[WIP] Combat Dungeon: Uveto


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2016
First here's the doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1itvgPgEnC2h_YQyg3fayBC25cdwy3DOA7uuuYdBA1e8/edit?usp=sharing

Ok so this is a combat dungeon I thought of a while back. This is the outline ripped straight from the doc.
  1. PC receives contact from Henry Margrave asking to meet on Uveto.
  2. PC and Margrave meet. Margrave offers PC a job to help an associate of his (Lisette) out of a situation with Black Void Pirates. It will pay a truck load of the moneys
    1. PC can say yes or no
  3. PC and Margrave take his ship to the rendezvous point. Lisette doesn't make it because her ship is shot down enroute.
  4. PC and Margrave travel to the crash site. Her ship went down in an ice valley.
  5. PC goes one man army into the valley and will signal Margrave for pick up once they find the crash.
  6. PC fights three "bosses" in the dungeon.
    1. Lioness pirate with 2 leveled goons.
    2. Sniper merc, can be bribed or threatened.
    3. Cyborg death machine.
  7. PC rescues Lisette.
  8. PC gets paid. Yay.
Anyway I figured that I would try to keep writing while I wait for Fen to look at my Luca expansion. I love creating combat encounters for my dnd group, so I decided to try it here. It is very much a Work In Progress. I need to write a lot for it and I would love some opinions on how it looks so far.

I used generic words like Damage = Low, Medium, High for combat details. I'm not familiar enough with the TiTS combat system to give specific damage amounts. I plan for the dungeon to be a level 8-10 difficulty.

I plan on writing this stuff after I'm finished with Luca.
My goals, plans, hopes and dreams, as of 5/23/2018, for once this is finished is to have 2-4 new NPC's for the player character to interact with after this. It will take me a great deal of time to write all this and get it approved, but I'm gonna try.
- Lisette will get most of the future content. She's a human female and will have some masochistic and oral fixations with her sex scenes. I really want to do a Shibari scene for her. Outside sex stuff she'll be a UGC agent who will offer to take the PC on missions with her. (She's basically a Spectre from Mass Effect).
- Margrave will get some scenes, but not a lot as of right now. I know he'll be tied to the Black Void and pop up from time to time.
- Jason if spared will show up on Uveto at The Freezer. He'll have some scenes and I'm not sure how far I want to go with it.
- Lioness (I need to get her a name) if spared she'll show up at another dungeon during which the PC can arrest her and send her to Gastigoth.

TLDR: Level 8-10 Combat Dungeon on Uveto. New NPC's. More content for them eventually.