[WIP] Whoring yourself out on Tavros station.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
Well so in short, I'm trying to write a short NPC encounter on Tavros station. Basically if you are dressed sexy in the red-ight district a man will mistake you for a prostitute and ask you for sex. You then can tell him to fuck of or play along. I'm not done yet, but I think I should probably share it here anyways to know if this is ok before I put more work into it. If I've made any mistakes, am somehow contradicting any lore or if it plyin sucks and I should better give it up, please feel free to tell me.



Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Looks pretty good so far. My only critique is that the nipple description in the stripping scene will cause a logical lapse for characters with nontraditional nipples.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Gave my two cents in suggestions. Though I do have to say that an option to fuck his ass for cock/hardlight equipped pcs would be interesting. Could be handled as a misunderstanding of what the dude wants or intentionally dickery (hah) on part of the PC.

Overall I rather like where it's going. Though I do have to say that the complete lockout for denying him the first time around does sound annoying for the player that doesn't want to do that content right then.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
Looks pretty good so far. My only critique is that the nipple description in the stripping scene will cause a logical lapse for characters with nontraditional nipples.

Oh yeah thank you, almost forgot about that.

Gave my two cents in suggestions. Though I do have to say that an option to fuck his ass for cock/hardlight equipped pcs would be interesting. Could be handled as a misunderstanding of what the dude wants or intentionally dickery (hah) on part of the PC.

Tried to work out a solution for the problems you pointed out. Fucking his ass is unfortunately not planned for this initial encounter. I would like to one day write a repeat encounter, where it becomes possible. But I know myself well enough to say that if I try to do a longer submission I'll probably never get it finished. So I'm keeping this one pretty simple.

Overall I rather like where it's going. Though I do have to say that the complete lockout for denying him the first time around does sound annoying for the player that doesn't want to do that content right then.

I'm not really thrilled with this lockout myself, but I don't really see a way to make it appear logical that someone would mistake the same person for a prostitute multiple times. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm not really thrilled with this lockout myself, but I don't really see a way to make it appear logical that someone would mistake the same person for a prostitute multiple times. Any ideas?

Third option - admit that you are not a whore, just slut?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Oh yeah thank you, almost forgot about that.

Tried to work out a solution for the problems you pointed out. Fucking his ass is unfortunately not planned for this initial encounter. I would like to one day write a repeat encounter, where it becomes possible. But I know myself well enough to say that if I try to do a longer submission I'll probably never get it finished. So I'm keeping this one pretty simple.

I'm not really thrilled with this lockout myself, but I don't really see a way to make it appear logical that someone would mistake the same person for a prostitute multiple times. Any ideas?

Make excuses. Tell the dude that while you've got prior arrangements, but you'll be free later.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
A third option to simply delay the encounter should work. Why didn't I think of that? it's such an obvious solution.  Thanks.