[WIP - early draft only atm] Celise "Buffet" option


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
I thought it a little strange that Celise didn't "clean you out" when feeding her, so I mentioned it in another thread, and was given the go-ahead to submit a write-up, so here's my first thoughts...

access: "Buffet" option from the feed Celise Menu -- could be modified for other slimies
Disabled if no applicable status. Alternately: "locked" until a normal feeding Celise with appropriate status -- but much harder to integrate into existing scenes due to those scenes being complete and not designed with this possibility in mind; probably also not much better than the disabled option, especially for the effort likely involved.

Primary - ease of implementation as first time submitter
Secondary - allows player more control over scene; doesn't spoil nostalgia of original scenes which are fully preserved

Kinks - "errotic" bath-time, "mother bird" (ie, finding and bringing food for Celise, as opposed to just being that food), goo-bath (light vore), multi-penetration/probing, deep cleaning

Part1 - stripping - celise anticipation - sensitive to "covered with cum" (and other?) status - Celise slowly lets out a long, inhumanly wide, "tongue" to lick you clean pre-stripping.

Tentacle Celise suddenly produces "normal" tongues from the end of each tentacle - cleaned by a thousand licks "For a moment it's like being licked all over by a swarm of eager puppies, except these "puppies" quickly reveal themselves to be hungry, horny little devils that seek every nook and cranny in their determination to not let a single microgram of this delicious smorgasbord escape them"

Both versions have her goop slowly oozing beneath your clothes to remove them into herself, where she meticulously "sucks" them clean before "depositing" them neatly in a freshly cleaned and pressed pile just to the side (and a little behind) her. "You've never seen your clothes looking so clean - you're pretty sure she's returned them to a factory new state... well, except for the holes, rips, tears, and thinning you've managed to inflict upon them; but certainly they're as clean (if not cleaner) than they were when they were brand new..."

Part2 - Celise slowly invading/easing herself into every orifice seeking for more. - scene sensitive to various fluid "filled" status, with extra text for located "treasures". Order - mouth, womb, anus. Can the penis be "filled"? Any other body parts have filled/stained status?

Part3 - Hunger unleashed, Celise proceeds to take your own fluids - (option to resist? Denying her your own juices and forcing her to make do with what you bring her only? Ie, dominant power play; alternately shy, but guilty - perhaps depending on personality stat?). Proceeds similar to other feeding scenes, except ALL orifices/whole body is assumed. Drain Testicles, Breast (other?) milk, Saliva, Sweat, etc... (consider a foot worship mini scene, arm-pits, cleavage, other "dirty" places?). Include ball draining/training effect of normal cock feeding?

Part4 - post-coitus collapse of Celise and player. After her "ministrations" the player is left so relaxed, clean feeling, and exhausted that they almost immediately drift into a brief rejuvenating nap, last image is that of an almost completely "goo blob" Celise serving as a form fitting bed, apparently lovingly separating the player's various juices from the others. Celise quickly converting the buffet to mere sustenance, while clearly determined to slowly savor her favorite while you're resting... The last thought that flits through your abused mind is the slightly horrifying, slightly exciting thought that Celise seems determined to be here when you wake... She can't still be hungry... can she?! The thought of it proves too much for your remaining reserves, and your mind decides then and there that unconsciousness is preferable to that pondering...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Any ideas regarding applicable statuses, various filling "types" (is that tracked?), etc. welcome. Ideas for some of Celise's possible reactions to various possible states of the player. Any applicable kinks I might be overlooking (feel free to include descriptions of how they'd apply/could be implemented if desired.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Random thought:
Pregnancy sensitive? Invading the womb? Scene of gentle coddling/cleaning of the fetus while cleaning around it?
Any interest in this, is this "too far" for TiTS submission?


Well-Known Member
First off: it's better to put the actual writing of the scene in a Google Doc, which you then link to in your original post (make sure sharing is set to "anyone with the link can access"). That way, it's not lost in with the text of your posts, and editing it is much easier.
Pregnancy sensitive? Invading the womb? Scene of gentle coddling/cleaning of the fetus while cleaning around it?
Steele can't get the "vaginally filled" status effect while pregnant, but they can retain it from before the pregnancy. Once pregnant, the cervix is impenetrable, so the womb can't be invaded by cum, goo, tentacles, etc.; basically, it's okay to go inside non-pregnant wombs, but not pregnant ones. And for the last question, I'd answer 'no'; actually involving the babies in sex is too far for most people.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Steele can't get the "vaginally filled" status effect while pregnant, but they can retain it from before the pregnancy. Once pregnant, the cervix is impenetrable, so the womb can't be invaded by cum, goo, tentacles, etc.; basically, it's okay to go inside non-pregnant wombs, but not pregnant ones. And for the last question, I'd answer 'no'; actually involving the babies in sex is too far for most people.
Roger that, very clear boundaries/mechanics, thanks! (Also, just so I don't give the wrong impression, the fetus scene I was imagining was loving/tender, not sexual towards the fetus - consent matters.)


Well-Known Member
Also, just so I don't give the wrong impression, the fetus scene I was imagining was loving/tender, not sexual towards the fetus
That may be so, but it's still within the context of what is otherwise a sex scene, so many people (myself included) would still find it too close to paedophilia for comfort. Plus, it would involve breaking through the cervix and placenta (which, realistically speaking, should result in a miscarriage) and wouldn't work for pregnancies that end in egg-laying.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Creative ways to play fantasies of any kind, I guess. Just like some people go gaga over cervix/womb penetration yet I can't stand it because it would hurt like hell in real life.
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