Your Gripes With CoC2

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I'm not saying that. I'm saying it's not believable that she wouldn't be seeing her other kids as imps, even after she gets a soul back. Getting it back would kill interest in more kids, if anything. Make all the rational arguments you like, emotions don't work like that.
Possibly, but we can clearly see how she feels about Aileh and her other dragon 'daughters'. She looks genuinely distressed about their fate and Aileh considers her a mom even though she knows she can't understand love. Even though only a little Kasyrra's blood runs through them, she kept every single one alive and safe when her ruler wanted them all to fight to the death until there were only four left. And she genuinely seems happy if Champ is in a relationship with Aileh and even makes every effort to be good in order to visit her granddaughter. It's not hard to accept that she couldn't feel something other than loathing for a real child that wasn't an imp, which is just a creature of lust, a parody of life, and just a mockery and constant reminder of the opportunity she lost when her soul was stolen. (Ivaze excepted, of course).