Your joys with TiTs

big joe

Active Member
Nov 5, 2020
Gdańsk, Poland
This is a blatant copy of this thread by Shiny Boots in the CoC II portion of the forums because I didn't see anything like it here(searched "joys", "enjoy", and "like" in case you're wondering) and because it's a good idea. All credit goes to him(her? them?)

But yeah, talk about what ya like about the game. I personally like that message you get from Victor at the start of the game. It's cute, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
For now, here's the short version:
* Having the chance to be with many kinds of races, genders and sexes.
* Detailed Steele customization.
* Kinks, characters and scenes I like.
Hate to sound like a biter, but pretty much this.

I also like the combat mechanics, specifically, the fact that, IME, item buffs/regens play a bigger part than in CoC2 but they still aren't absolutely necessary.

Nora Steele

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2020
Customization is a pretty big one for me. I'm too poor (and artistically unskilled) to render eight-foot futas by most other means, and I like being able to see them.
the scenes involving your offspring at the station
I love those too! Especially the scenes with the water queen's daughters, but frankly I just enjoy all of them. It's deeply fulfilling.
Lastly, hung futas and curvy girls in general are a joy. Especially when it involves knocking them up, or being knocked up.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2019
I love how we can really make our Steele feel like our Steele. The customization and TFs are crazy and they just keep cumming (see what I did there?). I also enjoy all the different relationship dynamics with different characters. That's a huge plus.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
There's so much about TiTS that brings me joy that I agree with everything above and I can still add that I really like the setting ; yeah it's a dark dystopian hyper-capitalist nightmare world where sex and people are treated as commodities, but there are still pockets of joy and humor in there and I love the shit out of it


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
There's a lot to love about this game. Where to start? Firstly, almost everything that people have said in earlier posts. Like, I make sure the first time my Steele gets knocked up, it's for the water queen, and that note the kids leave you! Damn.

I think the thing I enjoy most the interpersonal relationships between the characters. When you're not having wild, animalistic sex, there are moments of genuine tenderness. The nose boop with frosty comes first to mind (thank you for that, B!), or the dates you go on with Fisi, or all of Syri's hangups that make the scene where she says she loves you so much more "kilig"... it gives me the warm fuzzies, ya know?

I also love all the kinks that I didn't imagine I would enjoy! ALL my Steeles are leashed by Bimbo Domme Siegwulfe and are massive Premium Breeder egg sluts (we need new interactions for the new locations, btw).

Lastly, I love how out here on the Fourteenth Great Planet Rush, I can be anyone or anything I want, lightyears away from boring old me.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
The ability to blow up planets, and then not choosing to do so because what kind of mad man (or Mike Nelson) blows up a planet?!

The varied familiar and/or exotic NPCs, ranging from criminal scum, those struggling to by, idealistic types looking to buck the system, cynics bound to the system and the upper crust living it up. All worthy of banging and/or punching in the face.

Nora Steele

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2020
The ability to blow up planets, and then not choosing to do so because what kind of mad man (or Mike Nelson) blows up a planet?!

The varied familiar and/or exotic NPCs, ranging from criminal scum, those struggling to by, idealistic types looking to buck the system, cynics bound to the system and the upper crust living it up. All worthy of banging and/or punching in the face.
Personally, I choose to avoid blowing up Tarkus because it's always cool to be greeted as a hero (though idk, I might just decide to buck it with my least progressed PC. Then again, I want the armored ST jumpsuits...) and Myrellion because I can't escape the Black Void base in time.

edit: Reporting back after a run with my character Nava, I successfully destroyed Myrellion and the Black Void base. Watson may cackle, but at the least they don't have a hideout on that planet any longer. Being able to unleash the kinds of energies which properly belong to an interstellar shithole civilization is one more joy of Trials in Tainted Space!
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