Would you like to watch a hentai video based on CoC/TiTS/CoC2?

Big Papa Coyote

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2015
I enjoy these games a lot (obviously), but it's just a portion of the pornographic content I enjoy - I also like watching hentai (smutty anime/cartoons). So sometimes the thought of what a Fenoxo series of hentai based on the worlds and characters of the games would look like pops into my head. Seeing Urta in animation fucking the bejeezus out of Edryn in a CoC hentai, or Syri getting ridden in a jail cell by Penny in TiTS would be pretty sweet I think. No clue how doable or profitable it'd be for Fen to look into hiring a studio to make one or however it'd work, probably doubtful, but it's still a fun exercise to envision from time to time. What about you guys - would you like to see some CoC or TiTS hentai? And if so, what would you like to see in it?


Well-Known Member
I'd like to see a full-blown series depicting the adventures of either Victor or [pc.name] Steele during their respective Planet Rush - preferably not live-action, because I think a) live-action is overrated, b) pretty much everything would be much easier to depict in animation, and c) well-made animation looks sexier than real life.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2018
I would like to see that, if someone could/would do it. Though it's kinda hard to say which I might enjoy more, CoC or TiTS, as both of them have rather interesting races to see in (smutty) action. Plus, it could be a mix of PC being on the giving and receiving end of a banging, preferably as a futa.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
If I had to name characters that should be in something like this I say:
Anno, Syri, Azra, Hana, Penny, Kiro (definitely deserves one), Yammi, Reaha, Olympia, Paige, Kase, Lorelei, Dr Teyaal, Ardia, Seandra, Erra.
(Can't remember a whole lot of CoC1 characters, the mods make it hard to put in characters that aren't in there originally.) Urta, Brooke,

Guy Max

Sep 18, 2015
man this makes me think of the advancements in 3d modeling and physics. They are able to create visually accurate models of humanoids which even are able to simulate movement. I can't wait for the time when we can generate versions of our in game character and other in game characters taking part in different interactions.