Wings Of Freedom (for ShifterDreams)


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
The Back Of Your Mind
A short span of time has passed since the fall of the power of Lethice in the land of Mareth, and little by little the world seems to be growing to a point that is similar to the time before corruption ran rampant over the inhabitants. However, in spite of the fall of Lethice, there are still many creatures that are proud to continue their nefarious and lewd practices.

These bands have quickly found leaders, often being an brilliant omnibus or occasionally some other powerful champion, and the groups have begun to act almost as nations. The staunch grasp that these tribes have has caused great havoc in the attempts to rebuild the world. Each day they establish territory, kidnap people from their homes in settlements, and scouts from Tel'Adre and other upstanding places go missing. All of these are attempts to maintain their dwindling numbers, if not then for the mere pleasure of conquest... and a bit more.

The corrupt are actually becoming a dying breed, not going extinct, but simply becoming diluted as time passes. Some of the newly formed 'nations' have managed to locate and utilize portals that are still open to other dimensions and worlds. Just as pulling water from a well, they succeed in pulling new peoples into Mareth and enslaving them to either serve or be turned.

In some cases, their lack of moderation due to desperation has hampered their efforts. As it world seem, many kingdoms do not take lightly to villages and towns going missing over the course of a night or a week. When battalions and armies are sent to investigate, and the invading force is found unprepared or wanting, they are driven back and the portal closed by their leaders. The greatest problem with this? While their leaders may be able to close these mystical gates, they lack the power to open new ones.

So, our adventure begins as several individuals have been torn from their homelands, captured, and now fight for their freedom. Some are content to build a home in this new world, others wish to return, and some do not care so long as they can keep the sex crazed fiends from warping their minds.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
The Back Of Your Mind
Name: Axel Biblasa Ethelmund

Race: Human Hybrid

Age: 25

History: Axel, as far back as he can remember was an orphan. He spent his youngest years living with other homeless children and people in the slums of a large city known as Nexus, the capital of the empire. He learned many lessons in those alleys and rough times; all of which taught him to be a better survivor. His physical attributes helped him immensely to live in rough conditions, he had always been strong, fast, agile, and clever beyond his years. Some of the skills he learned, however, were to observe, blend in, pay attention, and to be light handed. In spite of his unfavorable background and rough life, he wanted more than to be a street urchin.

He always wanted more, and much as he hated having to pickpocket and steal food to live, he sought to better himself by joining the town guard that he had always been careful to avoid all his life. Because of his careful nature, he never gained a bad reputation among them and this allowed him to join their ranks when he came of age. A life of structure, justice, and labor suited him well.

Due to his unique abilities and moral compass, he gained all the right attention from his superiors and quickly rose to be an officer in the royal army. This trial was a difficult one for him, he had to learn to read and write, about the world and different political territories, about the histories of kingdoms and religions. In spite of this adversity, he far exceeded what was required of him. After months of spending late nights in books and scribbling on paper in addition to his daily tasks, he flourished and became a highly decorated officer for his battle prowess, expansive and deep knowledge of the world, and keen strategy.

Despite how he had turned his life around and accomplished so much more than others like him, there were several things that haunted him. Why was he abandoned? Who were his parents? Why was he so different? Where did these scars come from? Why do I feel like I am always watched? These things he would one day answer, perhaps sooner than he might have realized.

As time went on and mission after mission he proved himself again, he was finally assigned one that would ultimately change his life. For some time there had been reports of disappearances in a far off mountain range. Time and again his peers had sent small battle groups and scouting parties to investigate, yet they never returned. Finally, a fellow officer of his pulled him to the side, apparently the last scouting party had one soldier to return, with some rather baffling news.

After interviewing the last soldier, who had been very badly injured and shaken up, Axel decided he would volunteer to take the mission off of his peer's hands in spite of the fact that it wasn't within his district. Furthermore, he decided it was far to dangerous to send only his troops, so he resolved that he and his best would set out themselves. With his apprentice of three years left in charge with a willing retired officer to advise the youngling, he left knowing that he may not return.

On their venture to the mountain range they heard many tales about various beasts ranging from talking goop to pink dragons. He knew that these were ridiculous meanderings by superstitious villagers, but he did wonder if the truth wasn't somewhere in between. His world had people of all kinds, ranging from humans to asuar (canid-humans) and from ursanine (bear humans) to dragon morphs, but to hear of actual monsters was a serious subject.

Finally, after their arrival and making camp in the mountains, they searched and scouted for several weeks, but nothing seemed amiss. Until, one day they found a area of the vast forests that seemed to have no animals living there; all the while, they knew this was a sign of them drawing closer to some kind of danger they decided to camp closer to it, but not within it. Each night they heard different noises from within those woods, from trilling howls and rumbling shrieks to high pitch roars and and trees falling, or being pushed over. One oddity was, however, that they never heard the same noise from night to night. It was almost as though there was a different creature each time. His soldiers were hardened men, and even though this did frighten them, they would forever be loyal to their leader.

After sending a report back to the kingdom with his fastest scout, they decided to build a small fort right within the edge of this abandoned wood. They would build by day and return to their safe camp by night. After several months, with more soldiers arriving to assist and bring supplies, they had finished their "impregnable fortress". Truly, it was well made, even so far as to be redundant in how well it was reinforced. From quintuple layered walls to interlocking gates and from surrounding bonfires and underground ambush routes the place had been made to last.

After spending many nights up and at arms, listening in the woods to the crickets and the strange sounds and sleeping in the day, a night came when all sounds stopped. Axel awoke from his sleep moments before this, taking only a moment to set up in his bed, a dire feeling had struck him. He quickly dressed and attached his full armor over his regular clothing. He quietly rushed out to his guards and told them to wake the others quickly, but quietly and to have the horses readied; if this terrible feeling he had was an indication, then he would want some of his people to survive. His instincts had always been without question, whether he learned this in his childhood or something else, his men learned to never questioned them.

With a quarter of the soldiers on horseback, ready to flee, half of that would leave the moment fighting started and the others toward the end. Someone had to get back and report what had happened; hopefully they would be safe after emerging from the Midnight Hollows, as they called the silent woods.

When he felt certain all were ready, he had his archers light up their arrows and let fly into several bonfires set up all around his fortress. In spite of the surrounding area being lit up like daylight, nothing seemed out of place. A moment of silence spread through the fort until a certain sobering thought came to Axel, chills ran up his back and his eyes widened as her tilted his head to the black sky.

"Up! Up! Turn yours eyes up!" He cried, echoing throughout the wooden camp. Then came a heart wrenching, feminine laughter as the soldiers turned their attention upward with shocked expressions, filled with terror. From the pitch black sky, a legion of glowing eyes peered back at them. This entire time that they were preparing, they had been watched, and clearly their audience was quite amused. Just as the soldiers began to move into different positions and prepare to attack, a purple and scented rain began falling on them. It smelled floral and seemed to completely sap the strength of all it touched. Thankfully, a few of the horsemen had begun to ride right after the laughter; they may have been cowards, but evidently not fools.

All his men began to drop like flies, but something about Axel was immune to this paralyzing rain; perhaps, something within that mysterious heritage of his. His men, down but still awake managed to see their leader still standing and ready to fight. As best they could they begged him to run and save himself. Still gazing upward at the enemy, he replied, "Not so long as any of you breath. Besides, it's too late for that." He began move as these winged creatures revealed themselves, trying to fight them back and keep his soldiers safe, but there were too many... Succubi.

For hours, rotating groups would mock fight him, toying with him to keep him occupied enough for their allies to abduct his soldiers into the sky and take them elsewhere. Finally, when only he remained, a much taller and more voluptuous one appeared; perhaps, an omnibus? Her subordinates made a circle around them both to keep him from escaping. Mumbling something and waving her hand toward him, he readied his sword and arched his brow in confusion at what she was doing. For a moment her hand glowed and she spoke clearly, "Sleep!" Yet there he still stood, his eyebrows raising as her hand stopped and a look of shock seemed to spread among them. Her dark purple lips pouted slightly as her subordinates' smiles faded.

"You want sleep go take a sheet and stuff it with goose down yourself!" He exclaimed, mocking her attempts at what he thought must be some kind of mind control she had. He wasn't going to rest until every one of his soldiers were safe or he was dead, and he was beginning to think, based of what he had seen, that the latter was more likely. A frown came to her face as she crossed her arms under her large, scantily clad breasts and began to slow walk in a large circle around him.

"You aren't tired from all this fighting with my girls... Our rains of pleasure didn't fell you... AND my magic didn't work? Just what ARE you exactly?" She asked, arching a fine brow as she ran her eyes over him. He wasn't sure if she was thinking aloud or actually asking him. If it were not for the circumstances he was now in he might have actually resolved to sleep with her, but that was a possibility that stopped existing when they revealed themselves as the enemy. She stood almost as tall as he with smooth, blue skin, massive breasts, tantalizing hips, and a perfect ass. She had large webbed wings and black eyes with each having a silver iris; long, jet black hair hung straight down to her hips.

"Strong, hungry, and pissed off!" He remarked, tightening his grip on his sword. The female demons surrounding him seemed to chuckle at his remark as a sly smile grew across their leader's lips. Her feet tapped lightly on the wooden fortress floor as she kept a slow, circling pace. Each step caused her bust to bounce ever so slightly.

"Strong? Ha! You couldn't even lay a finger on one of girls!" She scoffed, stopping and narrowing her eyes at him. She tilted her head slightly, a smirk coming to her lips.

"So, then why are you afraid to fight me? Keeping your distance because you might get more than you bargained for?!" He spat. The fact of the matter was that he had been biding his time, gambling for just this. He knew he couldn't protect all his soldiers, so he conserved his strength and played along with their mock fights, hoping that he might catch the interest of their leader. It had been a long shot, but it had finally paid off for him; much as he wanted to protect his pride, he wasn't about to reveal his plans.

"No, you aren't worth the effort. BUT, you would make an amusing slave... Marxcellia! Make him my toy!" She exclaimed, still staring him in the eyes as she snapped her fingers. The surrounding crowds of seductresses began to giggle triumphantly, clearing being privy to some information that he wasn't.

"Your to-?!?!" He was stopped short as an amazonian figure dropped from the sky and made the ground under his feet vibrate. A succubus that seemed to dwarf even him rose from her knees, she seemed to be some kind of muscular hybrid between a succubus and a white tiger, having beautiful white and black fur and two saber like fangs with muscles that were distinct even through the fur, even her wings had the same fur. She wore a leather loincloth below her abs and bra that left little to the imagination as it struggled to contain all of her plush mammary mass. In her right hand a large axe was to the ground like some kind of cane as she propped herself up on it and licked her lips seductively.

"We can do this the hard way..." She tapped her fingers on the hilt of the axe. "Or the fun way..." She offered, pulling her loincloth to the side to reveal a wet snatch with some accompanying jewelry, just before she let her excuse for clothing drop back into place. "What'll it be? I will have my with you either way, may as well be without a beating." She chuckled, biting her lip lightly as she cupped one of her breasts and fondled it seductively; to those with any kind of vision it was obvious through the tight leather that her nipples were pierced just as was her clit. Her eyes were blue with pearl irises and long white hair had been braided down her back all the way to her ample hips.

Tilting his head down, hiding his eyes, he dropped his guard and slumped his shoulders with a deep sigh. He stabbed his sword firmly several inches into the ground, seeming to submit. He began to unclasp his belt that held up his sword sheath, then his chest plate, this his pauldrons, then his metal greaves; he even took off his cloak and dropped it on the ground to reveal his muscular figure, then he kicked off his boots.

The ones surrounding him began chuckling, whispering how he couldn't resist Marxcellia or how he knew he was defeated when he saw her. The blue omnibus took a seat on a bench close by to a fire pit with an amused look, she was curious to see if her new slave had skills in between the sheets in addition to his inhuman perks.

"Make it a good show Marxcellia!" The omnibus waved, a wide grin showing as her purple lips parted to reveal pearly white teeth.

"If you think you can take me..." He said calmly, holding his arms out, seemingly in submission. Marxcellia's clawed fingers tapped on the handle of her axe as she once again licker her lips.

"Then try to keep up!" He jerked his sword of the ground with his scarred arms and took a battle stance different than before. The crowd went silent for a moment, just before Marxcellia burst into laughter and then so did her demonic sisters. Even the Omnibus, Tantalia, smiled wide with a stifled chuckle.

"You really think you have a chance against me? Even if you could beat me, do you really think you could take all my sisters and my mistress, Tantalia? The come at me, I am read-!" She stopped short, for within that exact last second he had burst forward with all his strength, and he was upon her. Before she could he raise her weapon he went low between her legs and landed several cuts that brought her to her knees, without missing a single seconds worth of opportunity he stabbed through her right arm and cut her left shoulder, and like that, after quickly pushing between her wings and pressing his muscular torso to her back, he brought his blade to her neck from behind. Not killing her, but holding her hostage as he peered toward the one known as Tantalia.

"Return my soldiers and leave, or she dies... slowly and painfully at that." He said, the crowd was dead silent, their mouths agape and eyes wide with pure shock. Marxcellia with her back pressed up against him and arms disabled turned to her mistress, tears beginning to well up in her eyes from the fear and pain, clearly she had never been defeated and never truly been at the mercy of an enemy. A lesson he hoped she would remember.

For Mercellia this split second of shock and terror seemed to last an eternity as every moment she still managed to heave a breath was a mercy he might end. She was down, helpless, and felt that she had no hope of survival. In that moment she felt as though she was in the jaws of the shadow of death and at any moment she might plunge down it gullet.

Tantalia was even so shaken that she held the same look of stupor on her face and had instinctively leapt to her feet. Her minions had not even been able to follow his movements, she barely even could catch more than glimpses. Much as she was shocked and concerned for Marxcellia, her mind raced as new thoughts of what kind of slave and soldier she could make him into dominated her mind. A warmth arose from her loins as excitement overtook her, just what kind of progeny could she make with him?

"Mother please! Save me!" She cried toward Tantalia. Axel glanced down, thinking 'Mother? She is a more valuable hostage than I thought. No wonder she is so different from the rest.' He couldn't help but wonder what her father might have been for her too look so different from her mother.

"That armor is a special metal, made extra dense. My abilities have always been better than others, so I needed something to hold me back... to weigh me down. Sure it is protective, but that armor was meant more to contain me, than protect me. My speed is the least of these, you don't want to see the rest..." He threatened, staring daggers at the mother of his captive. He may have been verbally puffing his chest out, but none of his boasting was without substance. Of all the warriors he had ever met, he was unmatched in almost every aspect.

"Sorry, sweetie... but my spells don't work on him. Since Lethice fell, we have to take what we can get, I can't just let those men go. Guess you will have to die here, my child." She paused, giving an condescending frown toward Marxcellia. Tantalia was certainly cold and calculating, obviously to the point of being ruthless. "Besides, I want him as a slave even more now!" Marxcellia's eyes wide as tears began to pour from them, her mouth moved but no words came out as she felt certain her life was forfeit; and, all over the lack of love from a mother. Axel tilted his head down again, he was in turmoil like never before. 'I can't kill her like this. What kind of mother would would do this?... Would say THAT to HER CHILD!?!?!?' His mind screamed, he couldn't just fail his men either. 'I can find another way, I won't kill her like this. She is in enough pain already, I won't have her die with heartbreak so fresh still.' He thought. While he was no stranger to death, he liked to at least end his enemies quickly so that they never had time to fret over it or to give them something reassuring as they departed this world. No man fights without a cause, and often giving them a sobering notion that their hopes would be achieved with or without their life allowed them to find solace in death, like a child falling asleep.

He lowered himself so that his head was next to Marxcellia's, she held perfectly still, terrified of the man who took her down so fast that she couldn't even see what had happened. He began to whisper a few words in her ear, and she listened very carefully.

"My men were at least as defenseless as you when your demonic kin took them. They prepared side by side with me for months to make sure this wouldn't happen. They didn't even have the chance to put up a fight. They looked up to me, relied on me, trusted me. How can I betray that trust?" He whispered into her ear, pressing the blade to her neck ever so slightly. "This feeling right now? Betrayal? Heartbreak? Fear? Pain? Terror? Magnify it a hundred times and you will know how they felt... maybe." He paused, clenching his teeth as prepared himself for what was next. "Never forget this feeling!" He whispered, a tear streaming down his cheek and landing on her shoulder. Finally she shifted her eyes over to the man inches from her to see the look on his face that no one else could. Watery eyes, gritted teeth, and pure anguish; even now she couldn't fathom the conflict that had just ripped him apart inside. His eyes shifted to meet her gaze and then his eyes changed only for a moment before he spoke again. The whites of his eyes turned a glowing yellow and his pupils turned to bright, thin slits that seemed to spin slowly like a bottle on its side. "How can I betray their trust?" He asked her, not expecting an answer.

Regaining his composure and lifting himself back up, the single trail of a tear not visible to those around him, only her. His eyes were normal again. He took a deep breath and moved his sword as though about to sling it across her throat, she winced and closed her eyes while gritting her teeth as she prepared to die slowly, choking on her blood. "Bleeding hearts be damned!" He yelled loudly and slung his sword!

It landed far from them both, never touching her. He had resolved... not to kill her. "Guess my heart is damned. Forgive me..." He mumbled, thinking no one would hear. Yet, Marxcellia did; confused and beaten, she stared at him as the surprised crowd rushed and seized him, that is after he lifted his hands in submission and knelt beside her. Binding his hands and feet, taking his remaining weapons and stripping off his shirt to reveal the extra pair of arms he had and all his scars, he did not resist.

Like the rest of his men he was placed in a cage big enough for only him and hauled through a portal. Days went by, he refused food and drank only pure water. He could detect anything they would put in his drink and refused it, and Tantalia didn't want to lose her new toy. He wasn't sure what the substance was they were attempting to use on him, but he could smell it and it gave him a nauseous feeling.

Finally, as he slept in a pitch black isolation chamber, a familiar figure made its way down to the desolate dungeon that only he was kept in. He had remained untouched up until that point. As the door to his cell opened, he awoke to see Marxcellia through his weary vision. He went back to sleep, thinking he was imagining things. When he awoke later, he was in a rather comfortable bed, food beside it and water; both of which he could tell were untainted from the smell. He glanced around, seeing no one. While he figured he had the chance, he gorged himself.

Just as he was washing down the final roll, a voice descended behind him. A familiar feminine voice. "Glad you enjoyed it..."

Axel lept from the bed and spun around, taking a grappling stance. He wondered where he was and how he got there, now he had a few assumptions.

"If you want to rassle then I will be glad to under those sheets." Marxcellia smirked and she glanced at the bed. "Just be more gentle than our last encounter, eh?" She raised her bandaged arm.

"Your mother send you to break me in?" He scoffed, standing up straight but still tense as he expected hostility.

"No!" She exclaimed hastily. He could almost swear she was blushing, but the fur hid this from him. 'Oddly timid, for a sexual demon.' He thought. "I am leaving this place. I had a... heart to heart... with her earlier and I... I just can't stay here anymore..." She paused looking down and rubbing her arm.

"I... Owe you. I am getting you out of here as well." She said, sighing and returning her eyes to his from across the bed.

"I won't leave without-" He was interrupted, he hated being interrupted. Marxcellia raised her finger initially to gesture for his silence and then spoke with an exhausted tone.

"Thought you would say that, but it is too late. A few had already broken. The others would not eat or drink, so my mother returned them to your world. She thought she could lower their guard and taint the foods in the forest then recapture them. However, by that time there was an army there waiting." She saw relief come to him. He began to open his mouth, wanting to go home.

"Don't!" She stopped him before he could start, yet again with that upward index finger, a look of surprise and confusion came to him. By this point, he was more relaxed, he didn't consider her a threat anymore.

"She closed the portal so they couldn't come through. She may be able to close them, but the only one who can open them has been dead for a while now." His gaze lowered in thought, but to her it seemed like he was staring at her breasts. In spite of their previous altercation, she was more than happy to entertain the thought of bedding him. She couldn't help but wonder how all that strength and speed might work under the sheets... or on the floor... or against the wall.

"If you want to celebrate it can wait until we are safely away from here, these can wait until later." She grinned, given a slight seductive shake to make her chesty friends wobble. She winked at him and then drew her attention lower to his rather long and thick member, subconsciously biting her lip.

With a blush he realized what he was doing and frowned sheepishly, placing a hand on his hip. It was only at that moment he realized... he was stark naked. "Woah!" He tried covering himself with a nearby pillow; however, he accidentally grabbed a round decorative one which left some of his member still on display.

"Impressive, can't wait..." She teased, giving him another wink and a seductive smile. After a small laugh at his expense she pointed to his clothes across the room. "I couldn't recover the armor or sword, but your other weapons are there." He quickly dressed himself, turning away. Even then he could feel her vision scanning him over, one area in particular.

Putting on the last of his apparel, he turned to her. "Enjoy the show?" He smirked, seeing her bite her lip and give a firm nod which made her breasts wobble in turn. "So how do we escape? Old tunnel? Disguised as mercha- What?!" He exclaimed at her sudden laughter. Suddenly it hit him, glancing toward the window and then her wings with an audible gulp. "Just please don't drop me." He frowned, a worried look on his face.

"I want my hands free." She smirked, turning her back to him as she saw his confusion. "C'mon, take me for a ride." She teased again, shaking her hips and supple yet muscular ass at him. More quickly than she thought she felt his arms and legs wrap around her and something hard press against her back.

With that, they were out the window and off. Now, just where would her wings take him?

Appearance: Axel stands at six feet and two inches tall. He is a large, sturdy mountain of a man at a lean weight of two hundred and seventy-five pounds. His body is chiseled with muscles which are defined almost perfectly. His hair is a golden color that is scattered across his body, as with most peoples, namely his head, chest, arms, and legs. Wavy, short human hair covers his head. He also as a thin mustache accompanied by a short beard of the same golden color that traces the bottom of his square jaw all the way to is chin and goes to his neck.

He often wears baggy clothing with lots of pockets and loops, he likes to be prepared for most any situation so he carries massive amounts of supplies with him. He wears a base layer that consists of a dark blue modified arm shirt which fits him tightly and a regular pair of dark blue boxers. The layer that fits over that are a thick pair of forest green pants that have many pockets with reinforced stitching and a loose fitting, short-sleeved shirt with yet more pockets and is the same color as his pants. His cargo like pants are held up by a belt that consist of leather strands and black chains; further down he wears a pair of brown leather boots that go half-way up his calf muscles. Finally over all of this he wears a black, hooded cloak that fits him loosely drapes all the way down to his ankles; this covers up several sets of throwing knives, two sets of butterfly swords of the back of his waist, and a machete that is sheathed just above them. Occasionally, when in hot conditions he will switch out his black cloak for white one with a few ornate markings on them.

His eyes are hard, yet beautiful; the iris of his eyes are patterned with hues of green, blue, and gold. It has yet to be revealed in himself, but there are certain conditions which can cause his eyes, among other features, to change so that his appearance becomes far more intimidating. His eyebrows are thick and slightly arched with a old mark that rests above and between them. There is vertical scar in the epicenter of is forehead that stretches about an inch long, he has had it since birth; the scar is so light and thin that it is almost unnoticeable. Another vertical scar is ornately placed on the left side of his lips, this scar is about two inches long, and a sixteenth of an inch wide, and the same color as his skin; it is centered on the point where his lips part and it tapers at the top and bottom. One more scar is is center over his right eye, interrupting his thick brow; it is about an eighth of an inch wide and two inches in length.

On his face as well, in the right lighting, one can sometimes see a few dark lines are beside his nose. They begin about a quarter of an inch away and are an inch long. They are so thin, that they often are never noticed, even he is unaware of them. If they were more noticeable, they would almost look like drawn, widely-spaced whiskers.

When not clad in armor or clothes, one can see that his muscle distribution and tone is even from head to toe; his muscles are so well defined, that it can be observed that he has some muscles which are unnatural to the features of most humanoid species or any species for that matter. In spite of never having had the opportunity for serious injury, there are scars of various sizes and shapes that decorate his body. He as no idea where some of them from, only that they have manifested as he has grown. The most notable scar is rather large, starting two inches from the top of is collar bone and running all the way to the bottom of his first abdominal muscles; this scar is about four inches wide and has red tone.

Another peculiar feature of his, often hidden by the baggy cloak and clothing that he wears is that he has an extra set of arms at the bottom of his rib cage. These appendages are just as thick with muscle as his primary limbs and just as dextrous. While he is not ashamed of them, he keeps them hidden as a secondary means of defense; sometimes surprise can give a great advantage.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
Name: Mangetsu Yuki

Nickname: getsu

Race: Human turned winged kitsune

Age: 19

Bio: it was the night before his mother’s 18th birthday where she was to announce her engagement to her long-time boyfriend that only few knew was an arranged match by both their parents, where she went into town and walked into an old dingy pub and got smashed and had a fling with one of the young lads drinking there that little did she know would end up in the creation of her firstborn son.

After many weeks of her being sick she went to the town doctor an old friend of her father’s where she found she was pregnant she begged the doctor to keep it a secret but she knew even if he said yes her father would be told and the child killed before they could be born or killed at birth and so she ran home and packed as much travel supplies as she could and ran.

nine months later a young boy was born with white hair and light blue eyes and very pale skin and oddly his insides where blue, she had given birth to a little boy she was shocked and worried not only was he so pale but so small smaller than the baby’s she had seen she looked up into the eyes of the worried caravan leader which she had joined a just three months ago and their doctor with tears down her face she passed him to the leader “please take care of my son” before slowly closing her eyes to rest.

in the morning she was gone but her baby still in the makeshift bed with a small letter only saying “please take care of my son mangetsu” and so the leader adopted mangetsu into her family where he grew up learning how to bargain with visitors and to dance various dance’s and even to sing which he learned early on he was a natural singer and dancer though most of his time was spend in bed as a child being rather sickly that he grew out of the older and once he hit teenage years was thought how to hunt which he quickly found out he sucked at.

After many years of living with his family his older step sister had decided to brake of from the family and start her own caravan clan to which mangetsu decided to join being offered to be head of the entertainment, sadly not long after they started to travel they came across a glowing portal and where soon overrun with strange creatures they had never seen before.

not soon after meeting these creatures they were captured and dragged into the portal and what they saw scarred them many little creatures with chained people and even people that had animals parts or where just so beast like they looked like human animals mangetsu was scared he had never come across something like this and little did he know this was the start of his own journey

Appearance: mangetsu is a rather short young man standing around 4 foot 11 with a lean and curvy body build with pale freckled skin and white hair that when wet is down to his shoulders which he keeps with a light curl to his hair with light blue eyes that shine with a kind glint and was born with his insides and blood a light blue even his nails where blue

Once a kitsune he has small but cute arctic fox ears have replaced his human ones and he has grown three white arctic fox tails his hands and feet have morphed into paw like figures with fur growing from the tips to the elbows/knees and his eyes have become slitted strangely thinks to his ice magic his coat never changes from his winter looks on his back he has large white wings with light freckles on the top

Clothing: Mangetsu is wearing a dark blue shirt that’s kind of loose on his body with a black vest over it and black pants and black boots on his neck he is wearing a silver metal collar with a moon pendent hanging of it and is wearing moon earrings with three blue diamond shaped gem’s dangling from it belly button piercing with blue diamonds and on left wrist is a silver bracelet with a blue crystal on it


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
The Back Of Your Mind
"You know, I hadn't considered just how could it might be up here." Axel spoke loudly, trying to speak over the winds that rushed around them. "Thank God for this fur of yours..." He chuckled, giving a light stroke with his fingers across her mid section. It was difficult for him to resist the temptation of giving her breasts a nice grope, but he figured that messing with his only means of safe transportation while in the air might be a rather treacherous ideal. He was in the perfect position for it, arms wrapped tightly around her while he laid on her back.

"Oh? Never really noticed the cold, s'pose that's why." She affirmed. Marxcellia's black and white coat may have been of short hair, but it seemed to hold just enough heat to share with him. With his muscled body pressed against her back and his arms wrapped around her she began to wonder if she would be 'the bottom' when she finally gave him some of the intimate contact she kept teasing him with. Given her size, strength, and libido she had always been the generic and dominant top in any sexual encounter; that being said, the thought of him, whom had bested her once already, taking her any way he wanted made her both scared and aroused.

"So is there any particular place you had in mind for us to escape to?" He finally asked, this question had been bothering him ever since they had become airborne a few hours ago. He had a feeling that she was not the type to plan ahead, but surely she had given some thought as to where they could seek refuge.

A shocked expression lit up her face, she actually had not thought that far ahead. Thankfully, for their perspectives due to their attached positioning, he did not have the opportunity to notice this. Quickly as she could, she played off a vague answer. "I have few places in mind. Buuut... I thought might like a say in that." She paused, trying her best to quickly formulate a follow up. "So, since this place is new to you, I figure we can check out the different place and see which one you are most at home with." She relaxed, the tension of him catching on had left her. "We did get ya from a forest after all... Is that what kinda place you think you'd like?"

"That's awfully considerate of you... How about we take a break somewhere and you tell me about this world of yours. I would like to know a little bit more before I decide." He wasn't about to refuse her offer, but he needed to make sure he was outfitted for the right place. He was exactly dressed for arctic conditions or blazing deserts, somewhere more moderate would have to available.

"Fair 'nough." She replied, beginning to descend in search of a good resting place. She hoped he wouldn't ask too many question, she knew a bit about this world, but she had never truly traversed it before. She was raised close to home, and home had not moved very often for her. When she had finally grown a bit, she immediately became part of her mother's squad for breaching portals.

Below them was a lush green canopy with small, dirt roads that seemed snake all over. The sun had just disappeared not long ago and now a bright moon lit the night, so bright that even in the midst of the early night there were few shadows. Axel had shifted slightly to look over her in search of where they might stop, little did he know that his vision would soon catch more than a view of their environment.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
it was late at night when mangetsu and his group where dragged inside of the glowing portal each and every one of them trying to get out of the hold of the demons mangetsu kept trying to twist his body out of a female demons grasp but she had a iron grip when he heard the sound of sobbing his eyes lifted to see many cages filling with many humans and even those who looked like animals his body froze in shock the demoness turned to him "im going to enjoy your pain" mangetsu panicked and lunged forward and headbutted her who quickly reared back in pain letting go of him.

mangetsu seeing his chance started to back away when a familiar voice screamed in pain quickly turning towards the sound and saw his sister and his body filled with rage seeing a tall male demon pull back a whip and slashed it across her back once more with out thinking mangetsus body rushed forwards and tackled the whip holding demon both landed heavily into the ground and with a savage growl the demon arms burst forwards and grabbed mangetsu's head and smashed it into the ground knocking him out and with a satisfied grin the demon stood up and grabbed mangetsu and dragged him to a cage near the edge of the camp and quickly dumped him inside.

it was many hours later when mangetsu woke up with a painful headache and blurry eyes it toke many minutes for his eyes to clear for him to see again and the site of a demon walking around with a wicked grin mangetsu was confused having never seeing such a creature before there was a human like mouse with light purple fur large ears slitted glowing purple eyes a demon tail and wings and a large erect cock though even with one she was female long eyelashes and dd sized boobs she finally stopped in front of mangetsu "hmmm what a sweet little meal you could make but luckily for you today i feel like a more female company maybe once you are sent to my master ill visit you myself" mangetsu tried to crawl backwards away from her and quickly hit the back of his small cage.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
The Back Of Your Mind
In spite of the bright moonlight, their descent allowed Axel to catch glimpses of torches and bonfires beneath the canopy. At their speed, they quickly zoomed past the glowing surface. Her had disregarded the the sight as a traveling caravan until his ears adjusted, drowning out the sound of the wind rushing by them, as he could very faintly hear several yells and screams. He quickly turned his head, looking back as his mind began to race.

"Say... hows about we set down near there?" He asked cooly, trying to not seem excessively suspicious. He made a bold assumption that he had heard what she hadn't; afterall, his abilities had proven superior to hers thus far, why wouldn't they be now.

"Fair enough, but you need understand that I might not be able to show myself. You see..." She began to explain, thinking perhaps that if the people were uncorrupted she might not be welcome among them. If that were the case, he would have to bring back any food or supplies they might share with him, for her.

"Not to worry, I think I know what you mean. People don't take to kindly to abduction and captivity." He interrupted, he wasn't a fool. He was perfectly able to piece things together himself. However, if the opposite were true then it would be best for him to stay behind and wait for her to return with supplies. Also, he was grateful for the fact that she had not heard the things he did, for if she had then she might have attempted to dissuade him. They were an odd traveling pair, and were it not for their unique situation then that might make things difficult, but their special skills and experience would prove to make it an advantage.

"!!!" She had opened her jaws to retort, but she could not find anything to justly fight off his statement. He brief excitement was quickly calmed by an afterthought. When he spoke, he didn't say it with sarcasm or condescension, only in a neutral tone.

Banking hard to their right, she began to turn while he held on tightly, in a circle. She intended to set down away from the lights and then reassess their approach. It was less than a minute before she dove beneath the canopy through some light foliage and landed on the grounded with a soft thud. After he released from her they both took a moment to stretch and let their eyes adjust to the darkened area beneath the trees. He took a moment longer to stretch than her, knowing full well that a fight might be lying in wait for him. Not without him noticing, she watched him stretching, remembering every muscle and ridge of his body and she had seen him nearly naked when she took him from the dungeon.

As he finished, he turned ever so slowly and used his movements to draw her eyes up to his, giving he a sudden wink of confidence as the sobering thought that she had been caught seemed to flood her mind. He didn't mind, at this point they both could use the physical release and a bit of heart pounding "exercise". This would be delayed until another time, however; with a swift tilt of his head in the direction of the signs of life they had seen earlier, they began to sneak through the woods.

Crouched low, their steps were silent on the thick grass and soft moss of the shadow covered forest floor; for either one of them to be so large, they moved like deft assassins in the night. Behind bushes and trees they maneuvered, taking care to keep their attention to their surroundings so that they would not be spotted before they say any other creatures of the forest or people, corrupt or otherwise. Axel and Marxcellia seemed to be adept in stealth, her skills came from heritage and instinct, whereas his came from his parentage, life on the streets, and years of training soldiers.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
Mangetsu was shuddering he had never been in such trouble before having a mainly sheltered life his eyes kept contact with the demoness while scared he oddly did not want to back down run if the chance rises yes but be defeated no and with a quick breath "n..never" the demoness's eyebrow rised and chuckled "oh you have no say in the matter pet" she turns to the cage next to his "from what ive been told this girl was traveling with you?" mangetsu looked at the girl in the cage next to him and his eyes widen in horror seeing his sister's form rocking back and forth muttering this was no real.

the demoness lifted a key out of a bag on her hip with a grin "this girl shall be my meal tonight" mangetsu lunged forwards to the edge of his cage screaming "don't you touch a single hair on her body you fucking bitch" the demoness just smirked at him and grabbed his sister by the arm who started to scream and get out of her grip but sadly the mouse demon was much stronger then her and quickly started to drag her towards a rather large tent .

mangetsu had tears in his eyes screaming t the demon to take him not her but the demoness just ignored him as she entered the tent and soon historical sobbing could be head coming form inside mangetsu fell to his knees and closed hyis eyes trying to ignore what was happening to his sister


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
The Back Of Your Mind
Finally they reached the edge of the clearing and began to observe the grisly scene before them. Multifarious, sentient creatures and people caged and shackled, groans of pain and cries of chilling and agonizing pleasure, strange potions being forced on and in so many captives. For Marxcellia this was nothing new, but Axel had to restrain within him the blood that was begining to boil.

Marxcellia had already began to think of a way to barter supplies, she would be able to walk amongst them unnoticed. It was only after a moment that she became aware of a certain look in Axel's eyes as his mind tried to restrain his nerve.

"..." She opened her mouth to speak, but Axel just as quickly covered her mouth without so much as turning his eyes to her.

"We are doing this my way..." A gruff whisper hissed from his lips, teeth gritted in rage behind them. She wanted to argue, but something about his very presence at this moment diminished her own will and caused her to submit to him at her very core. If there were not something so dark in the air around him, she might find this dominant side of him seductive.

"You are going to blend in and start taking keys... I don't care how you do it, just do it quick. I will give you a couple of minutes head start." He paused as a quiver of warmth and erupting anxiety quaked through his hands. Within a split second the tremor had passed and he began to reach under his cloak and to his back for his butterfly swords, linked of course to his belt.

"And then I will start taking them all apart... piecemeal..." He continued, turning his gaze to meet hers. For all the rage and fire in his eyes, this was somehow still not even remotely close to when he had been whispering to her while he had held cold steel to her neck just the other night.

"Get going..." He commanded, giving a slow pull of his head in the direction of the slave encampment.

She nodded and began her approach, she felt as though his very words possessed her, as if his very will were pressure on every inch of her skin. That didn't stop her from embellishing on her approach, shaking her hips seductively which made her ebony and ivory fur all the more brilliant on the light of torches and bonfires.

Her task was far easier than she realized, most of the key holders were so busy tormenting their captives or sneaking off to shirk their duties that she was able to lift several large rings of keys, along with some valuables. Her orders may have been to steal keys, but she hadn't been ordered not to steal more.

Axel had waited as long as he could stand, and just as he prepared to make his move he heared a sickening noise that made him lose his composure. Sure, he had heard cries and whimpers this entire time, but this was like no other. With his very soul irritated to the point fury, he dashed from cover and began felling one demon after another.

Not much more than she began to approach the cages once more to begin releasing prisoners, she heard a commotion. There was her signal that stealth was to be abandoned, with haste she began to unlock cages and shackles, repeating to each prisoner that she wasn't with these demons and to run as far as they could.

All the while she did her part, the entire guard force was too occupied to notice. Axel wasn't killing them, no, he was making them suffer as he ripped through them. For him, they were all so very slow; cut their achilles tendons, slice the webbing of their wings, stab between their ribs, a punch to the temple that followed a swift tackle. Whether their numbers were twent yor two hundrend he did not care, he would measure their penance in terror, shock, and pain. He may have seemed like some type of terrible monster to the naked eye, but at no point did he harm an escaping civilian and all the while he drew closer and closer to the largest tent from which horrid cries spurred him forward.

Marxcellia finally came to the last cage, in which a winged boy had been sobbing. She may have been party to similar events before, but now even she felt a bit of sympathy. "Look, I don't know what they did to ya, fox-boy... But this is your shot out of here. My partner over there is...." She has turned her head to Axel as she spoke, and what she saw still somehow surprised her. "He is like a monster... Mother was right, then... What is he?" She muttered a bit louder than she meant. She knew his strength, prowess, and speed, but to see it in action was something else entirely. Even though she had seen it before, it still impressed and terrified her. "I am not with your captors, and glad of it... He is dropping them like flies. Dry your tears and try to get out of here, you're free. Soon, I don't know if Axel will be able to see who is friend or foe through all that blood he is spilling." She had shaken her head and refocused herself on freeing Mangetsu. She had a feeling this one wouldn't be fleeing, but she did not know why this sensation gripped at the back of her mind.

Axel began to slowly walk to the large tent, many of the enemy demons had fled, but those that remained kept their distance as they became wedged between him and the woven structure of cries. For every step he stomped forward, they trembled back three. He had a look of blood lust in his eyes, and the fact that he was swinging his butterfly swords, on both sides of him, by the chains that were attached to their hilts, only made him all the more intimidating. He was done with these little imps, he wanted to cut the head off the snake. Only and twelve remained, but to him it seemed like three.

It wouldn't be until much later, but soon he would realize that this new world he found himself in was making his abilities grow
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
Mangetsu rised his head to stare quietly at the demon talking to him lightly suspicious of her intent though a bit confused about being called a fox boy when she turned to watch axel his eyes widen looking at him destroy all those demons and something in his mind decided if this human killing all those demons could fight them then so could he and in his heart he knew her must save his sister even risking getting attacked himself themoment she undid his chains he slowly stood up and practically growled "im not leaving with out my sister and that mouse demon dead for what she has done to her" mangetsu looked the demoness in the eyes "im not sure how but i am going to fight" he nodded at her and suddenly rushed forwards towards the chaos not knowing if he would lie though this fight but damn well he would try.

suddenly the crys in the tent where silenced and the door flaps to the tent opened to have the purple demon mouse walk out "my my my what distraction you have made here boy i feel like im going to have to pay you back ten times the pain" with a qicked grin her hands start to flow a dark corrupted purple magic as she prepared to enter the fight


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
The Back Of Your Mind
Marxcellia was surprised at Mangetsu's proclamation, but it brought a smirk to her as she saw his rush toward the battle to join in the fray. "Well... good luck kid, give 'em hell." She mumbled as she watched him rush to join Axel. She didn't have any intention of joining the fight, part of the reason was that she wanted a quick escape if things went bad for them and the other, actually being the more dominant reason, was that it seemed like they might have the whole situation handled.

"You can try... but I fear no pain, nor death. I have nothing to lose anymore." Axel gritted his teeth, and readied himself. Pulling the chain his blades were on and grasping them by the hilts. With their leader now entering the scene two demons seemed to gain a morale and boost and rushed Axel. One attempted a downward strike with a broadsword while the other sought to grasp his arms and hold him still. He allowed the demon to grasp him, a sly grin coming to him. He quickly pulled back about three steps and allowed the other demon's sword to lop of its partners arms.

Both of the monsters were in a brief shock at what a blunder they had made, but that was ended before they had time to realize that Axel had counted on their momentary stupor. With a quick upper thrust of his blade the now 'unarmed' demon had its skull impaled and the other now had a blood gushing throat as Axel's other hand had pulled a steel edge across its neck.

Their moment of courage and defeat played to be his advantage, as he saw the well endowed beginning to conjure and magical aura; he quickly grabbed the demon holding its throat as it attempted to cling to life and began to use it as a shield, he knew not what spell she intended to cast but he deemed it best to prepare. Whether it was as useless as the spells Marxcellia's mother attempted or not was not a risk he was going to take.

He had never seen a creature that had both genitalia and displayed them so freely; what a peculiar world this was that he had been brought to. In his mind anyone who sought battle, magical or otherwise, always used some kind of protective clothing or armor. Considering the nature of the demons he had slain and those that invaded his home, he was not truly surprised. 'Why does it seem like every naked and well endowed creature of this land tries to attack or subdue me when I first meet them', he thought, remarking the large breasts of the mouse and the evil intentions she seemed filled with.

Axel almost began to turn as he heard the faintest rush of steps behind him, his magnified hearing had heard the steps of Mangetsu. His head turned slightly and he watched him running toward the battle; the thought that it might be another demon trying to get the drop on him left as he took in a good view. His attention turned back, from behind his dying shield, 'Good to know at least one of the captives is ready to fight. Wonder how he is going to fight without a weapon.' He thought, but then it occurred to him... magic. He hoped for both of their sakes that he was right, for it might just give him the edge he needed to get close and attack purple mouse morph.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
Mangetsu was pissed seeing the purple mouse demon and a unknown feeling of cold was running down his arms not noticing the cold mist coming of his hands his run stopped near the strong person killing all those demons not long before "what have you done to her" practically growled out while ice started to form around his hands.

purple eyes flashed with cruel intent "what have i not done with that little bitch" he wings started to move to let her hover of the ground as she ignored mangetsus anger and looked around seeing all the dead demons and smirked "well well such a strong warrior you must be to kill so many of these lowly weak demons of mine" she scoffed eyes rolling before grinning wickedly "i will enjoy braking you both" she quickly shot of a burst of magic towards them both not really aiming just getting the first move.

mangetsu barely dodged the attack it was rather fast and he was not used to his new body feeling of balanced he instinctively lifted his hand and many ice shards shot form the mist covering towards the giggling demon who easily dodged and for a moment forgot she was battling two people as she mocked the fox boy


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
The Back Of Your Mind
Axel was pleased to see that someone was there to fight along his sind; always encouraging to have someone once subjugated cease to be a victim of their own volition. Even more so, the magic that this new ally wielded might make the battle move a bit more favorably. "Whether it is one weakling or a thousand, it makes no difference." He grumbled, crushing the underlings were hardly a show of strength for him. It was like comparing the bird to the worm. 'What does that say about you though, Mousey? Afraid having strong minions might make you look weak?' He thought, mentally critiquing their enemy. Then again, it was always so easy to see problem with an adversary. Even he could have made his assault on this encampment better.

Quickly, he lunged back and dodged behind cover. At the last second, he hopped from the ground, kicked off the back of his barely living shield, and launched himself away from the impact area. He may have lost his improvised shield, but what he gained next was a pleasant surprise for him. He circled the boulder he was behind and peaked from behind cover, their enemy was so entranced with mangetsu that the she hadn't even noticed his escape. 'This is a nice advantage.' He mused, pulling some throwing knives from beneath his cloak. With all the pockets and loops hidden inside he would not run out anytime soon.

Even thought that blast of magic had missed Axel, its radiant energy and proximity to him caused a reaction that ultimately drew the attention of another whom had a vested interest in Axel. In a far off land, in a dark room a shadowy figure opened its eyes. From where it sat it peered calmly down into a pool of water in the floor. In this stone room with no windows and only a single candle lit, the flame caused a elegant picture of dancing rays across the top of the water. The bottom of this pool was lined with crystals that seemed to generate some kind of dim light in a resonating pattern. "Well now... this is a new development. A new land, feeding your 'generous' abilities. Let us see how you grow, until I return for you." The figure seemed to mumble, a smirk on his lips that were hidden by the darkness.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
mangetsu was pissed and could feel the coldness of his magic building up inside of him getting stronger the longer he is in the fight, mangetsu did a quick scan of the aria making sure no imps would make a sneak attack before turning back the the demon strangely just hovering there, but the moment magetsus eyes where back onto her the demon crackled "finally no need to loos attention on me as im enjoying playing with you...though i wonder where the other has gone perhaps ran away like a scared little child" she giggled

inside of the tent the demoness came form, came a light pained sound as dark blue eyes opened and looked around before slowly standing up on pained legs she was sore after the purple demon wiped her until she fainted after having her way with her she looked around and saw her tattered clothing quickly putting them on and grabbed a nearby shield the moment she heard the outside fight she toke a deep breath to calm her nerves before oping her now slitted fox eyes before grabbing a strange looking sword with cared fire like marking on the blade.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
The Back Of Your Mind
'Fly!' He thought, pivoting around the corner of the boulder in a blind spot directly behind their flying enemy. He unleashed a barrage of blades, like a wall of flying daggers at the back of the demonic mouse. This attack wasn't really a full on assault, so much as it was a prod. If he were lucky, it might injure her wings enough and cause her to fly lower and slower, or even ground her. While he hoped to be so fortunate, what would make for even more value would be how she reacted to the attack. It would tell how perceptive she was, how she dodged, and how she might react to a surprise attack. This would tell him much about how his enemy fought and allow him to formulate a method to better defeat her. Thus far, however, he had only gained this opportunity due to the attention that Mangetsu was drawing from her.

Axel spun back round the boulder, snuck to the other side of it. She would undoubtedly turn her attention, one way or another, to where the attack came from. And when she would respond, he would come from the other side, where she would be, slightly, less prepared to evade from. He decided to place a few blades up his sleeve, conceal them for just the right moment. In order to make them more of a surprise, he decided a change in weaponry might be to his advantage. He moved his hands behind his back, under his cloak, and grasped the handles of his butterfly swords. 'Make your intentions black as night, then strike like lightning.' He thought, waiting for his cue.