BubbleLord Missing: What of Quinn?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Stay as is.
Get demoted to NPC.

It's up to Savin.
Pretty much this. Savin is not going to give the reigns of a companion to someone unproven and I think all the dedicated CoC2 writers already have a companion. I think it's more likely to go the Berwyn route, though.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
But what about the Marked Merk Mercenaries?
Noncompanion characters/storylines are decidedly different as their end point is much sooner than that of the companions. Companions constantly need content as the game is developed so they may react to various things the Champion does/experiences or might need expansions that make sense at certain parts of the game so the author needs to be reliable and trusted not to ghost the community and team. All other characters don't need that, so their content is easier to reassign. As long as you think you can write it, you or anyone else can give it a shot. Granted should reach out to Savin if you want to do so to see if it's fine.
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