Your Custom Class?

Shiny Boots

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2021
At the beginning we're given a starter class and we can only have one to act as our framework at any given time.

Though I've looked through the bonuses of backgrounds, races, and stat bonuses and I was wondering if anyone has attempted making a custom class through mixing and matching abilities, gear, and non-traditional point distribution. There's also a lot of special abilities learned through the game that aren't inherently class linked.

With Jin-Jin and the new monk doggo in Harvest Valley I'm experimenting with a "monk" build.

Have any of you attempted to make your own "class" or had ideas for how to go about making one?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Somewhat similar topic here that might interest you. Also there was one here about trying to build an initial Thief into a D&D monk. There's probably more but those should give you somewhere to start.

Taking a Warrior or Thief and giving them some combination of White Mage powers like Charge Weapon and Smite Evil to make a Paladin-type class is pretty common. Like I mentioned in that first topic, I also took a White Mage and gave them a bow and Leorah's archery skills to make an old-school Final Fantasy White Mage. It's not optimized in any way but it still works pretty well and is a lot of fun to play around with.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
I have a Lupine Warrior with a mix of Archery (Sure Shot, Frostfire Shot, Suppressive Fire) and Charmer (Song of Courage, Inspiration) talents, uses Agility, Presence, Strength, and Toughness. Going for a charismatic warlord type deal.

Not really optimal, but I ran through the Distraction path of the Winter Wolf quest pretty easily with it. Sure Shot/Frostfire Shot takes out Temptresses and Psions quickly and the Charmer talents keep you from getting resolve nuked while they're in the fight.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2020
I mean I started as a Warrior and use sword-n-board, but over time I stripped out most of the natural warrior skills and replaced them with thief skills (as well as the lightning fist when I learned it from Jin-Jin) since they do more damage + cause stun, which is just overall more useful than moves used for defending.
Also replaced the At-Will skill Guarded Stance with Mirror Stance for randomly picking up new techniques to add to the pile.

Don't have access to the latest builds of the game so will need to wait and see what the new monk can teach the player.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I got somewhat of a lusty healer set-up going nowadays. Basically a Charmer with a mix of White mage's abilities. As long as I kept my Splendor Song and Allure combo I could keep my resolve nuking ability, with some Celestial Smiting for offense (AND THEN ALONG CAME ZEU- (Yes I'm still doing that fucking meme)) and Great Heal to take place of Bolstering Dance from time to time as I've not had to need it lately.
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Shiny Boots

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2021


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2019
With the addition of Zo to the game, I'm very interested in trying to make a Monk class along with the skills you learn from Jin-Jin. I love unarmed classes a lot so I'm looking forward to trying that out.

So far my favorite build is the Eldritch Knight, but all of my champs have a special build, the names just haven't jumped out at me yet.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
As you may be able to tell from my avatar, I quite like Fire Emblem: Three houses. In fact, I love Fem Byleth. And one thing that some of the supports and dialogue talk about (besides how weird and terrifying she is) is that she mixes punches and kicks into her sword swings. Her Smash Bros incarnation does this too. So with Zo (who's content I haven't gotten to yet) and Jin-Jin teaching unarmed moves, I want to mix swords and fists for fighting. Not sure what I'd call it, but I like the idea of stabbing an enemy and kicking them off the sword. And nobody can accuse me of being a murderhobo because I've never D&D'd in my life.


Apr 25, 2021
Bumfuck, Nowhere
My personal favored build/class is largely thematic and headcanon-y in nature; its' built around a significant part of my main character's body: his dove wings!

His entire "technique" revolves around propelling himself around with his mighty pinions, delivering powerful physical-based attacks using the kinetic energy the resulting velocity imparts on him — it's much easier to cut something when the thing doing the cutting is moving very, very fast, on top of the person holding said cutting implement is also moving very, very fast.

In essence, though, it's a high-agility Critical Hit build.

4 to Strength/Agility
5 to Cunning
2 to Willpower

At-Will: Sneak Attack (interpreted as winding up for a more powerful thrust), Duelist's Stance (interpreted as flapping backward to avoid the strike and get a little distance, then strongly forward for the Riposte!), or Equanimity for boosted Crit chance and damage.
Recharge 1: Cleave or Power Wave
Recharge 2: Usually either Group Heal, Shatter, or Kiaijutsu depending on what I need at the moment.
Encounter: Deadly Shadow or Smite Evil
Ultimate: Unbreakable or Assassinate

Weaponry: The Swift Sword for the Crit and Accuracy bonus. The War Scythe can work too.
Head: Duelist's Hat for a little extra Evasion or the Witch's Hat to boost Spellpower.
Neck: Fox-Tail Charm for the strong resistances to several commonly used magic types or a Magatama to counter pesky Tease or Psychic attack spam.
Shoulders: Usually the Guard's Cloak for all-around resistances or the Seaweave Cloak for the Sunder immunity.
Chest: Royal Leathers for the good mix of armor, ward and evasion, but any high-evasion armor will do here.
Arms: Royal Gloves
Feet: Winged Sabatons
for the Initiative boost.
Rings: 2x Lucky Strike rings boost the already high Evasion and Crit stats to even higher levels, and the extra EC never hurts either. The Rogue's Ring can replace one if my Threat becomes an issue.

Kiyoko and Cait: The Floof Troop. They are a the perfect duo for taking advantage of the Twist the Knife perk with their many, many debuff-inflicting powers, allowing you to regularly dish out some truly stupid levels of damage. Kiyoko is best wife, fight me.
Arona and Brint/Brienne: The Swole Squad. You don't need to worry about being targeted too much with these two since their Threat levels are almost always going to be higher than yours, on top of some of their alternate outfits allowing them to inflict debuffs regularly, particularly Chieftain Arona or Ice Brint.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2021
My favourite type of classes load-out usually comprises warrior and black mage abilities since I enjoy playing as a mage knight arche-type
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2019
I've actually struggled a bit to make an archer-charmer build, but I've fallen into it with some erotic warfare items I picked up later on. I'd kinda like a magic archer type or options.
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Resident Coke Addict
Aug 5, 2018
I've actually struggled a bit to make an archer-charmer build, but I've fallen into it with some erotic warfare items I picked up later on. I'd kinda like a magic archer type or options.
I recommend Eagle Eye, crackle powder, song of storms, and Grand Finale.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
crackle powder
Shit, thanks for reminding me that existed - always been more of a bow/crossbow user but when all the real good powers end up being melee, feelsbad. All the AoE for PC!
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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
I'm trying to build a thief/mage hybrid right now (Spellblade? Arcane Trickster?) and it sort of works. Equanimity (plus the mask for bonus crit), Primal Scar (for debuffs), Cleave, Deadly Shadow, Assassinate.

Thief feels a restrictive though, kind of like warrior. You're almost forced to choose strength/agility/cunning while black mage basically only needs willpower and you have two points to spend wherever you want (since his willpower also increases crit chance) and Charmer basically only needs presence.

I'm considering removing primal scar and replacing it with a stolen acid flask power. That one sunders armor, lasts as long with the same cooldown and uses cunning for damage. I like the image of a magical thief wielding a scythe but the build just doesn't glue the way I want it to. I'd even settle for a thief build that just uses presence and includes a summon but that would again require me to gimp one of the three core stats.
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New Member
Aug 12, 2020
I'm trying to build a thief/mage hybrid right now (Spellblade? Arcane Trickster?) and it sort of works. Equanimity (plus I'd even settle for a thief build that just uses presence and includes a summon but that would again require me to gimp one of the three core stats.

Don't forget you can drink at Garth's to boost a 4th stat. A little tedious to upkeep, but that's how I play my spellblade: STR/AGI/CUN/WIL.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2019
RP-wise I like having a pure "archer" build with thief stuff mixed in, but with the rift I've found tremendous success with an "Arcane Archer" build. I like to flavor it as my champ realizing the potency of magic and taking a few spells for himself, both white and black magic. He's not picky

Weapon: Bessy Mauler
Attributes: strength/agility/willpower
Main Loadout: Sneak Attack/Primal Scar/Celestial Smite/Deadly Shadow
In another thread I mentioned running crackle powder + arc cannon but the above has more raw firepower behind it and is better suited to northern Rift mobs, particularly the jotuns

Companions are Spellblade Cait and Bronze Arona, lots of firepower everywhere. damage damage damage. Sometimes I cycle in Brint or Kiyoko but the first two seem to be the best for me so far.
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New Member
May 18, 2021
Currently, I'm sorta fine tuning a build I'd like to dub the "Priest of Terrestrial Fire"

Creation: Wyld Elf, White Mage, Acolyte
Current Abilities: Great Heal, Blessing, Fireball, Summon Flame Knight/Dancer, and Inspiration
Notable Equipment: Spiral Staff for power, Mage Rings, Magatama (until I figure something better), everything else is more or less basic gear from the shops.

Basic idea is to go in, cast my summon, cast Blessing, then have my champion provide support while my companions clean shop. It's worked for most things that mattered, but I'm finding a bit of struggle in the Glacier.

Currently I'm pairing my champion with Brint, even though I know Brienne gets the Pyromancer set. I just like my beefcake, what can I say?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2019
Recently discovered a class/character type I like to call "The Witcher"

You can do any race you want but I chose to do Human and give them cat eyes and the hunter background.

If you want to take a step further into the class, you can make the character sterile.

Right now I run dual wielding swords, Sanctified Gladius for the holy damage against demons (the witcher silver sword basically) and in the offhand I run the balanced blade just to make sure my accuracy is as good as I can get it while wielding two swords. I think the leather jerkin is the closest thing you can get to what looks like witcher gear? If not, maybe just whatever is fine. Fireball to replicate the Igni spell, maybe psyshock to replicate aard, shield of light or spirit veil to replicate Quen.

Of course save some space for damaging attacks and you've got yourself a monster/demon slaying, cat eyed machine!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
mostly paladin style sword and board with guarded stance group heal and domination and bull rush for support tanking and then swap to the spiral blade (want a 2 hand holy blade tbh lol) with holy ward on the tank of the party or whoever might be vulnerable otherwise, blessing, celestial smite, and smite evil. Thinking about trying sword and catalyst if you can off hand those and maybe going more offensive white magic too but i haven't experimented with those much

I just really like playing a holy kinda character and fucking the evil out of the evil characters I dunno lol. Plan to do the same with Kasyrra but probably leave her in demon form maybe idk how all that would end up going down lol. dispensing the justice but not like wholly purification just like ok now you're a more relaxed succubus.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2021
I'm all for the jack of all trades, weird synergies, multiclass trainwreck. Dump toughness, even up the rest and have a multitool kit with magic, range, buffs, etc.

I may not win easily, but I win on my terms.

Pure Thief for easy mode.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
The character I've the most playtime on is an Arcane Knight of sorts that I'm experimenting with.
Natya - Black Mage
Strength: 9 Agility: 8 Willpower: 17
Toughness: 11 Cunning: 13 Presence: 17

At-Will: Equanimity
Recharge: Power Wave
Recharge: Blight Orb/Fireball/Arc Cannon -situationally.
Encounter: Summon Flame Dancer
Ultimate: Assassinate

Primary Weapon: War-Scythe
Head: Helm of Heroes
Neck: Fox-Tail Charm
Shoulders: Cloak of Winter
Armor: Royal Leathers
Waist: Senninbari/Champion's Belt
Hands: Royal Gloves
Feet: Winged Sabatons
Ring#1: Lucky Strike
Ring#2: Mare's Ring

To be honest... I'd like to swap Equanimity for another At-Will Stance like Blue Flame Blade or Charge Weapon... but I've no inclination to bind this character to any of the Gods let alone Keros, and Charge Weapon's holy attribute doesn't fit thematically so I'm at a loss. D: Assassinate is not ideal either but well... there's only so many Ultimates available to the Champion.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Mothboi "Chanter" has been my favourite so far. Through heavy use of the save editor, m'lad will use Fly, Song of Storms, Dischord, and either Harpy's or Piper's Song.
Hope you won't ever need to do bug reports with all that editing then.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
I've mainly started using a class I like to call sword master.

I use a warrior self-insert and focus my stats on toughness, agility, and strength. I use the swift sword to satisfy my inner weeb bitch.

At-will: heal. It's mainly a placeholder and slight precaution until I can get a decent at will power.
Recharge 1: Overbear. Let's see how the enemies like losing turns and not being allowed to do shit. I occasionally swap it out for power wave or lightning fist.
Recharge 2: Cleave. I love cleave
Encounter: Bull rush. Because fuck whoever interrupts my adventures. It's strong and one shots a lot of enemies for me. And those that survive it miss a turn.
Ultimate: Assassinate for high damage. Unbreakable for the rift and undermountain for now.

I use a black mage self insert and like playing as her so far. Might make her my primary. I use the war scythe. The accuracy hit is a pain but the other stats make up for it and fits the whole deadly witch aesthetic. The only armor to note that I use is the witch's hat. Obviously. I'd like more magical themed armor. At the moment I'm using the same loadout as my warrior with the exception of the hat. But hey, it works surprisingly well.

At-will: Psychic blast. Mostly just because I like psi chock from "PREY". I have magic missile and fire bolt on stand by.
Recharge 1: Fireball. Because nothing says "I'm here to save the day" like scorched earth and brimstone.
Recharge 2: Arc-cannon mainly. But I use blight orb when I know I'm fighting non demon enemies. I use psyshock also for its low recharge and good damage.
Encounter: Grand finale. Though I sometimes use vitality reap. Mostly for the name.
Ultimate: I still use assassinate or unbreakable. Banishment isn't that great to me except on a few specific encounters.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2020
Hope you won't ever need to do bug reports with all that editing then.
I've encountered a few bugs, but I've taken it as read that they're probably a result of all the editing. If I ever got real ass-bothered about a bug, I'd just create a new toon to try and replicate it first.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2021
I made my character a thief with archery abilities.
Weapon: Ranger Bow
At-Will: Fading Strike
Recharge 1: Crowd Control
Recharge 2: Marked for Death
Encounter: Deadly Shadow
Ultimate Assassinate