
Dec 9, 2016

It's a rpg/manager/trainer in it's infancy, the basic introduction is in there. Please, check it out and tell me what you think.
I don't know if it's in this tread that these thing are done, but, i wanted to give shout out, about my project on this page.
Please tell me if this is the correct tread.
In the vein of slavemaker, but is not going to have slaves, you'll have a family.

The game will be free to play, but of course patreons get extras.
Thank you!
Dec 9, 2016
Ancient times. Era like the one in savage sword of conan. Basically D&D but set in pre-medieval.
As for fetishes and since I want do give as much freedom to the player as I can, it would be easier for me to tell the one that are definitely NOT going to be part of the game. Rape, Gore, Loli and shota are out.
As for the rest besides futa and milking, things like furry, etc, they are going to be there but not mandatory, well to tell the truth, even thosse you can chose not to have any "dealings" with.
How strongly the presence of those fetishes are depends on my and the will of the patreons.
Hope it helps. Thank you.
Dec 9, 2016
Yes. I started now just to get awareness for the game... "put it on the radar" sort of speak.
It's going to have monthly builds, and the quantity of development depends on the time I have available...
Thank you for the feedback.
Dec 9, 2016
Not just M/F, here's the deal...
You can start a family (or join one), and aside from the patriarch and matriarch (witch are, at the moment forcibly M/F), inside the family you can have other like M/M, F/F, Futa/Futa, etc... you can "enjoy" the company of you family, and others as much as you like, and not to be forced on one route (at least that's what I’m trying to achieve).
You get to join a family by being invited by the "Alpha" couple, either because you fancy someone (*thats not paired) or someone in the family fancies you...

I still have a lot to explain on this mechanic, but as I work on the game, I’m adding stuff to it.
Hope i explained myself properly.



Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Ok, you peaked my interest so I decided to give it a go.

1) First thing I noticed - what the hell are these castes, species and races and what do they represent in terms of stats as well as gameplay changes? New worlds (and the lore that come with them) can be fun to explore but without something explaining what is what it can be a bit of a challenge.

2) What is the difference between a Hetero and VeraHetero?

3) May I suggest "orgasm denial" as one of the fetishes?

4) The top-down isometric view is fine but I think we should have an option to zoom out as needed, otherwise it gets a bit tricky moving around cofined spaces.
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Dec 9, 2016
  1. That i guess i should have explained better.
    1. Species = Humans, Elf, Dwarfs, Anthros and the likes.
    2. Race = Within species there are races with physical differences (skin, hair, eyes), and some cultural differences (like architecture)
    3. Caste = Within a gender there are castes/kinds with physical, mental and social differences, and all genders have their equivalent. Ex: A male Aureus (1st caste) is leader, athletic build but not buff, highly thoughtful and with a commanding presence, A Argentus (2nd) is a combatant, body-builder, intimidating presence and a more ingenuity type of intelligence. Those kinds of differences
  2. VeraHetro (true heterosexual), person that only performs sexual actions with/to a opposite gender person or opposite genitalia. An Hetro is more "open". I did this because of the Futa/Herm gender element. Ex: A male can have sex whit a futa, anal, breasts, oral, etc, and it's performing "hetro" actions, but if he decides to masturbate or fellate the futa penis he perform a homosexual act. He doesn’t stop being hetro, he just not "true hetro". I would worry much about the preference cause it can go up or down as you perform sexual acts, it's just the way i though about npc's asking the pc to partake in certain actions.
  3. But of course. Added to the list.
  4. I thought i already did that. Guess i didn't implement the code. It will zoom in the next build.
Thank you for the feedback.

New worlds. The pangaea (old world) was divided into 13 new continents. A cataclysm happened and a "Noah ark" like event occurred. You'll be exploring ruins and places that survived and all evil that still remains.
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Be sure to add descriptions for each of the drop-down options on your character creator, especially for those things like caste and race. People want to know what they're actually selecting.

A bunch of your stats seem fairly redundant, too. There are 4 or so different options relating to agility and it's not clear what effect one might have over another. If it's not strictly necessary you should probably combine a few of those. A character creator that's too complex/has a bunch of esoteric and abstract-sounding functions is one of those things that sounds cool in your head but just confuses people who actually go to use it. Same with things like preference selectors. The point there would be to give people the option of filtering out content they might not want to see so it's best to keep it simple and functional rather than have 6 or 8 increasingly specific ones.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
  1. That i guess i should have explained better.
    1. Species = Humans, Elf, Dwarfs, Anthros and the likes.
    2. Race = Within species there are races with physical differences (skin, hair, eyes), and some cultural differences (like architecture)
    3. Caste = Within a gender there are castes/kinds with physical, mental and social differences, and all genders have their equivalent. Ex: A male Aureus (1st caste) is leader, athletic build but not buff, highly thoughtful and with a commanding presence, A Argentus (2nd) is a combatant, body-builder, intimidating presence and a more ingenuity type of intelligence. Those kinds of differences

They may be those things but the name you actually gave them sounded a lot more foreigner, in fact, it was latin. I agree with balitz in that a drop-down menu explaining each choice would be a good thing - giving unconventional names, titles and ranks to things and people, just to sound cool, can sometimes have the opposite effect if people don't know what they mean. Many of us don't know a squat of latin so if you intend to make a game based on a dead language you better prepare yourself to write a very lengthy codex explaining most things...
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Dec 9, 2016
The descriptions of the stats are going to be more and more explicit, and i'm going to let the player see what stats are going to be affected by the choices made... i just ran out of time!
There’s no point telling people the changes, or in this case, new implementations, if people can't see them.
Not visible = not there. That's why i rushed the descriptions and the screens.

The redundancy feeling, i think it's due to the lack of explanation and once people see the actual numbers on the description it will make more sense.

As for the language, yes the base is Latin, based not the main focus and the Latin choice makes sense (to me at least), and again, my main fault was the lack of explanation for an easy perception, and i don't mean explaining in droves of texts i mean, simple summarized concepts and were i can, a simple parenthesis.
For example, the name of the game, "beatitudinem" means happiness/blessed, and i know that some people even have trouble with that (reading something like "beauty nudem", or something) so i'm adding to the title a sub-title, which is going to be blessed, but i'm still going to maintain the main and original one.

Just please take in consideration, that i'm still building the game, and adding all the mechanics, all the texts and sprites as i go, and i do thank you for telling me your difficulty’s or problems with the project.

Thank you for the feedback.
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Nothing wrong with using some foreign language to spice up things like names. You just need to make sure that people know what they mean in a practical if not a linguistic sense. Give the classes and races descriptions that lets people know what each one will look like or what the skills are.
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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2016
After seeing the demo I will be a patreon. You might want to spread this around so you can get more people. Also might want to put the demo at the top.
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Dec 9, 2016
End of the month... and no build this month! This month i start to give the early build for my patreon supporters, so this build is coming out by the end of THIS month.
Also i have made a transition from 2d sprites to 3d models... and so far the results have been very satisfying.
This means i can animate things like tails and ears (and other such extras).

I'll post some screenshots and a story section on the blog for anthros as soon as I'm able.