[WIP] feedback wanted: plushophile panda-girl


New Member
May 9, 2019
It's not done yet, but I just finished the first 'sex' scene (note: not really a sex scene) and I'd like some feedback on what I have so far before I take it further.

A plushophile is someone with a fetish for stuffed animals, but that's not really what I'm going for; I'm going for a more general fetish for plushness as a whole, but I couldn't find a distinct word for that. Some people may find it weird or creepy, but that can be said for most things in TiTS, to be honest.

My concerns:
  • Consistency of writing (me vs myself and me vs Fenoxo)
  • The believability of Laurendalia as a character
  • (most important) The flexibility of the writing to apply to any player's character

Keep in mind that it's not done. I might add more talk options, and I'm definitely going to add more sex scenes. (As of May 9th)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I once toyed with the idea of writing a rich TFed charcter who happened to be into softness. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2017
Okay, I've given the document a quick read, and I must say I was surprised in a positive way. I didn't expect to actually like the character, but her personality hit me in a soft spot, she's so cute! I wanna cuddle and tease her so much :3

I'd like to know more about your goals with her though. Is she going to be a crew member or keep to her own ship? Is there going to be a romance, a friendship, something more than just sex? (Not that 'just sex' is a bad thing.)

I'm also curious to know more about her interactions with the main character. Does she have body preferences (besides plushiness)? Are there physical/personality traits that would put her off? This kind of thing.


New Member
May 9, 2019
I'd like to know more about your goals with her though. Is she going to be a crew member or keep to her own ship? Is there going to be a romance, a friendship, something more than just sex? (Not that 'just sex' is a bad thing.)

I was only planning to have her as a sex partner because I think it would be a tall request to submit a crew member or persistent character for my first project. I would love to have her become a potential crew member, and I'm totally willing to write as much as I need to for that, but even just being able to visit her at Travos feels like more than I'm worthy for. For now, the plan is just a one-off random encounter in space, but maybe she'll become something more?

I'm also curious to know more about her interactions with the main character. Does she have body preferences (besides plushiness)? Are there physical/personality traits that would put her off? This kind of thing.

I'm cautious to include her own preferences because in the end TiTS is an experience tailored around the player, and I don't want to alienate anyone for following their own desires. I will try to add positive reinforcement for things she likes without including any negative reinforcement for things she doesn't like, but I'm going to be conservative about not discriminating anyone over depicting that aspect of her.

I wanna cuddle and tease her so much :3

I'll give you plenty of options to! :3
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