many more inventive ways to have cunning help. Cunning should not allow for decisions to be skipped entirely, but should provide more information to the player for better decisions to be made.

When it comes to resolve, it's generally polite to give the player a full refill to their resolve before starting a conversation battle. Exceptions could be made when the player is thrust into a sudden situation, but that's not really fun, is it? Additionally, resolve could be restored during the battle if the player manages to make a particularly devastating blow to their opponent's argument, a particularly flashy rebuttal, or the like. This is helpful if longer conversation battles take place, and the player is given a chance to recoup their mistakes.

Telegraph Enemy Attacks

Even without the help of cunning, the player should have a reasonable chance at making the correct decision; blind guessing should never have to come into the picture. If the player is gearing up for the big fora with the minotaur senator, that they should have the opportunity to learn about his temperament, his proclivities, his policies. Maybe the player will notice that the frostmander queen unconsciously wrings her hands while discussing worrisome matters, and does so when the subject of her daughter comes up. Companions, if present and in a position to comment, may chip in with help and observations of their own. One way or the other, the writer should endeavour to prevent their conversation battle from turning into a trial-and-error event.

Knowing When To Shut Up

Conversations need not always be about speaking - shutting up at the right times can be just as valuable. interrupting the orc warlord in the middle of his raging tirade is likely to be counterproductive, and letting an overly chatty fairy let slip something she didn't mean to can prove useful. Of course, such opportunities should be appropriately telegraphed, and choosing to stay silent when an answer is expected might be taken as conceding defeat!

Mapping It Out

While not strictly necessary, making a map of your dialogue tree will be of great help, not just in your own planning, but in helping the poor people who have to review and code your conversation battle. If the player makes a mistake here, what happens? Do they proceed anyway, albeit with some resolve loss? Do they go off on another branch where their opponent peppers them with loaded questions? Do they retreat to a checkpoint and have to repeat the same line of questioning? Being able to visualise the entire conversation battle is a huge help to everyone, so I strongly encourage you to do it.

Winning and Losing

If the player reaches the (or one of multiple) ends of a conversation battle, they are considered to have emerged victorious, and achieve their intent. The public agrees with the player over the senator, the goddess agrees to release the mage's soul. How well they win or lose, though... that depends. If the player has made a bunch of mistakes, maybe the goddess agrees to let the mage's soul go, but asks for something of equal value in return. Win by but a sliver of resolve, and she'll heartily agree to release him into oblivion... so long as you give your up your own soul to take his place. What compromises can a defeated foe demand, even when vanquished?

Similarly, losing doesn't necessarily mean complete defeat, but it does denote that the time for talk is over. If you can't talk down the warlord's plans for conquest and pillage, then it's time to draw arms. If you can't dissuade the public from supporting the senator's policy, perhaps it's time for some sabotage or appealing to the minotaur king directly for a veto. Who knows?

Button Texts:

"Inquire" "Interrogate" "Criticize" "Sympathize" "Disrespect" "Agree" "Disagree" "Question" "Keep Silent". Most interactions should fall within these boundaries.


Writing an entire conversation battle can be daunting - making sure the line of logic on both ends holds up, making plausible responses for each selection, very possibly making branches that divert the battle in different directions while keeping the flow of the conversation natural. It's a new thing that we're trying to attempt here, and it's admittedly quite ambitious, but if it can be pulled off I think that it could really add a lot more to the nature of the text-based game we're trying to pull off here.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Do hope that this mechanic gets used enough by the various writers to justify it existing. There is little that is sadder than a mechanic only sees minimal use.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2016
This seems like a good mechanic to solve quests rather than fights itself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
What about lying?

Is a cunning character more likely to tell a believeable lie? Or recognize that the opponent is lying?
A cunning character likely would be able to more easily recognize a lie, and also likely use half truths to persuade. A character with presence likely would deal with bluffs


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2018
Huh, how unexpected. When I see "dialogue trees" I think less CoC and more old-school CRPGs with tons of dialogue for you to roleplay your character. Are these dialogue trees going to be limited to these conversation battles, or can we expect to see them implemented in other ways? Also with regards to the stats, does that mean players who choose to roll a warrior (or any other class where you wouldn't take willpower or cunning) have no way of winning these battles? If not, what is the effect of having the appropriate stats? Just how easy or hard does that make the conversation battle go? If it's entirely down to the individual writer, just how well balanced will these battles be?

I know I'm asking a lot of mundane questions - I think this idea sounds great - but adding a new combat system to the game and asking the individual scene-writer to balance it how they choose seems like it could be a headache.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
This is some Danganronpa shit, right here.

  • -Persuading a goddess to release the soul of a mage from her collection.
  • -Convincing the frostmander queen you can help with her daughter's curse.
  • -Talking down a druidess who has taken some lumberjacks hostage.
  • -Convincing an orc warlord that raiding the locale would be a really bad idea, given the power of Khor'minos.
  • -Debating a minotaur senator in a public forum.
  • -Smooth-talking a temple whore into giving you a freebie.

Is this foreshadowing?

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Do hope that this mechanic gets used enough by the various writers to justify it existing. There is little that is sadder than a mechanic only sees minimal use.

These things can be hard to write, in terms of making a good dialogue tree, having reasonable dialogue choices which are all plausible, structuring it well, etc. It's an uphill job.

Is a cunning character more likely to tell a believeable lie? Or recognize that the opponent is lying?

Generally, yes to the latter. A lot of these can depend on the writer.

Are these dialogue trees going to be limited to these conversation battles, or can we expect to see them implemented in other ways?

Dialogue trees can be anywhere depending on the writer, they're not an exclusive thing.

Also with regards to the stats, does that mean players who choose to roll a warrior (or any other class where you wouldn't take willpower or cunning) have no way of winning these battles?

It should always be possible to emerge completely unscathed, even if it is an uphill task.

If not, what is the effect of having the appropriate stats?

Up to the writer to support. I already gave suggestions in the OP.

Just how easy or hard does that make the conversation battle go? If it's entirely down to the individual writer, just how well balanced will these battles be?

IDGAF about "balance". You seem to have the idea that these things will be like normal combat, just with different stats. The way I'm handling these things is like AAI2's Logic Chess. How fair or unfair any particular one will be will depend on the writer's skill - see Telegraphing Enemy Attacks - and inexperienced writers shouldn't be trying this.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2018
IDGAF about "balance". You seem to have the idea that these things will be like normal combat, just with different stats. The way I'm handling these things is like AAI2's Logic Chess. How fair or unfair any particular one will be will depend on the writer's skill - see Telegraphing Enemy Attacks - and inexperienced writers shouldn't be trying this.

First of all, thanks for taking the time to reply!

I got the idea that this would be an alternative form of combat by the name that you gave this subsystem - Conversation Battles - and the fact that it seems to use the same character stats used in regular combat. From reading the original post, it seemed like you wanted to have an alternative way to "get things done" for lack of a better phrase. So I don't think it was unreasonable to infer from the conceptual post that you made that Conversation Battles would be treated as a skill-based and stat-based system similar to but not the same as regular combat. If my understanding of that is mistaken, then I apologize for wasting your time.

I won't lecture you on why such a system should be balanced, but I will note however that whether a writer is experienced or not is largely irrelevant to something that is decided by picking your way through dialogue trees and other "mechanical attributes."

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
First of all, thanks for taking the time to reply!

I got the idea that this would be an alternative form of combat by the name that you gave this subsystem - Conversation Battles - and the fact that it seems to use the same character stats used in regular combat. From reading the original post, it seemed like you wanted to have an alternative way to "get things done" for lack of a better phrase. So I don't think it was unreasonable to infer from the conceptual post that you made that Conversation Battles would be treated as a skill-based and stat-based system similar to but not the same as regular combat. If my understanding of that is mistaken, then I apologize for wasting your time.

I won't lecture you on why such a system should be balanced, but I will note however that whether a writer is experienced or not is largely irrelevant to something that is decided by picking your way through dialogue trees and other "mechanical attributes."

To answer the question less snarkily after I've had some time to step away from this and think it over:

No, it's not a battle in the sense of "your snarky rhetoric hits your opponent for 30 resolve damage!" ala Burning Wheel's actual duel of wits system. As explained in the OP, your stats can help in giving extra information and clues, but ultimately the player makes the decision how to respond. We want to remove the "roll vs DC 25 persuasion to convince the Harpy Queen" issues that come up, while also dealing with "I don't have a silver tongue IRL, but my character is supposed to." Cunning can help you make the correct decision and willpower will give you more leeway to make mistakes, but even characters with their level floor in both stats should be able to navigate the conversation tree and emerge unscathed, they just won't get as much help from the game itself.

As to a writer's skill and experience, it's pretty damn well relevant. If you're trying to broker peace with a diplomat and every dialogue choice is between "raar, I eat babies" and "let's make a deal", then there's no real challenge in navigating the dialogue tree. If there aren't any tells or clues to be had in the dialogue scenes, then it becomes a luck-based thing, which is stupid. So on and so forth.


Apr 16, 2018
So would it go like this simple example:

Shop Keeper: "So, you want a discount on my weapons? Why should I give you one?"

You and every other guy that ever walked through this door. If that is all you have to offer, forget it.

"There's nothing I need help with. Except, maybe..." She pauses for a moment. (Medium Cunning: She sems to blush a little. High cunning: Her eyes seem to look somewhere else, while she blushes a little.) "No, forget I said anything."

She seems to think for a moment before she finally makes up her mind: "Okay, you know that cute elf boy in the bakery next door? [Yadda Yadda Yadda]"
Received quest: Deliver series of love letters back and forth for discout at the weapons shop.

"Nah, I said forget it. There's nothing you could do for me."

"I have a better idea: Why don't you try your pick-up line on someone who looks dumb enough to fall for them, and in the meantime pay the normal price +10% for some of my weapons?"
She looks really mad. You don't think you'll get another chance to bargain prices with her in the nearer future.

"I admit, you're funny. But still, no!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2018
To answer the question less snarkily after I've had some time to step away from this and think it over:

No, it's not a battle in the sense of "your snarky rhetoric hits your opponent for 30 resolve damage!" ala Burning Wheel's actual duel of wits system. As explained in the OP, your stats can help in giving extra information and clues, but ultimately the player makes the decision how to respond. We want to remove the "roll vs DC 25 persuasion to convince the Harpy Queen" issues that come up, while also dealing with "I don't have a silver tongue IRL, but my character is supposed to." Cunning can help you make the correct decision and willpower will give you more leeway to make mistakes, but even characters with their level floor in both stats should be able to navigate the conversation tree and emerge unscathed, they just won't get as much help from the game itself.

As to a writer's skill and experience, it's pretty damn well relevant. If you're trying to broker peace with a diplomat and every dialogue choice is between "raar, I eat babies" and "let's make a deal", then there's no real challenge in navigating the dialogue tree. If there aren't any tells or clues to be had in the dialogue scenes, then it becomes a luck-based thing, which is stupid. So on and so forth.

I think my main concern was that if an encounter is written in such a way as to have regular combat that can be bypassed by winning a conversation battle that the increased variables might be too much for someone who doesn't have an intimate knowledge of the game's systems (such as developer like yourself.)

As an example:

Let's say writer (a) creates an encounter that has a long and tough battle segment (b) that can be bypassed by a short but well written conversation battle (x). A takes a separate approach for each part in regards to using the player character's stats because they believe the best way to win at b should be to have a relatively high strength and agility for the encounter's level. On the other hand a thinks that the PC should only have a moderate amount of cunning and presence to win at x. Which creates the problem that a player who chooses to have a character with a relatively low amount of cunning or presence gets punished by being forced to play on "hard-mode." That's why I made the point of writing-quality not mattering since I was more concerned about the technical aspects of it. I hope that makes sense.

However it sounds like stats play a small part in conversation battles, which is more akin to a choose your own adventure mini-game than an outright skill-based alternative to combat. I appreciate you clarifying that for me. :)


Jun 24, 2016
I think my main concern was that if an encounter is written in such a way as to have regular combat that can be bypassed by winning a conversation battle that the increased variables might be too much for someone who doesn't have an intimate knowledge of the game's systems (such as developer like yourself.)

As an example:

Let's say writer (a) creates an encounter that has a long and tough battle segment (b) that can be bypassed by a short but well written conversation battle (x). A takes a separate approach for each part in regards to using the player character's stats because they believe the best way to win at b should be to have a relatively high strength and agility for the encounter's level. On the other hand a thinks that the PC should only have a moderate amount of cunning and presence to win at x. Which creates the problem that a player who chooses to have a character with a relatively low amount of cunning or presence gets punished by being forced to play on "hard-mode." That's why I made the point of writing-quality not mattering since I was more concerned about the technical aspects of it. I hope that makes sense.

However it sounds like stats play a small part in conversation battles, which is more akin to a choose your own adventure mini-game than an outright skill-based alternative to combat. I appreciate you clarifying that for me. :)
I think this is part of the reason as to why this system and way of design is optional/a second tool. It's not the only tool nor the defacto encounter-writing method. Not every encounter will have a "simple dialogue tree". It's quite likely someone makes an absurdly difficult to speak to character with an astonishingly easy combat moment.

But the main reason to use this approach is more to bar players from events, AFAIK. Such as if someone can't talk their way through the front door... then well, yeah. They should have to fight their way in or find an alternative entry method. This is a very common thing in game design and has been so for longer than most people even around on the site likely have been alive.


Apr 3, 2018
I'm just wondering about the limitations for these battles, from the perspective of writing and such.

Would it be reasonable to have a conversation battle end with an actual fight (as a failure to the conversation battle)? Like, the player tries to intimidate the wrong NPC in order to get information and so the NPC gets instigated into a fight. In such a case, would it be reasonable -- from a writing perspective -- to make it so obtaining that information from that NPC is more difficult regardless of the fight's outcome? Or should player's be rewarded for "failing" the conversation battle but "succeeding" the physical battle (and get the information they were looking for)? I imagine this depends on the NPC's personality and other factors, but I just mean in a general sense.

Likewise, could certain (quest-specific, say) physical fights turn into conversation battles under certain conditions? Like in CoC1 where certain boss-level battles required getting the enemy's HP to 0 but then the fight changed into getting their Lust to 100.

In the same vein as the above: Can conversation battles occur during physical battles? I'm thinking of boss battles in other games where the PCs know the boss and are trying to distract them (e.g. Tidus in FFX talking to Sin during certain battles).

How tricky can (witty and intelligent) NPCs be? I mean, is it reasonable to write a character who's very skilled at rhetoric and confusing opponents with non sequitur arguments? I imagine that a high enough Cunning stat would give players salient clues to logical fallacies, but here I'm asking about an opponent who doesn't just confuse the PC but also the player. Or is that sort of the point?

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Would it be reasonable to have a conversation battle end with an actual fight (as a failure to the conversation battle)? Like, the player tries to intimidate the wrong NPC in order to get information and so the NPC gets instigated into a fight.

This is exactly what happens if you fail to talk down Hethia.

In such a case, would it be reasonable -- from a writing perspective -- to make it so obtaining that information from that NPC is more difficult regardless of the fight's outcome? Or should player's be rewarded for "failing" the conversation battle but "succeeding" the physical battle (and get the information they were looking for)? I imagine this depends on the NPC's personality and other factors, but I just mean in a general sense.

Read the post, please. It's written quite clearly that failure at talking down someone doesn't mean ultimate failure, it just means the time for words is over. The player may still attempt to achieve their intent through other means.

In the same vein as the above: Can conversation battles occur during physical battles? I'm thinking of boss battles in other games where the PCs know the boss and are trying to distract them (e.g. Tidus in FFX talking to Sin during certain battles).

If you can make it believable. It can be mood whiplash very easily.

How tricky can (witty and intelligent) NPCs be? I mean, is it reasonable to write a character who's very skilled at rhetoric and confusing opponents with non sequitur arguments? I imagine that a high enough Cunning stat would give players salient clues to logical fallacies, but here I'm asking about an opponent who doesn't just confuse the PC but also the player. Or is that sort of the point?

Depends on how difficult you want to make it, so long as it's FAIR.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Ya'know.... this discussion battle thing maybe opens the door for there to be a sort of trial in a court or something. a-la phoenix wright or something....
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Mar 26, 2017


Jun 6, 2016
Maybe instead of "cunning" you could name the stat "insight" or "perception". That would add some sense to having the UI point the player in the direction of better options.

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Maybe instead of "cunning" you could name the stat "insight" or "perception". That would add some sense to having the UI point the player in the direction of better options.
Are you saying you don't want to be a cunning linguist?