I enjoy these games a lot (obviously), but it's just a portion of the pornographic content I enjoy - I also like watching hentai (smutty anime/cartoons). So sometimes the thought of what a Fenoxo series of hentai based on the worlds and characters of the games would look like pops into my head. Seeing Urta in animation fucking the bejeezus out of Edryn in a CoC hentai, or Syri getting ridden in a jail cell by Penny in TiTS would be pretty sweet I think. No clue how doable or profitable it'd be for Fen to look into hiring a studio to make one or however it'd work, probably doubtful, but it's still a fun exercise to envision from time to time. What about you guys - would you like to see some CoC or TiTS hentai? And if so, what would you like to see in it?