Wyvern Kefir - Wyvern TF


Active Member
Jun 2, 2023
Hi Everyone

I wrote a TF for Wyverns and would like to submit it for all you to judge it.

Google doc with it: https://docs.google.com/document/d/...aY-QdseyzfrLgLUGw/edit#heading=h.r7ibflraepgo


Transformative item is “Wyvern Kefir”. It is hard to produce milk for this kefir due to wyvern anatomy. However some producers (oligarchs, merchant conglomerates, nobles, etc.) have alchemists do it for them and keep their method a secret (aka cola/pepsi recipe legend). Little lore in case someone would want to use it in the future.

My idea of a wyvern is a tall muscular body with wing-arms. Additionally, wyverns will have fur growing on their nape, cover spine and top of tail with a brush tip at tail end. Like a hair line going from head to the tip of the tail.

Female wyverns have small breasts. Made a transformative item to be milk-based to somewhat justify them having breasts (I know it is a fantasy but I would still like to have some form of justification for biology).

Different types of horns and scale colors are here to represent connection to dragons.


Wanted to try my hand at writing and see how it goes. So please provide your critique.
If all goes well, might try writing alchemist wyvern char next.