[WIP] Calla, human poet[I guess you could say on hiatus?]


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
The horror movie thing is so corny. Let me guess, the girl gets startled, she tugs on your arm and you comfort her.
Nuppp. Shes watched the movie a hundred times so shes trying to see your reactions to it.

If your kind, you get kinda scared, if your misch/hard, you get slightly startled.

Also, one more question, is it possible to do a perspective switch for a scene? Like the Urta scene in her quest in COC.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2017
Somewhere Somehow
It could work both ways. She may grow so infatuated with Steele that Steele ends up in her ship after a night drinking, she may or may not have added something to Steele's drink. Steele finds her/himself tied to the bed with Calla watching Steele sleep and/or working on giving Steele a very good morning!
Sounds a bit Yandere-esque. While Yandere's aren't prohibited, they are discouraged due to their complex nature, and the high chance to fuck it up


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Also, one more question, is it possible to do a perspective switch for a scene? Like the Urta scene in her quest in COC.
Personally, i kinda think we should just let that be Urta's thing. Its one of the main things that make her unique. I also think that even if something like that is put into TiTS, it should be reserved for one of the more significant characters, like Shade, Astra, or Kaede.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
Alright everyone, it might take a bit more time before im done with the Tarkus content since im going through all of my previous writing to get it up to standard and im writing a couple of spend time scenes.

Also, ive just realized how hard it is to write, since you have to take EVERYTHING into account! Its kinda fun, but ive had to rewrite some stuff to account for things like someone not wearing undergarments or having both types of private parts and im getting kinda sleepy.

Ill try to see if i can finish Tarkus soon, but i have one last question. How do you all feel about an Arian type scene? As in the COC character that you can interrupt while hes pleasuring himself? You dont interrupt Calla mid act, but id like to do a scene where you can eavesdrop on her or just give her privacy and let her be.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
How do you all feel about an Arian type scene? As in the COC character that you can interrupt while hes pleasuring himself? You dont interrupt Calla mid act, but id like to do a scene where you can eavesdrop on her or just give her privacy and let her be.
I think it would be cool. Just don't make it a carbon copy of the inspiration. Find some ways to make it really unique, ya know?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2017
Somewhere Somehow
How do you all feel about an Arian type scene? As in the COC character that you can interrupt while hes pleasuring himself? You dont interrupt Calla mid act, but id like to do a scene where you can eavesdrop on her or just give her privacy and let her be.
As @XBoxMaster131 already mentioned, make sure you don't blatantly copy the scene. Also, know that there's a difference between taking inspiration from something, and basing something off of something else. The former is merely writing something that you thought of whilst observing the source of inspiration, while basing something off of something else is more along the lines of writing your own content in the same structure and idea arc.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
Alright, ill try to upload the new google doc today, but one last thing. I plan to do a scene where you get attacked by a sexbot, and theres an option to resist if you've been defeated.

I was wondering if slightly rapey stuff towards the pc was allowed? I wont do Calla or another character raping anyone, but ill do an option to fight back against the sexbot. I mean, since it is a robot, it probably doesnt understand "no" right?


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
Its done.

Tell me if my writing is bad, but this is my first time writing a smutty scene and im not even done with all the options, so ill try to improve.


From what I've read so far I really like the feel of this character. You've made some very good ''Spend time'' sections that cover many different perspectives, adding a lot of depth to Calla and the interactions with Steele.

It's awesome, is what I am trying to say.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
Hey all, Long time no see!

Sorry for not updating or working on this entry for the past few months, but now im back and ill try to work on it a lot more.

I originally wanted to ask you all if you think i should add in support and certain scenes for bimbo Steeles, but i've decided not to do so since it would greatly increase my workload.

Sorry for not doing anything for the past few months!


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
Hey everyone!

What do you all think about being able to transform Calla over the course of this encounter?

Do you think there should be a unique transformation for every planet, and if so, what would they be?

I dont really know what to add in terms of transformations so im open to suggestions!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
My personal opinion, keep her pure human. There's to few in the game. But if you want to do it then, Mengha-cat ears or zil eyes, Tavros-raskvel tongue or something (not alot of options here), Myrellion-Myr venum, myr eyes, or nyrean corset and boots, Uveto-huskar regal mane.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Optionally on Mhen'ga, if you want, you can give her some Throbb to make her a herm/futa.
Alternatively, you could give her some Virection Pills on New Texas.
And you should give her bigger breasts (with lactation if you want), floppy ears, horns and a tail from Tavros Station/Myrellion with the Bovinium item.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Try not to make another bess out of her. Just 1-2 transformations are enough for a character.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
Yeah, i'm aiming for one or two transformations that unlock new scenes when you finish her encounters.

E.g Giving her bigger breasts will maybe unlock new scenes involving those breasts.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
Hello, i know its been quite a while but a bunch of stuff happened that caused me to basically abandon this project for a good year. I swear i have good reasons but i cant share them because they are quite personal.

Anyways, the last time i was trying to write this project was me essentially revamping the entire document to make the writing less garbage and now im revamping the revamp to make it even better. Ive found that the writing is pretty bad so ill keep re-writing it but i basically have about 2 hours per day to work on this stuff and sometimes i have other things to do so i dont expect progress to be that fast, especially since the table of contents is about 1/2 of what i wanted to actually write and i still dont know how to write good sexual scenes, especially from a male perspective.

I would just like to take this opportunity to ask all of you about what you want for the character since i have honestly forgotten many of the intricacies and details of the character. For example, she has glasses but i dont think i was going to use those for any special scenes or events. Should i keep them or remove them? How about hair color? Is blue good or should i maybe make her hair color natural? When i first started i had a good grasp of her personality and character and i even planned out this whole intricate storyline but now im afraid i seem to have forgotten a lot of it.

When im done with the revamp, ill repost the link so expect better quality with the next update! Honestly ill be surprised if anyone still has interest in this project but i hope ill be able to get it into the game one day.

Edit: apparently the docs auto updates so if you all would like to see the current version, you can do so right now! Please tell me if the writing quality is better or worse as i would like to give you all the best i can write
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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
Also after reading through some comments on this post where you guys commented that you were looking forward to this project or calling it a "banger", i would just like to apologise for basically abandoning it.

Im sorry!


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
Welp its still fine as it was so keep it comin bro! Now about her id say:
1.KEEP THE FUKEN GLASSES.Its like a mojo for me but a hellish tabu for writers so don't u dare remove em.
2.Ehh I guess she can keep her hair color as it was but if ya ask me she can go ginger.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
Welp its still fine as it was so keep it comin bro! Now about her id say:
1.KEEP THE FUKEN GLASSES.Its like a mojo for me but a hellish tabu for writers so don't u dare remove em.
2.Ehh I guess she can keep her hair color as it was but if ya ask me she can go ginger.

What type of glasses should she wear? Im thinking of a pair of circular glasses or wire frame glasses? Maybe circular wire frame glasses?

How do i make glasses sound attractive. Help! :D


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
Alright everyone, so far im up to the scene where you go on a trek with Calla and god did i underestimate the work recquired.

I constantly have to go back to the start of the document to update my writing, and reading the first draft made me feel like just deleting the document. I am genuinely frightened about re-reading the first draft sex scene that hasnt been updated yet.

Still, its quite fun though kinda tedious. To give you guys an idea, I've only written about 1/6 of the content so far and its at 34,000 words. Also, Im constantly re-reading and updating the already written portion and only about 1/2 of that is satisfactory to me.

I probably should have written a few small TFs or encounters instead of this huge project, but anyways, I would just like to say that if you guys re read the document, it ought to be a lot better than the first draft up till her second [spend time] scene.

Also give me any ideas you may want to suggest for this character.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
Hey guys Im thinking of scrapping the entire poem mechanic and just making it a souvenir thing where you get different scenes based on what you give her. For example, giving her Zil Honey might have you two exploring a zil related area and giving her Naleen nip would unlock exploring a Naleen related area. This would mean shes travelling the frontier for adventure and not inspiration, and you would be giving her these items as gifts/memorabilia.

Do you think this is a good change from poems? An alternative would be her poems being simple ABAB rhyme schemes but growing more advanced as you help her so you kinda help develop her skills as a writer/poet?

Also, im not sure about this change but from the start i planned her to be really agreeable, but secretly lecherous. Do you think this is a good schtick? Or maybe i should change it.

Essentially im trying to switch from working on this project once every week or so to everyday, and im trying to sort through the logistical mess of having inconsistent parts of the story and weird little pockets of writing where i wrote the first paragraph in 2018 and the second one in the present. This entails trying to get an actual consistent character arc instead of one that changes from paragraph to paragraph, and trying to shave off any uneeded features so this project will be actually doable.

Sorry for the constant fake updates, but once ive sorted this stuff out ill probably make an update wall on the original post where i list dates of completing milestones.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
Im thinking the option for her poems get better & better the more you give her stuff would be far better, but the shtick thing... youre gonna have to probably choose that urself or set up a poll. And oi its no big deal if you don't update it much, sort this out first and get a hang of what you want.
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