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  1. Noob Salad

    TiTS progressive web app

    They removed the service worker. You can test your PWA in Chrome Lighthouse.
  2. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    New content has already been written but I'm dealing with health and career issues in real life right now!
  3. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    It's all good my dude, feel free to investigate yourself via the browser Developer Tools (or get some help from a friend).
  4. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Every single time you go to a website, you download stuff. By visiting this thread your browser downloaded all of our forum avatar images and installed them to the cache, which it keeps in memory but stores on your disk. Now to be fair that depends on...
  5. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    Correct. @Shremedy One thing I want to mention is that I don't get notifications for replies to this thread, but I do over on TFGames or F95. Also the Discord is sem-private. Patrons can join and then invite whoever they want. To get answers to your questions you might be better off asking...
  6. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    Nah your stats don't actually need to go up. Keep reentering the store while twins are working after you've trained 3 times with them each. Eventually you'll get a random event with the suite invite.
  7. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    Well you can continuously lower your Nerve to 0 to lower your stats. EDIT: I uploaded a hot fix so you can train.
  8. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    August update up.
  9. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    @IdunnoInsertName You can't but I suppose I can add them to the gallery. @JagerMister I assume you're referring to Adjatha E-cups. The PC has an upper limit on how big they can get and the current art reflects that. There are actually several easter eggs depending on what you name the ship...
  10. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    Luck goes up whenever you get favorable RNG. One off events where the PC has other outfits will have art. Losing Nerve does increase your submission (and lowers your stats!) but it's not the only way. I went ahead and added descriptions to the save slots.
  11. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    You probably saw "PIP" in the Changelog. Scroll down, it tells you how to access all new content as it comes out.
  12. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    I check this thread monthly. Have you considered using Cheat Engine?
  13. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    Another month, another update!
  14. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    To the Changelog you mean? Uh, okay.
  15. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    According to the tutorial, the formula depends on how high the stat already is, or Luck. So for example, if you have a Perception roll coming and you currently have 50 Perception and 10 Luck, you have a 50% chance of your Perception increasing to 51. Or, if it fails, then you still have a 10%...
  16. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    They still can, it's just not guaranteed anymore. Except for your primary stat, which you selected in the tutorial.
  17. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    There aren't any trainers for those two stats yet (to be added in a future update!), although you can still get increases from stat checks.
  18. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    To be fair, the pairings and fetishes are in one of the links. But yeah I getchu, I'll add to them to this thread later. I'll also throw you a bone and say that yeah, there's M/M content: Tentacles on a male PC in the tutorial. Tentacles on a male Pirate Interceptor in the Cloud. 4 gay scenes...
  19. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    That format is standard? Is that in a FAQ somewhere? Because the only reason the other sites Cloud 10 is posted on have tags is because: 1) They were required there. 2) They had a standard template. Even then they go outdated every update!
  20. Noob Salad

    Cloud 10

    Another month, another update!