Witchhunt [OOC]


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
For more than two decades, demons had been expelled from the country of Ibrinia. The church of the sun god Hesol, headed by patriarch Matias de Leon, was the religion of the state. Deciding to strengthen this church in case of further demon incursions, they set themselves to hunting all they determined "heretics", regardless of whether or not they worshipped demons, in a brutal Inquisition. However, with this action, they left a vulnerability.

Sent from the capital, a party of three specialists has been sent to investigate a mysterious report concerning a village in a mountain valley, as people have been having strange dreams and disappearing. This region lies on the border, far from the core, and thus they lack the ability to mobilize, as they are at war with their northern neighbors, Burgandia and Auventre. So, they must head alone, and find out just what exactly is happening.

Potential Roles:
-The Cleric, an ordained servant of the church (robes, simple or no weapons, has more expansive divine magic)
-The Paladin, an anointed knight with divine powers (heavy armor, strength weapons, has simple but strong divine powers)
-The Inquisitor, a skilled hunter of heretics (light armor, finesse weapons, uses tools and investigative skills instead of divine powers)
-The Veteran, an experienced soldier from the war (medium armor, polearms and ranged weapons, uses martial ability and knoweledge of tactics)
-The Imprisoned, a jailed demon pressed into service (no armor, strong natural weapons, demonic powers restrained by shackles who restraints are under the command of the Cleric)

Character Sheet
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In a setting like this, I think I'd rather play a good heretic (or even a good demon, if that's possible). Would such a PC be able to fit in the story you're trying to tell?

Also, what races are permissible? I prefer to play non-humans (particularly kemonomimi races), wherever possible.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
In a setting like this, I think I'd rather play a good heretic (or even a good demon, if that's possible). Would such a PC be able to fit in the story you're trying to tell?

Also, what races are permissible? I prefer to play non-humans (particularly kemonomimi races), wherever possible.
I decided to add an option for this, if you want. It might not be what you want, but its an option.

(Note: Demons are, in this world, spirits, who originally came from another world and corrupted humans through dream, transforming them into demons.)
I also wanted to ask before writing my character profile: Will this involve any nsfw content? I tend not to be a fan of sfw campaigns.
I plan on making this NSFW. After all, it is on this forum.
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Well-Known Member
I decided to add an option for this, if you want. It might not be what you want, but its an option.
I was imagining being an independent, perhaps even a target, who comes to ally with the main party out of some bigger threat from the real main antagonist(s), but I might be able to work with being forced into service.
(Note: Demons are, in this world, spirits, who originally came from another world and corrupted humans through dream, transforming them into demons.)
What kind of powers do they have? Given your description, I imagine some degree of self-transformation, transformation of others and mental manipulation are possible, but there'll probably also need to be some combat-related powers (both offencive and defencive) to compensate for the lack of proper equipment. Do they have any physical traits that can't be hidden through TFs? Any inherent psychological traits? (Remember, I want to play a good character, so "always evil/villainous" will be a deal-breaker - though that doesn't mean other characters can't view them as evil/villainous due to values dissonance. I mainly want to avoid being cruel, spreading suffering, things like that.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
What kind of powers do they have? Given your description, I imagine some degree of self-transformation, transformation of others and mental manipulation are possible, but there'll probably also need to be some combat-related powers (both offencive and defencive) to compensate for the lack of proper equipment. Do they have any physical traits that can't be hidden through TFs? Any inherent psychological traits? (Remember, I want to play a good character, so "always evil/villainous" will be a deal-breaker - though that doesn't mean other characters can't view them as evil/villainous due to values dissonance. I mainly want to avoid being cruel, spreading suffering, things like that.)
1. While demons as a result of possession are shaped to the form of the demon, those who are formed from human souls are the embodiment of what that person desires, albeit a demonic version of it. They can corrupt humans (read: make them more perverted) with their bodily fluids, but they can only truly become demons if they submit to desire and give into it.
2. In terms of powers, demons are naturally able to cast illusions and influence people's minds, the latter of which is dependent on how corrupt they are. Demons have regenerative abilities, are resistant to weapons that are not silvered, can see in the dark, and only die from violence, not aging. They are usually associated with an element, commonly fire or earth. Demons also can sometimes possess a unique special ability, which is something you will have.
3. With glamour, demons can easily hide their identity from people who aren't specially trained or have some sort of divine sense.
4. Demons are not necessarily evil, but they are chaotic and incredibly perverted, putting them at odd with the church. They also tend to be vain, due to their physical appearance and powers.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I can work with that. The last things I'm wondering (for now, at least) that's not specific to my character are in regards to this:
1. While demons as a result of possession are shaped to the form of the demon, those who are formed from human souls are the embodiment of what that person desires, albeit a demonic version of it.
Does this mean demons that aren't ex-humans (or ex- anything else) don't naturally have a physical form, and need to possess someone in order to gain one (transforming their body in the process)? How does possession work e.g. does it require a living body or a dead one? If living, does the possessed individual survive? If so, can they mentally fight back and possibly regain control of their body? Are they conscious of what the demon is doing? How permanent is possession? Can the demon leave whenever they want to? Can they be forced out? I assume all of the demon's powers apply to the possessed body.

As for what element, special ability and name my demon shall have, I'm not sure. Name is a simple matter of "I'm not good at names", and while I'm going to partially base her off my Steele, I think Isabel is too mundane of a name for a demon. I have no idea what sort of special abilities are available (unless you've already picked one out for me?). As for element:
  • Fire is too hard to use in battle without killing (which is something she'd rather avoid if possible)
  • Earth would either have the same problem or be ridiculously overpowered (she'd simply use rock bindings to prevent her enemies from moving or attacking).
  • Water and air would likely not be very useful, unless we're doing Avatar-style combat.
  • Lightning would be both cool and useful (as it can stun or incapacitate), but limited given the setting's lack of electronics.
  • If ice has any problems, it'd probably just be earth's problems toned down.
  • Acid is right out.
  • Poison might work if it's actually just manipulating biochemicals (including things like drugs, hormones and pheromones), even though people in the setting don't know what those are.
I'm leaning towards lightning, ice or "poison" (i.e. biochemical manipulation), with the latter being the most thematically appropriate for my demon (and the hardest for anyone, including herself, to make sense of due to having practically zero knowledge of biochemistry).


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Does this mean demons that aren't ex-humans (or ex- anything else) don't naturally have a physical form, and need to possess someone in order to gain one (transforming their body in the process)? How does possession work e.g. does it require a living body or a dead one? If living, does the possessed individual survive? If so, can they mentally fight back and possibly regain control of their body? Are they conscious of what the demon is doing? How permanent is possession? Can the demon leave whenever they want to? Can they be forced out? I assume all of the demon's powers apply to the possessed body.
1. You are correct; they need to possess someone.
2. Possession requires a dreaming mind, something which (outside certain exceptions) corpses don't possess.
3+4. While possession can be fought against and getting control back is possible, if they are truly corrupted the soul will be subsumed into the demon's spirit.
5. They are conscious of the possession.
6. Unless it is fought against, the possession is permanent.
7. The demon can leave and even be forced prior to the soul being subsumed, but if it gets to that point not much can be done about it.


Well-Known Member
Name: Alexander Charmant

Gender: Male

Role: Cleric

Appearance: Alexander possesses extremally delicate looks, standing with tall elegance at 6"1. With long ginger hair nearly down to his calves, neatly tucked into his hat affixed with the symbol of the Sun God Hesol. His skin is smooth and fair, with an occasional mole dotting beneath his plush lips, blue eyes, and neck. Strange enough he has an extraordinarily feminine beauty, mostly thanks to his secret half-elven heritage. Not simply based on his face, but also his wide hips, thick thighs, and vast backside. His figure is slim and graceful, further giving him a curvy, hourglass shape. Down below, his penis is 7 inches long, and thicker than one might expect, looking immodest in comparison with the rest of his frame. Though thanks to his layered church-appointed robes a good percent of his body is concealed, much to his rather self-conscious relief.

Personality: Alexander is kind, but not overly warm at first, coming across with a cool professionalism and a calm, seemingly wise temperament. In reality he's quite green. Eager to explore and meet new individuals, Alexander is an inviting soul, trying to keep up the image of a proper member of the church. Unlike a proper member, due to his upbringing, he's prone to bouts of sympathy towards heretics, even trying to better understand them when most would hunt them down like dogs. It's just not in his gentle nature to immediately associate one's beliefs as deserving hostility despite his teachings. The horrors of the inquisition taught him not to be so quick to judge. Though that has led to a bit of naivety, regardless of this if one threatens him and his companions he'll waste no time in dealing with them, throwing out any amicability and replacing it with righteous, underestimated fury better befitting a zealot.

Equipment: A simple tent and bedroll, a pendant, adorned with the church's symbol, a decent amount of medical supplies, a small amount of food, and oddly, a bundle of sage and incense.

Like any cleric, Alexander specializes in healing. From mending wounds to purifying food and removing curses, he utilizes blessings to invigorate others and shield them from grievous harm. While possessing no weapon of his own, Alexander can utilize holy flames to attack foes who get too close.

(If I need to further specify, his spells are inspired by these D&D spells: *Spare the Dying, Sacred Flame, Resistance, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Purify Food and Drink, Shield of Faith, and Remove Curse.)

Background: Alexander's father was a human member of the church, yet his mother was a high elf of heretical faith. His father and mother's rendezvous kept a careful secret, Alexander forming a close bond with her, learning about both sides of his heritage regardless of his father's warnings against it. When the inquisition occurred Alexander's mother was one of the many casualties. His father, terrified for his son's safety, passed him off as a full-blooded human and completely raised him up in the sun god's belief. Deeply saddened by her death, Alexander couldn't help but wonder all his life if every heretic were truly evil. Despite the circumstances he was surrounded by other kind initiates and soon settled in well.

Until word of good folks going missing, troubling rumors spreading and causing unease amongst his peers. Fearless as can be, Alexander quickly volunteered to join, seeing it as his duty get to the bottom of these disappearances. Hoping to ease the mind of his fellow members, or report anything otherwise.
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Well-Known Member
Name: Astraeothel (Astra for short); goes by Mikaela Vardas when disguised as a human
Gender: none/variable; she has no inherent sex, but typically presents as a femherm ('true' form) or female (human disguise), and can change to suit her partners
Role: the Imprisoned
Appearance: variable, but her default 'true' form is pretty much the same as my Steele (link in my signature). While out in public, she presents herself as a human female with black hair, hazel eyes, and the same skin tone as her default form; this form is shorter (~1.6m | 5"3') and less curvy, to the point of being quite moderate by human standards.
  • Like all demons, she's lustful, open to a wide array of fetishes, and prizes personal freedom over adherence to external structures. The latter causes her to have a low opinion of societies in general, and not be a fan of power that relies on an external source (e.g. divine magic) or social construct (e.g. being a leader through anything other than one's own leadership skills and charisma).
  • She views demons as superior to non-demons - not in a discriminatory fashion, but in a more pragmatic, power level manner. She's completely willing to indulge anyone who wants to become a demon, and pities those who don't - she doesn't understand why anyone would want to adhere to their natural limitations if given a choice to remove them, let alone adhere to even further limitations regardless of whether they come from an external social structure or are self-imposed.
  • Surprisingly compassionate to those who don't threaten her (which is a major factor in the above point), and prefers to avoid conflict if possible - she's all about pleasure and sex, not pain and violence.
  • Naturally, she despises organised religion (particularly the church of Hesol; she's only working with them out of self-preservation).
Equipment: basic clothes, and power-limiting shackles under the Cleric's control
Standard demonic abilities:
  • Influencing the minds of non-demons around her; the more corrupt they are, the more she can influence them
  • Casting illusions
  • Limited self-transformation, usually for combat or in support of those illusions (e.g. she loses her non-human features while disguised as a human)
  • Very limited transformation of others, pretty much entirely to ensure her cock always fits when she uses it
  • Her bodily fluids (sexual, blood, even saliva to a limited extent) have a corruptive effect on non-demons, and can even demonify those who are willing and sufficiently corrupt
  • Weak to silvered weapons and other types of damage imbued with anti-demonic properties, resistant to all other forms of damage
  • Regenerates from wounds and other debilitating effects very quickly (except for those inflicted by something she's weak to, which regenerate slower than the same wounds would on a non-demon), with a side effect of biological immortality
  • Night vision
  • Complete control over her own fertility/virility, allowing her to guarantee that children are or are not conceived if she wants to (she always has this set to 'no children', as she doesn't want to be tied down like that) (can move this to elemental abilities if this isn't a demonic ability, or remove it entirely if demons can't reproduce through sex)
Element: poison, though it's actually a bit broader than that, and no-one really understands why. Abilities include:
  • Inducing or curing poisons, venoms and other toxins in organic beings
  • Influencing their physiological behaviour (e.g. inciting or nullifying arousal, sleepiness, a fight-or-flight response, or drug effects)
  • Both of these are fairly weak at close proximity, somewhat effective at point blank, more effective through physical, skin-on-skin contact, and most effective through transfer of bodily fluids (mainly kissing and sex; channeling it through an open, bleeding wound also works, but she finds that icky)
  • Curing STDs, which requires sex involving the transfer of bodily fluids around the affected area (as a side effect, she's immune to STDs)
  • Generating any kind of pheromone she's been exposed to before, regardless of the species the pheromone is attuned to, but it still only affects that species (e.g. she can use a honeybee's alarm pheromones to incite a swarm of honeybees to indiscriminately attack any creature nearby, but not to do the same for, say, a colony of ants - she'd need the ants' pheromones for that)
Special ability: unknown/TBD

Combat: as she lacks any powerful offencive moves, she's not a heavy hitter - however, at close range, she can try debilitating her opponents to the point of them being either unwilling or unable to fight back. She can grow sharp, durable talons on her fingers, and while they can inflict wounds, she prefers to use them to cut straps holding armour together (or the armour itself, if it's not metal or is very low quality metal), bypassing the fact that armour (particularly metal) impedes her skills. The scales on her forelimbs and wings can harden drastically, granting them near total immunity to any attack she's not weak to - combined with her natural resistance to most forms of damage, this allows her to get close in relative safety. Naturally, using any of these requires breaking her human disguise.

Background: Astraeothel was brought to this world by being summoned by Mikaela Vardas - a crazy, heavily corrupted witch intent on absorbing her to gain the powers of a demon (not knowing she could simply turn her into a demon if she asked). In self-defence, Astra instead possessed Mikaela (there was nothing else she could do, as the absorption process had already started), and the witch's soul was too corrupt to resist being fully absorbed into the demon. She has no remorse over this - "It was either her or me, so of course I'm going to pick me."
Now with a body, and using the witch's name and appearance as a disguise when she figured out that was a good idea, she went exploring and left a trail of corruption that eventually drew the church of Hesol's attention. They hunted down and captured her, pressing her into their service under pain of death if she refused - compared to other demons, her less destructive nature and abilities, comfort with remaining disguised and generally being friendlier makes her a better candidate for hunting her kin than most, something which the church is eager to take advantage of (even though they'd never admit it to the public).


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
This looks pretty interesting. I think I'll join in as well.

Name: Flint Dustin Moss

Gender: Male

Role: The Veteran

Appearance: Flint is a decently imposing human man of 5'11", with lightly tanned skin, short brown hair, brown eyes that always seem to be glaring at something, and very well defined musculature. He suffers from a serious case of resting bitch face, though he isn't as angry as he always seems to be. He wears half plate and a kettle helm when in battle, though he tends to wear simple shirts and pants whenever he's off duty or resting and not prepared to fight or train. He always carries a piece of his former banner somewhere on his body, typically in a place where it is easily visible.

Personality: Flint is a boisterous and daring man, as loud in peacetimes as he is on the battlefield. He's well known for drinking and partying in his downtime, though this isn't to say he doesn't train his ass off as well. And for those who have seen him in battle, they know that underneath the frivolity and recklessness is a careful, calculating mind. He's often beaten foes thought unbeatable by taking a reckless but powerful blow at the cost of being counterattacked by his adversaries. He also seems to have a soft spot for cute and/or fluffy animals.

Equipment: A tent, rations, cleaning supplies for both himself and his equipment, longspear, arming sword, crossbow and crossbow bolts, half plate armor, and a spare change of clothes.

Abilities: Unlike many other mortal men, he only seems to get more dangerous the longer he fights. He's practiced the art of war, and knows how to use almost every weapon known to man, including using no weapon at all. His reckless nature make his enemies underestimate his abilities while also being forced into a corner, and his deceptively tactical mind knows how and when to capitalize on this.

Background: Flint once worked in a mercenary group known as the Putrid Blades, who were hired to fight on Ibrinia's side of the war. It was a pretty good job, and the war didn't seem to be dying down anytime soon, so he was happy to continue fighting for coin so he could blow it all on women and booze. And then, one night when he and a few of his drinking buddies planned to go out for another night of partying, their camp was ambushed. A group of heretics, lead by a particularly strong demon, had come to wipe them out. Fortunately for them, many of the men had yet to take off their armor, and their weapons were nearby. But the surprise had disoriented them, and the heretics were swift in striking down on them.

Flint fought throughout the night, watching his comrades and the heretics alike fall or run away one by one, until it was just the demon commanding them, the leader of the Putrid Blades, and Flint. It was a two on one in favor of Flint, but the demon was powerful indeed. Just as Flint drove his spear through the demon's heart, the leader of the Putrid Blades fell, with the demon cutting his head clean off. The spear that had run the demon through had been soaked in the tainted blood of its followers, though it wasn't enough to finish the bastard off. That's when the inquisition came, having been alerted by those that ran away. They finished the demon off as Flint held it in place.

The Putrid Blades were no more after that. Flint still holds onto a piece of their banner, and their leader's sword, and their name, but he's the only one that truly remained after that night. Since then he's continued to work with the inquisition, mostly as a solo mercenary added into an existing team to round them out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
I'd be interested in joining as the inquisitor, I'm just wondering what races are available?
I think, if your going to play an inquisitor, being human is probably the most fitting. However, if you few that’s too restrictive, you could play a half-elf or a halfling.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Name: Zavon Kelt

Gender: Male

Role: Inquisitor

Appearance: Zavon is a Halfling, standing at an even 4ft in height with pale skin, curly brown hair and blue eyes. His full lips and chubby cheeks add to an overall cherubic appearance, contradicted only by a very large backside even for a being his size. His sexual equipment is a more modest 5 inches long and is easily tucked into the simple breeches he wears. A leather jerkin provides him with moderate protection in battle, his feet remaining barefoot and quite hairy. That being said, the rest of him is as smooth as a baby's bottom, as he keeps his chest, armpits and crotch shaved for comfort and hygienic reasons.

Personality: Zavon is hard working and serious, a man dedicated to his job and a firm believer in its necessity. No zealot, he merely believes that in order to keep society safe, the heretical can not be allowed to run rampant. If stopping such evil requires extreme methods or leads to innocents being persecuted, then as cruel as it may sound it is worth it. Seemingly cold and humourless on the surface, Zavon has a softer side which manifests most often with those he trusts. In fact he can be quite tender in his own stilted way, has a tendency to get flustered when it comes to sexual and romantic situations and has a fiery temper when sufficiently roused (usually by short jokes at his expense). These all serve as chinks in the emotional armor he has built for himself.

Equipment: A tent and bed roll, a pair of daggers, a leather jerkin, a pair of breeches, a magnifying glass, a piece of chalk, a set of thieves tools, 20ft of rope with attached grappling hook, 5 smoke pellets, 5 fire crackers, a weeks worth of food and water and a simple rucksack.

Abilities: Zavon is a highly observant and analytical fellow, both in and out of combat. In the former case he uses his brilliant deductive reasoning and investigative skills to sniff out heretics. In the latter, it allows him to size up his enemy in an instant and form the best possible strategy to defeat them. This, combined with the use of stealth, distraction and subterfuge (often with a healthy dose of underestimation on his enemies part) makes him a both dangerous and rather wily opponent.

Background: As Zavon puts it (when he can be convinced to talk about his past), he was born on the road. His mother and father were travelling merchants, hawking their wares from town to town and city to city as the Kelts had done for generations. Zavon was the youngest of 4 brothers, and his parents had no doubt that he would enter the family business. Indeed, he was quite good at it. Even from an early age his observant nature meant that he had a keen eye for good merchandise. True, he might have needed some work (his rather uncheerful personality didn't exactly make for a good salesman) but that could be sorted out in time. However, to his parents bemusement and disappointment, Zavon had other plans. A chance perusal of a tome that his parents acquired for sale on the exploits of famous and noteworthy inquisitors fired the boys imagination and the more he read up on the order the more enamoured he became. The Inquisition seemed like a practical and useful solution to a very serious problem, which appealed immensely to the every pragmatic Zavon. His family had passed through communities ravaged by the likes of heretical wizards and foul demons, so he knew only too well the chaos and suffering that could arise from such things. Despite his parents objections and worries, Zavon moved to the capital as soon as he came of age, joining the order as a novitiate. Halfling inquisitors were not exactly common and his application elicited quite a few raised eyebrows and scorn, but Zavon proved the naysayers wrong by working diligently and soon proved to be a highly capable student. It has been two years since the day he achieved his dream and Zavon has not rested on his laurels, constantly striving to improve and to do as much good (as he sees it) as he can. If part of his efforts are geared towards attaining higher rank in the order, well that is merely in aid of his larger goal. No doubt that the mission that Zavon is about to embark on, a disconcerting case of strange dreams and disappearances in a small and isolated mountain village, will contribute to all three of these aspects. He isn't exactly thrilled at the prospect of working with others (he is a lone wolf by nature after all) but he is more than willing to swallow any discomfort in the interests of the task at hand. Besides, there is strength in numbers and his allies might prove to be useful indeed, as long as they don't get in his way or make any jokes about his height that is....


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Whelp, looks like we’re all set! I’ll just start off the IC thread and we should be good!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
I'm sorry for the lack of replies but I've been pretty under the weather for the last few days and am dealing with irl stuff to boot. I hate to do this but I don't think I'll have time to take on another campaign with everything that's going on so you can just retcon Zavon's existence as part of the group. I apologize for inadvertently wasting your time and I hope you guys have fun.
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Well-Known Member
I'm sorry for the lack of replies but I've been pretty under the weather for the last few days and am dealing with irl stuff to boot. I hate to do this but I don't think I'll have time to take on another campaign with everything that's going on so you can just retcon Zavon's existence as part of the group. I apologize for inadvertently wasting your time and I hope you guys have fun.
I get where you're coming from, life can get pretty hectic for me as well so I personally understand for sure. I hope you feel better!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
I'm sorry for the lack of replies but I've been pretty under the weather for the last few days and am dealing with irl stuff to boot. I hate to do this but I don't think I'll have time to take on another campaign with everything that's going on so you can just retcon Zavon's existence as part of the group. I apologize for inadvertently wasting your time and I hope you guys have fun.
Thank you for telling me; I’ve edited it so that there is just three instead of four.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Totally get it, real life can get hectic especially with the holidays coming up. Get better soon Irish!


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I never post my art on here and I don't want to clog up the OOC thread, but I made a messy doodle of what I personally imagine Alexander to look like and wanted to share! Admittedly I did post this earlier but got nervous once I noticed some big mistakes and wanted to edit :gedsweat: I think it turned out decently for a sketch but could be better. Hope you enjoy my interpretation of Hesol's robes! Even if I draw them tighter than a bow string.


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