Your Gripes With CoC2

Sep 6, 2019
YMMV, and your squish is my squick are both common phrases that describe this.

People just enjoy different stuff. I'm a big fan of cervical penetration (or cervix play), despite it not being pleasurable for a lot of women!


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
So let me get this straight (giddy); you'd stick your dick in, kiss it, tongue it out, fist it, finger it, stick toys up it but seeing it is where you draw the line?
It should be obvious that seeing someone's anal insides is a whole different thing from rimming, dicking, and playing with it.
Like good for you if you enjoy that but considering it hasn't been written for the game at all by anyone in all this time should be a huge indicator of the interest for it. Write it yourself and try to get through approval (doubt tbh) if you really want that shit.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
It should be obvious that seeing someone's anal insides is a whole different thing from rimming, dicking, and playing with it.
Like good for you if you enjoy that but considering it hasn't been written for the game at all by anyone in all this time should be a huge indicator of the interest for it. Write it yourself and try to get through approval (doubt tbh) if you really want that shit.
To be fair I don't think it's so much seeing the insides as it is seeing said insides on the outside that is considered the ick. Prolapse weirds me out myself, but gape can be hot.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
To be fair I don't think it's so much seeing the insides as it is seeing said insides on the outside that is considered the ick. Prolapse weirds me out myself, but gape can be hot.
Fair, tho it can count for the same thing unlike gape stuff if that makes sense (it's basically seeing someones' internal area the way it's not supposed to be seen, like the mouth, after all)

Knife-wielding Crab

Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2017
The big challenge here: how do you even write such a thing in an arousing way. It's one thing when it's used in a visual setting (I am NOT clicking that link. This is far out from my vanilla tastes), but writing about the poop-chute getting dislodged is another problem.

What do you even write? "Oh, sorry babe. That happens sometimes. Could you push it back in?"

But you could try it yourself. Grab an abandoned NPC, write a scene where this happens, and see where it goes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2022
It should be written in a "silly" fashion. Like some sort of street magician! Dojyaaaan! A rosebud came out of butt! Just sleight of hand literally and no fraud!:gedv:

It's just like David Blaine, but please don't google it if you're impressionable.
street magic.jpeg

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
In a fantasy game, there's probably a creature where it could work potentially with less ick or pushback than normal. For instance, a slime-creature imitating a humanoid form might 'cling' a little more as you pull out or something. I agree with most others that the lack of such things is probably indicative of the reception or desire for such instances. As pointed out, you could maybe keep it sexy for one or two brief instances, but trying to center a scene around that kink would likely miss the target with a majority of readers.


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2024
On a journey
I like wearing heavy armor and doing damage, so the Veteran perk is a bit frustrating in how it falls short of letting me play as a discount Guts. There are two versions of the Veteran perk, and the one you get depends on whether you've equipped a shield or are wearing a heavy armor torso piece. Instead, I'd like the sole dependency to be whether you have a shield equipped or not.

So the revised perk would read out as:
Veteran: You ignore the Initiative penalty from Heavy equipment. When wearing Heavy armor or using a Shield, you are immune to Stagger and generate 25% more Threat. While neither wearing Heavy armor nor not using a Shield, you instead gain +25 Attack Power.

So with this perk, a PC in heavy armor using a two-hander (or dual wielding, one-handed, etc.) would receive +25 Attack Power, and anyone using a Shield will get the Stagger immunity and +threat gen. This works out better since anyone not wearing a shield is more than likely trying to focus on doing damage and they would get more value out of the +25 Attack Power over the other bonuses.

The only companion that would be affected by this change would be Arona in her Chieftan's Bronze set and it's a change that makes a lot of sense since Arona claims that wearing the heavy armor lets her forgo the shield and focus on doing more carnage with her mastbreaker. However, her attack power and damage remain the same as in her Warhides set with the current Veteran perk. The revised one here would make her claims true.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
I personally do not like the inventory system and think it should just be removed or updated. Just let us collect whatever we want and explain it away somehow. Sure it might make the game less "difficult" but I just think having an armory of loot and a warehouse of random flowers and crap in my pocket is fun. Choosing what to throw away only to 5 hours later pick up a quest that needs that random useless flower I threw away that apparently is hella rare is not fun. If it was me I would just give you infinite inventory with a search feature or good sorting and such. If that is too unrealistic for this game somehow then maybe let you have infinite space in the Wayfort? (Also I know literal infinite would break the game eventually I just mean a very large amount that you would realistically never need more space). At the very least maybe we could get an armory to store all the unique equipment items for collection purposes CoC 1 had that and I never needed to get rid of a piece of equipment I didn't want to in that game. Even just letting items stack to 100 would be an easy fix that would make me happy.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
I mean if you're only collecting the shinies mostly, there is enough slots you can collect for your storage for them. It's when you add other stuff it tends to not be enough.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2018
Though chances are we will be getting even more shinies. Maybe what we need is some sort of "already gained items" vendor if expanding storage or armory aren't an option. I don't know. But it definitely wouldn't hurt to have something of the sort. Although that would break some quests pretty much.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Though chances are we will be getting even more shinies. Maybe what we need is some sort of "already gained items" vendor if expanding storage or armory aren't an option. I don't know. But it definitely wouldn't hurt to have something of the sort. Although that would break some quests pretty much.
I could see a "Treasury" section added to the Wayfort vault maybe, where we can add our unique equipment to.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
Gender should maybe be a little more consistent in how it is referred to. Idk if this is a wiki or game issue tho. In my head I think of Male and Female as Sex being binary and Gender being like a spectrum or whatever. For the game specifically it doesn't matter what rules you use I just would like them to be consistent to avoid confusion. Like possibly removing gender and just specifying pronouns and male, female, or herm. Could also keep things how they are and just add in to descriptions all the gender tags that apply so just add "Your gender will be locked to female or dickgirl" rather than just female.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
It's mostly a wiki issue since it's technically unofficially supported so it's on the whims of whoever wrote the page. In the game however it's based, if I remember correctly, firstly on gender preference. If this is automated it takes primary sex characteristics (whether penis, vagina, or both) into account first, then secondary sex characteristics and the femininity scale. Depending on what you have and how feminine/masculine you are, the game will either label you male/female/shemale/trap/etc. Or whatever preference you have on label if you find shemale/trap offensive as I think there is a toggle in the menu system for that. I know TiTS has it anyways, can't remember if CoC2 has it as well but I'd assume so.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2023
That's a wiki thing, Annika's a half-sexed (3rd gender in elven race) and is referred to as such in game.

If you want to talk about odd gender stuff, touch the Azzy/Lia romance; I can be the manliest man to ever walk these lands, but if I choose to be referred to as a girl, then Azzy and Lia, being the latter a Lesbian, romances me just fine.

Now, I'm ok with NPCs having preferences, but c'mon, add a feminity check or something, other NPCs have it.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
It's mostly a wiki issue since it's technically unofficially supported so it's on the whims of whoever wrote the page. In the game however it's based, if I remember correctly, firstly on gender preference. If this is automated it takes primary sex characteristics (whether penis, vagina, or both) into account first, then secondary sex characteristics and the femininity scale. Depending on what you have and how feminine/masculine you are, the game will either label you male/female/shemale/trap/etc. Or whatever preference you have on label if you find shemale/trap offensive as I think there is a toggle in the menu system for that. I know TiTS has it anyways, can't remember if CoC2 has it as well but I'd assume so.
Welp the wiki has much bigger issues with half the main pages being outdated so probably not worth bothering reporting to them about this.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
That's a wiki thing, Annika's a half-sexed (3rd gender in elven race) and is referred to as such in game.

If you want to talk about odd gender stuff, touch the Azzy/Lia romance; I can be the manliest man to ever walk these lands, but if I choose to be referred to as a girl, then Azzy and Lia, being the latter a Lesbian, romances me just fine.

Now, I'm ok with NPCs having preferences, but c'mon, add a feminity check or something, other NPCs have it.
I could romance Azzy as male champ pretty sure. Or do you mean she only likes men and Lia only likes women but you can do both at the same time if you are masculine with she/her pronouns?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
No they mean Liaden will romance you as long as you identify as female, which is odd - I agree that there should at least be a minimum level of femininity for her as it's obvious from the way she is written that the physical attraction matters for her. Azzy herself is bisexual and polyamorous - which is more an average aspect of her race than a personal preference, I think.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2022
Hell nah, they should just keep it as it is because of how hillarious the imagery is.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Hell nah, they should just keep it as it is because of how hillarious the imagery is.
Idk man, it gives me the Lieve (another lesbian character, this time in TiTS) problem vibe where if you're a male basically everywhere, all you need to do to access her content is change your gender prefs to female, no changing anything else, and then boom, you can date and have sex with her. Which let's not talk about the implications of that. porn game or not. >.>


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2018
There is no problem. If you're a lesbian who is attracted to feminine body and doesn't mind something extra/different between legs, then a feminine character who identifies as female (or not) would still get you interested. Speaking of interests, it may (still) surprise some, but many lesbians are also interested in getting pregnant with their partner.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
There is no problem. If you're a lesbian who is attracted to feminine body and doesn't mind something extra/different between legs, then a feminine character who identifies as female (or not) would still get you interested. Speaking of interests, it may (still) surprise some, but many lesbians are also interested in getting pregnant with their partner.
As a gynesexual guy, I fully understand this myself. I like both sets of genitals, but it's the feminine form that attracts me - I have no sexual interest in a completely masculine body regardless of what gender you prescribe to or what sex you were born as. If you can't trick my brain into seeing "woman" then nothing happening. I think secondary sex characteristics matter more to many people than what you got between your legs.
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War Demon

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
Just one little thing I that bothers me. Why don't I ever witness Gwyn giving birth to my pups. I've been there for Brienne, Aileh, Lyric, Eubicha, and Most of Kiyoko's. Hell even Zhara when she moves into the Wayfort. Informs you there's another Chick on the way, and when she delivered it. But Gwyn I'm never there for which kinda bugs me. Thank the writers Garth doesn't rip your head off, as soon as you walk in the door after each birth.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
As a gynesexual guy, I fully understand this myself. I like both sets of genitals, but it's the feminine form that attracts me - I have no sexual interest in a completely masculine body regardless of what gender you prescribe to or what sex you were born as. If you can't trick my brain into seeing "woman" then nothing happening. I think secondary sex characteristics matter more to many people than what you got between your legs.
That is me too but I didn't know there was a word for it. I just call myself zoomer straight lol.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Just one little thing I that bothers me. Why don't I ever witness Gwyn giving birth to my pups. I've been there for Brienne, Aileh, Lyric, Eubicha, and Most of Kiyoko's. Hell even Zhara when she moves into the Wayfort. Informs you there's another Chick on the way, and when she delivered it. But Gwyn I'm never there for which kinda bugs me. Thank the writers Garth doesn't rip your head off, as soon as you walk in the door after each birth.
There is a lot more births that are actually like this, it's like like this for most of the Orc girls too. As well as the marefolk pregnancies.
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