Your confessions: Fetishes and guilty pleasures


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
I'm bored again, so new thread/undercover FBI surveillance. This time fetishes, everybody has their fetishes, something unique that turns them on and up to eleven. So, what's yours?

This time there is no poll because I don't have a million options, just 10, so you'll have to type, who knows, maybe typing is your fetish.

Personally I swing at pretty much everything, of course I heavily dislike the superhardcore fetishes like gore, killing, scat, pedophilia, etc.

If I had to pick one it would be extra sexual equipment, not double dicks or multi-pussies, I'm talking about extra appendages that double as sexy bits: Tails, genitails, pseudopenis, tentacles (having a lot of long, prehensile dicks attached to your crotch does not count) and trunks, I love those elephant ladies with their long prehensile trunks.

So, surprise me, I hardly doubt you can at this point, I challenge you, make me discover a new sexy fetish and I might write about it.

Images are allowed and even encouraged, so long as you don't spam 20 pictures in a row. A couple of pictures to illustrate your fetish if fine, but this is not and art showcase thread.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Pretty vanilla guy here. Furry/anthro gayness is my norm, specially when involves avian-looking guys. For fetishes, size difference, cumflation and a little of Mpreg hit all the right spots for me.


Aug 1, 2018
Victoria, BC
Glue, as in being glued in high heels or glued into certain fetish clothing that is stuck forever. Maybe a nanite glue that bonds to a molecular level. Or gluey cum that sticks you together for a while.

MMM glue.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Glue, as in being glued in high heels or glued into certain fetish clothing that is stuck forever. Maybe a nanite glue that bonds to a molecular level. Or gluey cum that sticks you together for a while.

MMM glue.

That kinda reminds me of modeseven's art a bit, but well, in this case I'm more confused than surprised. Curiously, there are flags in game for sticky body parts, but I don't think anybody's ever used them on a sex-scene.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Dubcon, exploitation, coercion, (sexual) extortion these are similar to each other or interlink but I thought I'd just put it all out there.

Prostitution, staring in pornography, caming, or any degrading sexual act done publicly or privately for profit.

Being coerced into prostitution is my OTP.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
I mean, I dunno... I'm pretty open to anything that isn't rape(I avoid most win scenes), gore, or scat.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Size difference, futa on male, traps, josou seme, incest (Pretty well anything that doesn't involve the father, unless the character is the father), cum play, sexual domination that isn't interlinked to BDSM, and body hair (go look at lewdua futas for a good example, also demi moore in the 70's)

also before i forget prostate/handsfree anal orgasms


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
things that most games dont have :(

but i do love bimbos and all the basic things :)


Aug 1, 2018
Victoria, BC
That kinda reminds me of modeseven's art a bit, but well, in this case I'm more confused than surprised. Curiously, there are flags in game for sticky body parts, but I don't think anybody's ever used them on a sex-scene.
Confused about what in particular? I was thinking of a scene like Dr Badger bimboing you... gluing you into the bimbo outfit and high heels to make the change permanent. High heels could be a debuff in dexterity. Not quite a bad end but enough for the rest of the game to be a challenge.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Incest (obvs), kidnapping, forced impregnation (of either stance), yuri rape, penis milking, reverse forced service (forcing someone to receive a handjob/fellatio/cunnilingus/titjob), gradual mindbreak, and... biting. Generally, all the roundabout rape without over the top humiliation.

Fenco games line up with most of what I like, sadly incest is out, and there's not nearly enough non-bad end kidnapping.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2016
Breeding is one of my main fetishes, but it has to be willing if its not I find it horrible. The idea of 2 people indulging in each other with the express purpose of making kids is a big turn on for me (its kind of a trust thing, since both partners are trusting each other to help raise all their kids and trust is a big part of any relationship in my opinion)

Don't know if there is an actual name for this but going primal or something of the sort: Essentially revert back to old style thought process, rather than use "conscious" thinking its the instincts and body doing the talking. So one or both partners don't talk verbally they let their body language and pheromones do it for them. They no longer are "civilized" beings they simply are a male and female (or whatever in between) doing what nature wanted them to. Pretty much an extreme version of a rut/heat.

Shortstacks: Don't understand why I love this one so much but a small but busty lady is a huge plus in my opinion.

This one is one of my weirdest ones, I call it fight sex: Essentially both partners "fight" but the fighting is not meant to hurt the other its more like foreplay to get the heart pumping and decide who is on top (although it is possible for that to not be a definitive thing as in dominance can constantly be fought for)

Strong evil/less moral ladies: Basically female characters that are far from weak in a fight and aren't "goodie two shoes". A good example would be a toned down Juri Han from street fighter, she's a mean lady that can easily kick your ass. Its the idea that this lady is strong and not unwilling to do less moral things but play your cards right and you might score gold with her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I'm into watersports... Like, a lot. I think that counts as weird.

I'm still moderatly salty that nobody lets me add watersports scenes to the game... Not even with an "opt in" button. I mean, now even TiTS has a version of the Worms! I mean, wtf? There's gotta be less people who find that hot than who finds watersports hot.

But oh well, I can't do anything about that, so... Whatever. Maybe one day I'll be so bored for such a long period of time, I'll write my own game, with blackjack, hookers, and a ton of people who have a weird urge to piss everywhere.

now, for fetishes that are actually allowed in TiTs... Doubledicks are hot. Like, holy shit. Exhibitionism is probably my second favourite kink too, after watersports (combo watersports+exhibitionism is just *the best*), so all of my characters refuse to wear clothing... The first thing I do in all of my games is to remove the characters clothing.

Generally powerful, dominant women (and men, as long as they don't have a human dick... Ewww, human dicks) are pretty hot too

Absurd amounts of cum (female and male both) is awesome as well... Probably using this to substitute for my watersports fetish tbh

Feel free to AMA all about watersports, lol

Not diapers though, that ain't my thing
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Is it bad that I consider most of these normal...?

Don't worry, watch porn long enough and fetishes will no longer surprise you.

Confused about what in particular? I was thinking of a scene like Dr Badger bimboing you... gluing you into the bimbo outfit and high heels to make the change permanent. High heels could be a debuff in dexterity. Not quite a bad end but enough for the rest of the game to be a challenge.

oh, now I know what you mean, yes, I've seen that fetish before. something like this?



Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
In an old, forgotten codex.
Hm... In real life? Physically speaking, usually there's two things I notice first about a woman.

1.) If she has pretty hair.
This is easily the fastest way a lady can capture my attention. Hair styles and colors can vary, as long as it's not poofy or frizzy. I can say that I prefer smooth and darker colors, but it really depends on the woman.

2.) If she has pretty feet.
Foot fetishism can vary wildly, and it actually took me a while to find a decent enough picture. There's a lot of nasty foot porn out there, so I don't usually look it up. I'm not into the whole smelly, sweaty, dirty, or otherwise nasty stuff. Cleanliness is paramount to any of my preferences. As seen above, this is just a woman who happens to have pretty feet.

In the world of fantasy porn?

I like to save a crap ton of images on my computer, but in a very specific order to emulate a "story" or "adventure", kind of like CoC or TiTS. Sometimes the "story" gets way too long, then I just delete and start a new one.

"After dealing with a series of rapacious monsters, you delve deeper into the dungeon to find your bounty. The bounty that stated 'Slay the Dragon'. You find an ominous and large cell door, and proceed to open it. Upon entering the room, you are surprised to see not just any dragon, but a shapely one at that. You re-read the bounty, and it turns out there was a crinkle in the paper. It actually reads: 'Lay the Dragon'. When you look back up at her, you notice a smirk on her face and a twinkle in her eye... as well as something else getting noticeably larger."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

Don't know if there is an actual name for this but going primal or something of the sort: Essentially revert back to old style thought process, rather than use "conscious" thinking its the instincts and body doing the talking. So one or both partners don't talk verbally they let their body language and pheromones do it for them. They no longer are "civilized" beings they simply are a male and female (or whatever in between) doing what nature wanted them to. Pretty much an extreme version of a rut/heat.
I'd like to know if there's a name for this too.
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Well-Known Member
This one is one of my weirdest ones, I call it fight sex: Essentially both partners "fight" but the fighting is not meant to hurt the other its more like foreplay to get the heart pumping and decide who is on top (although it is possible for that to not be a definitive thing as in dominance can constantly be fought for).

In that case then you must really like Captain Khorgan and the Thraggen (space orcs) in general.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2018
Big size differences, getting manhandled, being processed by an uncaring machine....basically just general loss of control.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, the thought of swooping a cute girl off her feet and seducing her....that really gets me going.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2018
Under the moons of Barsoom
Well, incest and watersports obviously, are two huge ones for me. Though generally just mother x child or sibling x sibling. As for specifics about watersports, I love girls holding and holding, and holding, then losing control and making a mess that requires a particular way of cleaning it/her up. The movements and sounds of desperation are very cute, especially when the begging starts. Also, filling her with urine/covering her in it. :yes: Oh and diapers can be fun/sexy.

After those are breeding/pregnancy/lactation/breastfeeding. The swollen, rubbable belly, the increased need to pee, the motherly milk. Hnng
Plus you know, it's a very sweet, loving thing planting seeds in a girl and watching them blossom. Though when non-con it makes an effective breaking tool and gets your dominance across plainly. Nursing is an intimate, loving and sexy thing. Also eggnancies/oviposition can be pretty fun.

Size-difference is a nice one as well. A smaller partner can be incredibly sexy, especially in the case of a big difference. Ruining a little hole with a large shaft/knot is just... mmm :gizz:

And Mittsie's animations/games have recently, (just this morning actually) gotten me into something a bit stranger. (Not the scat though. Still hate that stuff.) Already liked rimming, now I kinda like a little more than just that.

Mmm Cumflation, knotting, big ol' balls full of cum, transformation, the usual stuff in TiTs/CoC.

Somnophilia is pretty fun as well.

MILFs don't really count as odd, but I like nice, plump, warm and cuddly mothers/girls with a little bit of belly to rub/grab, and overall soft curves. Not huge breasts though.

I like the small little boobies. Which I guess is out of the ordinary. haha
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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2018
USA, New England
What I find hot as fuck: little Doggo girls(Ausar/Huskars with 100% fur and snout, Korgonne are perfect), kitty girls (Kathrine from CoC), Tentacles (but not against will), sometimes Dragon girls(Like Ember), strong Wolf men(Walter on NewTex), Dragons (Frosty), Wolves(Ice Wolf from CoC), belly bulging(big cock outline through belly), tons of steamy cum(inside), Snakes
Domination is hot too so long as it is made abundantly clear that the 2+ beings are simply pretending and are actually equal, or understand that the PC is so much more powerful that she could snap their neck with
her pinky if she wanted. Fuck you Lund (well, prebroken Lund)

Things that turn my off as if the local powerplant just blew up: Bad Ends, being arrogant/obnoxious, overly dirty talk, Turtles, Watersports, Scat, violence, actual abuse(physical or mental), imps(CoC), most demons(CoC), venom/aphrodisiac against will, milk, Pigs, Chickens, Ducks, Buildings(iv seen this before)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2018
Under the moons of Barsoom
What I find hot as fuck: little Doggo girls(Ausar/Huskars with 100% fur and snout), kitty girls (Kathrine from CoC), Tentacles (but not against will), sometimes Dragon girls(Like Ember), strong Wolf men(Walter on NewTex), Dragons (Frosty), Wolves(Ice Wolf from CoC), belly bulging(big cock outline through belly), tons of steamy cum(inside)

I approve. :yes:
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Forget Me Knot

Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2018
Through the Looking Glass
In terms of content that I like to read, I particularly enjoy kinks like breeding/impregnation, noticeable size differences, and knotting. My Steele isn't a herm or pure male knocking up every busty broad out there, though; she's a pure female that I play as a broodmother. The reason why is because I enjoy the challenge (if you will). There's a "theory" that states that if a lock opens for any key, then it is a shitty lock; contrariwise, if a key can unlock any lock, then it is a master key. If that be the case, then I'd argue that spreading your seed around is breeding on Easy Mode and that attempting to reach Mother of a Thousand Young status is breeding on Hard Mode. #OneWombAgainstTheCosmos

Facetiousness aside, I must confess that I have kind of a funny relationship with having breeding/impregnation as a kink. Although I do enjoy reading it, the thought of engaging in it, myself, squicks me out royally. Why you may ask? Because I'm asexual and I'm averse to having sex, in general. (Plus, going into labor sounds utterly terrifying. The mere thought makes me shudder.) Reading smut is different, though, because it allows me to disconnect from my discomfort with intercourse and immerse myself in a really NSFW version of health class. Not sure if that will make much sense to anyone else here but that's just how I process topics like smut and sex and fetishes — I treat it like a curiosity, like a mysterious entity whose knowledge I seek. In short: sexual attraction is puzzling yet fascinating to me all at once.

I also advocate for more small breasts appreciation as well, by the way. I must confess, though, that I'm not really much of a breast person, myself. I used to consider them to be merely fleshy mounds of fat that some other people were strangely obsessed with — but they've really grown on me this year and I think that I now understand why breast play is so popular. Apparently, some women can orgasm from that alone. (Who knew!) But, to get back to the topic at hand, small breasts are (sadly) quite underrated. While sex acts like titty-fucking may be harder to pull off if a girl has a modest bust, you shouldn't count these petite dames out just yet. What their breasts may lack in generous handfuls, they more than make up for with perkiness. Given the fact that these girls would have less weight to tote around, say, ladies with cartoonishly huge knockers, it's only logical that their breasts would be less susceptible to sagging as a result. And did you know that breast size is less of a deciding factor for producing a prodigious supply of milk than what was once thought? Emptying your tank is what ultimately determines that variable. The more that you empty your tank, the more that your body trains itself for lactation — much like how that happens in-game, so, kudos to the writers and developers for doing their research.

Oh! Before I (finally) end my reply, I apologize if I come off as being too verbose. I'm not used to the whole forum scene.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2018
Under the moons of Barsoom
In terms of content that I like to read, I particularly enjoy kinks like breeding/impregnation, noticeable size differences, and knotting. My Steele isn't a herm or pure male knocking up every busty broad out there, though; she's a pure female that I play as a broodmother. The reason why is because I enjoy the challenge (if you will). There's a "theory" that states that if a lock opens for any key, then it is a shitty lock; contrariwise, if a key can unlock any lock, then it is a master key. If that be the case, then I'd argue that spreading your seed around is breeding on Easy Mode and that attempting to reach Mother of a Thousand Young status is breeding on Hard Mode. #OneWombAgainstTheCosmos

Facetiousness aside, I must confess that I have kind of a funny relationship with having breeding/impregnation as a kink. Although I do enjoy reading it, the thought of engaging in it, myself, squicks me out royally. Why you may ask? Because I'm asexual and I'm averse to having sex, in general. (Plus, going into labor sounds utterly terrifying. The mere thought makes me shudder.) Reading smut is different, though, because it allows me to disconnect from my discomfort with intercourse and immerse myself in a really NSFW version of health class. Not sure if that will make much sense to anyone else here but that's just how I process topics like smut and sex and fetishes — I treat it like a curiosity, like a mysterious entity whose knowledge I seek. In short: sexual attraction is puzzling yet fascinating to me all at once.

I also advocate for more small breasts appreciation as well, by the way. I must confess, though, that I'm not really much of a breast person, myself. I used to consider them to be merely fleshy mounds of fat that some other people were strangely obsessed with — but they've really grown on me this year and I think that I now understand why breast play is so popular. Apparently, some women can orgasm from that alone. (Who knew!) But, to get back to the topic at hand, small breasts are (sadly) quite underrated. While sex acts like titty-fucking may be harder to pull off if a girl has a modest bust, you shouldn't count these petite dames out just yet. What their breasts may lack in generous handfuls, they more than make up for with perkiness. Given the fact that these girls would have less weight to tote around, say, ladies with cartoonishly huge knockers, it's only logical that their breasts would be less susceptible to sagging as a result. And did you know that breast size is less of a deciding factor for producing a prodigious supply of milk than what was once thought? Emptying your tank is what ultimately determines that variable. The more that you empty your tank, the more that your body trains itself for lactation — much like how that happens in-game, so, kudos to the writers and developers for doing their research.

Oh! Before I (finally) end my reply, I apologize if I come off as being too verbose. I'm not used to the whole forum scene.

I must agree with your idea of breeding in the game. It is definitely harder to be the female and get tons of offspring. However, unlike you, I want to have a family and have my own breeding-puppy in real life. Now, granted, I won't be the one in labor or carrying the kids, but I will help her however I can. As that's the husband's/master's job.

I'm glad you can enjoy the fantasy in smut, etc. It is so sweet a fantasy.

And yes, Ittie Bitties are not as useable for certain things, but I much prefer the look of perky lil breasts with cute nipples to big ol' gazongas. And if they're milky little boobs, then they're even better.

Not at all! It's nice to see people who can and will express themselves so clearly.
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Forget Me Knot

Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2018
Through the Looking Glass
I must agree with your idea of breeding in the game. It is definitely harder to be the female and get tons of offspring. However, unlike you, I want to have a family and have my own breeding-puppy in real life. Now, granted, I won't be the one in labor or carrying the kids, but I will help her however I can. As that's the husband's/master's job.

I'm glad you can enjoy the fantasy in smut, etc. It is so sweet a fantasy.

And yes, Ittie Bitties are not as useable for certain things, but I much prefer the look of perky lil breasts with cute nipples to big ol' gazongas. And if they're milky little boobs, then they're even better.

Not at all! It's nice to see people who can and will express themselves so clearly.

That's fair! I personally don't see the appeal in having a breeding puppy, myself — which is why I tend to avoid content such as Erra's sex scenes and why I have my Steele willingly become Syri's puppy slut for the day even when she wins one of their petplay bets. I just enjoy reading sex scenes in which my PC is the submissive/on the bottom basically. I find it strangely empowering in a way.

And I hear you! Big breasts can be rather nice as well — but in a cosmos full of buxom babes, big breasts are just so...mainstream. I probably sound like a bit of hipster right now but I meant what I said (says the girl who's writing at past 3 am because lol, what is sleep). The biggest breast size that I personally like on a girl is a D cup. Not too crazy about big DDs but they're alright, I suppose. Any cup size that's larger than that is just too big in my opinion. (In case you're curious, by the way, my Steele is a C cup.) Also, if I may be frank, New Texas and its residents lowkey terrify me, asdfghjkl.

It's just...too happy a place.

I don't trust it.

Me ?? Suspicious?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2018
Under the moons of Barsoom
That's fair! I personally don't see the appeal in having a breeding puppy, myself — which is why I tend to avoid content such as Erra's sex scenes and why I have my Steele willingly become Syri's puppy slut for the day even when she wins one of their petplay bets. I just enjoy reading sex scenes in which my PC is the submissive/on the bottom basically. I find it strangely empowering in a way.

And I hear you! Big breasts can be rather nice as well — but in a cosmos full of buxom babes, big breasts are just so...mainstream. I probably sound like a bit of hipster right now but I meant what I said (says the girl who's writing at past 3 am because lol, what is sleep). The biggest breast size that I personally like on a girl is a D cup. Not too crazy about big DDs but they're alright, I suppose. Any cup size that's larger than that is just too big in my opinion. (In case you're curious, by the way, my Steele is a C cup.) Also, if I may be frank, New Texas and its residents lowkey terrify me, asdfghjkl.

It's just...too happy a place.

I don't trust it.

Me ?? Suspicious?


That's fine, different strokes and all! It takes some of every kind to keep the world turning.

Oh, no argument. Big can look good in certain situations, (generally on a preggo/fertile lady) but small has always captivated me. And yes, too many big breasts. Don't worry, us hipster-non hipsters have an important role to play. (We just have to find it.)

Yeah, D's are pretty well where I'd call it in real life, if not C's even. Mine tend to be A's/B's, though they get larger from the milky goodness.

Really? Well, I suppose I can see why, but I enjoy how nice and happy they are. Lol