Your Champion's Background.

What background you pick most often?

  • Noble Scion

    Votes: 42 30.0%
  • Hunter

    Votes: 18 12.9%
  • Soldier

    Votes: 18 12.9%
  • Acolyte

    Votes: 5 3.6%
  • Courtesan

    Votes: 8 5.7%
  • Scholar

    Votes: 12 8.6%
  • Barbarian

    Votes: 12 8.6%
  • Slum Rat

    Votes: 8 5.7%
  • Arcanist

    Votes: 10 7.1%
  • Minstrel

    Votes: 7 5.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2019
Hi, i've been curious what's the player background that you pick most often at character creation.

For me is Courtesan, the idea of a person being caught on a political clusterfuck, escaping and then being caught on a bigger threat that they were never expected to deal with in the first place is a fun concept, from a roleplay perspective.

So what are your thoughts? what is your reason, if any, to always pick that background? do you like it from a gameplay perspective or do pick it for roleplay reasons?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
Almost always Hunter because agility and ranged for me - except mages, they're either scolars or arcanists.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
I play black mages, and I go for arcanist every time.

Of all the background options offered for the class, it's the one I like the most, for both RP and the extra stat.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
It kinda depends on the RP, but I kinda gravitate towards Paladinesque charactes with a scholar background.
I always want to go Acolyte more often, but never do it after all. :D
(Also, the early grind for 3k to change to warrior is a bit of a pain =P)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Depends on my class but I always pick for RP reasons. Both my Thieves are ex-Slumrats because it just seems right, my Black Mage is an Arcanist, my White Mage is an Acolyte and my Warrior is a Noble Scion.


New Member
Jun 15, 2020
I went with Hunter back when I didn't know how I would build my character. Kind of want to change to Soldier, but I don't want to throw away a 1119 day save.


Well-Known Member
Scholar, because I like intellectuals. However, that's mainly because I'm currently playing a Black Mage and I'm not certain what my "canon" Champion is going to be; I wouldn't be unwilling to pick Arcanist for a Black Mage. For a Thief (who would have a Ranged-heavy build), I'd pick Hunter, and for a Charmer (who'd be a lust-nuker), I'd pick Courtesan. These four are the backgrounds that I feel would prepare them the best, both stat-wise and RP-wise, for their respective builds. (I'd prefer a more offence-oriented "canon" Champ, so I'm not really interested in making her a Warrior or White Mage.)

Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Courtesan. Basically, my main kittygirl was raised as a pet, then abandoned after her noble owner was told it was her or his new wife.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2016
Scholar without a doubt, I love me that cunning stat and the idea of a character getting annoyed with current academia striking out on their own.

That said, I'll probably create a Champion for each background for RPing purposes at some point.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Gimme dat noble scion my guys. I usually play a human warrior, so the noble scion background is the easiest way to get all stats highlighted if you know what I'm saying. Plus I have a whole background and stuff thought up so I don't wanna change and try anything new.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Went with the soldier background for my main Champion. I just liked the idea that he used to serve in some mercenary company before leaving and trying his own hand in the Frost Marches.


Apr 25, 2021
Bumfuck, Nowhere
I usually go for the Noble Scion.

My main character has the "defector from decadence" type of background where he readily eschews any potential life of luxury because he sympathizes with the plights of the less privileged of Savarra and wants to do something about it. He uses the knowledge and skills that come with being of noble blood to go about that, be it fighting, fucking, or finagling.
I also like to think his genuine good will is why his soul is so incandescently shiny in-universe.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2021
I usually go with the Soldier background. Not necessarily for any RP aspect, but because I mostly play as Warriors, and that background offers Affinities to the fundamental attributes for the Warrior class.

If I was to go with an RP aspect, however, I'd probably go with the Scholar background, although that's only available from certain classes - hence why it's not often one that I choose. Although, I suppose I could always just re-spec the class after choosing the Scholar background, at the loss of the Affinities to vital attributes depending on the class I ultimately re-spec to.

It is worth noting that the Noble Scion and Hunter backgrounds are available to every class, so I suppose that would also factor in as to why they would be popular (aside from the RP aspects).
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Its not even RPing.

There are several instances where the background comes into play, be it training the Manticore girl (I forget her name) using the Soldier's training, or certain lessons for Kinu that draw on the Noble Scion, Scholar or Arcanist.

So a lot of the time, its just more for getting that extra scene.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2020
I usually roll hunter, but I'd play slum-rat if it didn't mean I'd end up with another agility boost. RP comes first, but sometimes my min-max side wins out. I'm a bit surprised Noble Scion is so popular, though I wonder if it's due to RP or just getting all stats highlighted. I just like the idea of a hero that starts off as being no one special I guess.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
I'm a bit surprised Noble Scion is so popular, though I wonder if it's due to RP or just getting all stats highlighted.

Both. But mostly the highlighting. There's nothing more satisfying than the rush I get when I see all listed stats in full color.

I just like the idea of a hero that starts off as being no one special I guess.

I do too. I hate that chosen one, super special bs. You can get that even with noble scion though. Last place in a minor noble family in a world that's gone crapsack isn't much better than a hunter, save for a basic education and hygiene. Personally I RP my champion's background as being cut off from her family due to a falling out so her title means jack shit. But also all stats are highlighted.

God I love highlighting. So much. I wish the forum had a highlight function.

Caprice Dhusara

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
Soldier (role played as being generally a nice person, if slightly unstable and overeager to either seduce or stab/slash/burn ALL the things in encounters) or Noble Scion (role played/ headcanoned as being like a significantly kinder version of Vergil from Devil May Cry. Still with the pride bordering on arrogance and desire for power, but more caring towards my companions and various SOs and considerate of their feelings/ the consequences of my actions than Vergil is ever shown to be).


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
I have a Barbarian, an Arcanist and a Soldier. The barbarian backstory is that she kinda hated everyone in her tribe so she bailed out in search of adventure and titties, the Arcanist had a falling out with her mentor because the mentor was nuts and the soldier got tired of the military life because he felt that all the conflicts he fought didn´t go anywhere.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
So she wanted to crush her enemies, driving them before her and hearing the not-lamentations of their women?
And then everyone in her tribe died, because Barbarian has the saddest backstory in the whole game.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Being a barbarian is suffering. Everyone hates you and you usually get a tragic backstory. Plus random Roman cosplayers keep showing up to attack. Or is that just me?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
"Hello, I'm Brobin Ticklefoot. Halfling Barbarian."
"Pfft, did you say Halfling Barbarian?"
"Yeah, what of it?!"
"Come on, a Halfling Barbarian? What? Did your village get burned down?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Being a barbarian is suffering. Everyone hates you and you usually get a tragic backstory. Plus random Roman cosplayers keep showing up to attack. Or is that just me?
Roman cosplayers? Wait, do you have some super-secret cheat code that's letting you access Khor'minos content that doesn't exist yet?!

...oh, you meant in the movies. Darn, carry on then. :p
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2021
Oof my weakness making character backstories, ok here are a few I came up with.

Name: Leon Grandford
Age: 23
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Background: Noble Scion
Class: Warrior / White Mage
"I never understood what my Mother meant and disregarded it as Lumian priest nonsense, but just after you were born and I held you in my arms and your siblings afterwards, I finally understood what she meant."

Leon is the third child of the one of the old Belharen high noble houses. With no real prospect of getting a position in the nobility of the Belharen Heartlands, he sets out to find glory and recognition from his father and older siblings.
After looking around the edges of the frontier, he ends up broke and jaded at the Frost Hound.

Meeting a very desperate Cait calling for help, raised by his father to see non humans as lesser and just subjects to be ruled he felt no real motivation to help a stranger much less one that is considered non-equal, and seeing the old wolf Garth stick his neck out for a complete stranger in need motivated him to at least see if he can earn a reward out of it, Meeting Kyserra and Tollus and seeing Cait's desperation in trying to save her sister and the Marches helped soften him up a bit and motivated him to actually stand up to injustice even if a bit unwillingly.

Meeting more of the people of the Marches, he started to like adventures and meeting new people and aid those in need, even if things don't always turn up for the better. And meeting a beautiful Kitsune woman in his dreams he is motivated even more to try even more to save her and his newly born fox children and ends up marrying her when he did finally free her, and hoping to build a brighter future together with his now Kitsune wife for his kits and the Kitsune colony and his newly made friends and people of the Frost Marches as a new goal and purpose in life.

Name: Kaira Hariri
Age: 20
Race: Catfolk
Sex: Female
Background: Minstrel

Class: Charmer / Black Mage
"I've seen enough wild Mallachian parties to see where this is going."

Young starlet of a relatively new entertainment troupe on the rise to fame and fortune in the Jasserian entertainment circles, earning her many requests to entertain the wealthy merchants and nobles of the newly freed sultanate.
Getting an offer to become a concubine of a spoiled son of a rich merchant and declining the offer they framed her for the murder of the son's wealthy father with nothing to lose and only the headman's axe waiting she fled on the nearest sailing vessel bound for shores unexplored on the frontier.

Ending up in the Frost Hound and completely out of her element but able to entertain the few patrons of the tavern of the sleepy town looking for a new direction in life other than the glitz and glamour she left behind and looking for friends she finds one in her fellow country cat a priestess named Cait, knowing what it's like to have no one stand up for you in your darkest hour she takes a stand and helps the pink cat fight the cultists and their dark mistress.

And after finding love and acceptance in the arms a certain borean elf princess after helping her free her city from a demon infestation, she now takes up her instruments to help bring a new dawn to the darkened skies of the frozen norths and maybe earning a small fortune along the way.

Name: Frode
Age: 21
Race: Lunpine
Sex: Male
Background: Scholar
Class: Black mage / White mage
"We've lost so much in the centuries I want to find our history to make sure its never forgotten again."

Forde is a Lunpine scholar from Tychris coming the to the Marches to discover what remains of his people's lost legacy, after being stuck in stuffy libraries most of his life he hopes to use his knowledge and his smarts to find the lost history of the lunpines of the Frost marches.
After getting robbed by bandits for being wholly unprepared for the harshness of the adventuring life he ends up in Hawkethorne and drinking his woes away and crushing hard on the young Lunpine woman that works for her father's tavern.

During a particular nasty blizzard he is once again stuck and cursing his inexperince with world outside of a dusty tome with a pink haired catfolk wanders in injured and bruised he sees this as his change to finally show himself he is capable of being an tough and smart adventurer and writing the book on the history of his people, and becoming a man worhty of respect in his field.
Fighting cultists and demons he learns he might be over his head but holds up his chin and soldiers on to keep looking to learn from his new friends and adventures.

Still curious of the world around him he still looks and studies ruins and artifacts (much to the chagrin of his friends) to see if things can be salvaged for the betterment of all.