Why is everyone here obsessed with turning their characters into abominations?


Active Member
Nov 22, 2016
Blonde futa elf glamour supermodel for me is comfortably inhuman/unnatural and really vanilla as far as eldritch weirdness goes.
What you're describing is normophilia. We spend twenty+ years teaching younguns to fear and avoid deviating from the group, and the normal 90% of successful well-adjusted people spend the rest of their lives obsessing over it.
It's only the 10% of loser weirdos who are even capable of the deviancy you point out. The population of people who play the game likely leans a bit toward the extremes, but as others have written, the bell curve of human Plinko holds.
Now what I want to do with Kas, that's entirely beyond the pale of normal human thought.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2023
I remember I experimented a lot in CoC1 way back when. As I recall, my default shape eventually became a silver-skinned female kitsune with iridescent grey tentacle hair (mostly because really long tentacle hair was super powerful) plus feathery harpy arms, sandtrap wings and black nipples (getting silver skin was haaaaaard). I remember at least once giving myself a naga tail for Lethice's fortress because it was also really powerful, but didn't like it much elsewhere because not much of the game acknowledged it.

I became a lot less chimeric when I gave CoC2 and TiTs a go about 7 years later (having discovered CoC1 shortly before it was finished, I didn't stick around to play the newer games, and only rediscovered them when I got curious about them during the pandemic). In my original run of CoC2, I started human intending to go kitsune, until I got far enough into the game to learn that kitsune are jerks (Hi Keros, oh, you want me to surrender my soul to join your oppressive, rigidly hierarchical, xenophobic society where I can be eternally vilified for the smallest unintentional slight at the wrong person? Ummmmmmm... nah, I'm good thanks). I ended up turning myself into an elf just to try out Hashat's scenes (which were wonderful) and didn't bother changing again after that.

In TiTs I started half-Caithrit and vaguely intended to stick with that unless something else caught my attention, and indeed I eventually discovered Cerespirin and with it learnt that I had a previously unexplored fetish for aphrodisiac-exuding flower-power plantgirls. That has become my build for Trials, along with dark fairy wings, Vanae milk, and overdosing on Amazona for its exceedingly powerful perks (and shrinking myself back to normal proportions afterwards). I keep my cat ears and tails, though.

After that, starting as and sticking with catfolk has become my default for CoC2 as well (Gaia Leaflets feel like a bit of a let down after the depth of Cerespirin), sticking untransformed for the whole game aside from growing hornet wings. Though in my current playthrough I'm thinking I might try out the dragon TF when I get that far, because being a cat-dragon sounds like fun.
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New Member
Jul 13, 2024
In CoC2 I don't think I've ever even used one beyond the size stuff, because there's content related to it.
In CoC though? Chimeras all the way.
In CoC you could use TFs to enrich your build, doing all sorts of cool shit in combat. I get why the devs turned to purely cosmetic TFs, don't get me wrong. The idea of having to implement naga and taur TFs this late in development gives me nightmares lol
If there are plans to create powers related to specific body parts (tail swipe, hoof kick, tentacles) then I'll probably shift back to the abhomination camp.
Also sex scenes involving a frankly offensive amount of dicks would be fun.


New Member
Jul 13, 2024
In CoC2 you can get a bushel cock (hoard of tentacle dicks) from Gaia Leaflets, most easily via a special scene with the Effigy Herald. A few scenes reference it.
oh that's nice, you mean referenced as in "it says bushel cock instead of human cock during sex scenes" or are there scenes that let you actually use it differently? For that matter, I don't remember even seeing scenes that require double dicks, but I might be misremembering.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2023
I haven't explored it a lot since I usually play pure female and only grow a cock to get named children. I don't think there are any scenes specifically for it, but it gets mentioned. Often as saying something like, 'You pick the most appropriate of your cocks for this...', but I think I found a few scenes that had extra paragraphs describing using multiple of your assets at once.

It's one of those obscure things, like honey cum, that gets mentioned from time to time just if the writer remembered it was actually in the game.