Welcome to The Ring of (Dis)Honor! In this thread any interested writers can duke it out, competing to write the best sex scenes possible.
Rules are subject to change, but here's the current plan: Mention below if you would like to compete, and I will prepare match-ups as either 1v1 or Orgy mode.
Each match up will contain a unique scenario to write for, and can be a matter of choosing a sex act, introducing a character based on a very brief summary, challenging someone to a custom-picked battle, or Orgy mode which will be implemented if this picks up pace.
I will begin to offer prizes once I have some idea of what they would be.
Rules are subject to change, but here's the current plan: Mention below if you would like to compete, and I will prepare match-ups as either 1v1 or Orgy mode.
Each match up will contain a unique scenario to write for, and can be a matter of choosing a sex act, introducing a character based on a very brief summary, challenging someone to a custom-picked battle, or Orgy mode which will be implemented if this picks up pace.
I will begin to offer prizes once I have some idea of what they would be.