Willing to DM a one on one game.


New Member
Feb 25, 2018
Well now, I'm not even sure if this is the right kind of place to post this, but I've seen other threads like this one and they're yet to be banned, so I'll take my chances and believe that it's fine :p

Hello, first of all, if anyone even sees this. The title says it all really, in that I'm wanting to DM a game on this site for the purpose of getting a more... indulgent form of practice in to prep for my area's local RP gamefest.

I've DMed discord games of d&d before, but this site seems a lot more laissez-faire about rules of play, and believe it or not, that's the same vibe I want to get myself used to before the big day.

So, first come first serve for this short or shortish adventure. It'll be set in a post apocalyptic world, following the destruction of much of civilization as a result of a rivalrous clash between two of the three great gods. In order to survive, it's common for people to take on the mark of certain smaller deities, receiving a limited power in return for their loyalty.

Now I have to mention that my commitments to roleplaying are second to other productive areas of my life. I'm a student with a day job, go figure, and as much as I'd love to cast it all off and commit my life to smut, I've got to eat somehow. More than fictional dick, anyways.

Lastly, character sheet looks like the following, so keep it in mind if you feel like calling dibs to be my player



Skills and Shortcoming: (Two skills and one shortcoming.)


Deity “Asset”: (The power you take on by swearing fealty to one of the deities. Comes with an equal drawback, so deities can always keep their followers in check. Again, we can talk and come up with something, but you as the player get to make your own deity and asset. Evidenced by a sigil somewhere on your character's body. If you really want, you can forestall or just go without a deity altogether.)


Backstory: (If you want to get in depth, I can go ahead and get rant-y about the history of the world.)

That's it. Now what are you waiting for? ;)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Well, I'll bite.

Name: Helia

Age: 22

Skills: Smithing, and masonry.

Shortcoming: Low alcohol tolerance.

Personality: Helia is a cheerful young woman, who is always willing to help out where she can. She makes friends easily, but woe on those who would take advantage of her trusting nature.

Deity Asset: Deific Strength- Helia can lift boulders and throw logs around with ease, something that helps out a lot with her work. However, this power comes with a rather odd catch. If Helia ever touches salt, she becomes unable to move of her own volition, instead she will follow the commands of any person who cares to order her around. She will remain in this state until the offending salt is removed, ether by washing it off, or waiting for her own sweat to dissolve it.

Appearance: Helia is tall, about six feet in height, and powerfully built. Her Amazonian figure is complimented by a set of full breasts, and a lovely face making her many people's definition of athletic beauty. A long mane of curly golden hair tumbles down to her lower back, and a set of bright green eyes survey the world around her.

History: Born to common parents, Helia lived out her childhood the way most children do on a farm. She helped with the chores, cared for the animals, and played in what off time she had left. It wasn't until she was sixteen, and tried picking up her father's smithing hammer, that the symbol of Magnus, architect of the gods, and Lord of Forges, appeared on her hip. From that day on, she realized that she possessed incredible strength and fortitude, as well as an innate talent at building and metalwork. After coming to realize that her purpose lay elsewhere, she packed up her things and set off into the wider world. There was still much rebuilding to be done out there, and who better to do it than her?

I hope this is in line with what you had in mind. I kept the backstory pretty vague so as not to pen you in with the story you decide to tell. If you want any more details, just PM me, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Hope to hear from you.
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