Wondering if a particular scene exists or not (Fox Berry) (not sure if mod or not)


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Okay, so, I was searching the forums a bit to see how many Watersports scenes exists in the mod... But in the process, I found one post where a user claims it's possible to get a kinda-ish watersports scene by eating Fox Berries. Apparantly, it may trigger a random encounter where you break into someones house and urinate in their water. 

Does this scene exist? If so, is it in the base game, or in the mod? I can't find any information about it anywhere, but I'd love to try this scene.

I hope I'm not posting this in the wrong place!

EDIT: Forgot to note, the original posts refer to a "cubi couple", but I can't seem to find anywhere on the wiki where "cubi" is mentioned at all. Do they exist and the wiki is outdated?
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Jun 26, 2016
I got the scene but my character urinated on their feet, not the water

Dunno if its on the vanilla version or not since I never used fox berries on vanila, but probably not since I remember Fen had urination on the list of what isnt allowed in the old forum 

Also by a cubi couple they refer to a succubus and incubus couple (plural Succubi/Incubi) 


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Yeah, I jsut found it a few minutes ago myself... I dunno whether it's in the vanilla game either, as I too play with the mod. 

And in retrospect, "cubi" being the plural of both incubi and succubi should've been obvious to me... But alas.

So yes, for future readers that appear: 

If you eat foxberries (no fox transformations neccesary, as I was eating them to regain foxyness after accidental bunnygirl), then it has a chance to trigger a daydream, wehre you encounter a sleepin succubus/incubus, and play two pranks on them... One being poking tiny holes in their bags, and hte other being urinating on hteir hooves. I wouldn't exactyl classify it as watersports (as the pee has only one sentence dedicated to it... Namely "urinating on their hooves", which is not very hot), but it exists.