Why do you play TiTS?

Why do you play TiTS?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I wasn't able to find a poll/question asking this particular thing so I thought "eh, this should be fun." There was that thread asking about what people didn't like about the game a while back, but nothing like this. And I don't remember if this was a poll made by Fen on the homepage, so.....
Why do y'all play TiTS? Is your reason something cliche like "I came for the porn, but stayed for the plot" or something else? If there is enough of a specific response that I haven't made as one of the responses, then I'll probably add it to the poll eventually.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Mostly the character customization. The other characters would be second, either design or personality. And the sex is generally very high quality and in-line with my anal fixation, which is awesome.

Then there's the fact that I enjoy the class-based system where I can be a nerd without being a Mage, as I never felt like the Mage was my class and they're inevitably less intelligence and more raw power as things progress; I'd like to see a game address this, with the Mage being as dumb as a typical Fighter, while the Fighter is actually smart because they have to deal with strategy, fighting styles, and the battlefield and environment.

I also enjoy having a dedicated melee and ranged weapon with lots of variations rather than "5 guns from a bag of holding and press [button] to melee" or "you can only used melee/ranged based on class". It's very reasonable, allowing a flexible approach to multiple situations you might have during an adventure.

I cannot say that Steele Jr's story is terribly interesting to me, but I do enjoy the setting and lore quite well.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
In an old, forgotten codex.

I'm here for one thing, and one thing only: Futa. (No, it's not Federal Unemployment Tax. That was really awkward in class to hear my instructors say it audibly.)
The character creation is a pretty big plus as well, but is secondary considering that my favorite smut game doesn't really have it per se, at least not on the same level as the Fenoxo games.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Character customization and kinks I'm interested in.
I'm not into sci-fi and I couldn't care less about Steele's story, but the writing is engaging enough for me to wish to learn more about lore and different species. Banned kinks aside, the game has a huge potential.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
By far the most important reasons why I love this game are the customizability of the PC combined with the ability to actually use your fully-realized characters in an RPG setting that has a solid amount of entertaining content to it. The sexual stuff is also great on its own, but I think it's improved drastically by the amount of freedom you're given, allowing you to chose which types of relationships to pursue and how those relationships play out, all while doing so with highly detailed characters of your own design.
This wasn't really an option, but there's also the fact that the game gets fairly regular updates that have managed to keep my interest over a long period of time, which has led me to explore more of the game than I ever normally would have. I personally love to experiment with workshopping random characters in my free time and often use TiTS as both a source of inspiration and a way explore them deeper than I normally would. As a result, I'm always excited when I find something new in the game that I had previously overlooked and have a chance to use it to adjust or expand on the characters and find interesting ways to justify the new development.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
I like sci-fi/sci-fantasy. Not that I hate fantasy settings but for me I believe it's run it's course.

I'm just lucky that a bunch of content creators make stuff that checks my boxes in a setting I like.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Oh I forgot, also this:
Reproduction Statistics
* Total: 11200
* Total @ Daycare: 4832
* Births, Total: 10216
* Births, Bothrioc Eggs, Fertile: 144
* Births, Bothrioc Eggs, Infertile: 952
* Births, Butt Bug Eggs, Total: 763
* Births, Butt Bug Eggs, Infertile: 338
* Births, Butt Bug Eggs, Fertile: 418
* Births, Butt Bug Eggs, Fertile, Hybrid: 7
* Births, Cockvines: 540
* Births, Cockvines, Captured: 447
* Births, Cunt Snake Eggs, Hatched: 31
* Births, Takhisis’s Eggs: 78
* Births, Korgonne Young: 20
* Births, Lah’s Children: 50
* Births, Lapinara Eggs: 148
* Births, Milodan Young: 414
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Huntress: 63
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Renvra: 20
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Royal: 507
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Total: 590
* Births, Psychic Tentacle Beasts, Total: 30
* Births, Psychic Tentacle Beasts @ Daycare: 24
* Births, Quaelle’s Children: 21
* Births, Rahn Eggs, Total: 4104
* Births, Rahn Eggs @ Daycare: 32
* Births, Rahn Eggs @ TamaniCorp: 4072
* Births, Raskvel Eggs, Total: 370
* Births, Renvra’s Children: 76
* Births, Riya’s Children: 60
* Births, Sera’s Children: 68
* Births, Shekka’s Children: 1220
* Births, Sydian Young: 82
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds, Total: 20
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds, Planted: 20
* Births, Water Queen Young: 17
* Births, Zephyr’s Children: 80
* Births, Zil Young: 93
* Sired, Total: 984
* Sired, Aina’s Children: Nina and others
* Sired, Aina’s Daughters: 3
* Sired, Briha’s Children: Aya, Brahn and 32 others
* Sired, Briha’s Sons: 18
* Sired, Briha’s Daughters: 16
* Sired, Ellie’s Children: 3
* Sired, Takhisis’s Eggs: 58
* Sired, Ilaria’s Children: 48
* Sired, Khorgan’s Children: 50
* Sired, Quaelle’s Children: 2
* Sired, Quinn’s Children: 1
* Sired, Raskvel Eggs: 108
* Sired, Raskvel @ Daycare: 9
* Sired, Sam’s Children: 144
* Sired, Stella’s Children: 300
* Sired, Tam’s Children: 56
* Sired, Ula’s Children: 88
* Sired, Zheniya Children: 63
* Sired, Zil Children: 26
* Total: 2009
* Births, Ovalasting Eggs, Total: 2759
* Births, Ovilium Eggs, Total: 1005
* Births, TamaniCorp Egg Trainer Eggs, Total: 1004


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Modularity of the Player Character
Started with CoC actually, years ago. Could be the monster girl, and damn near any I wanna be with no strings or morals to tie me down. Not stuck with one choice either, so it was good fun to see what unfolded for my naga/dragon morph monster girl. Sadly CoC2 is gonna be picky about odd lower bodies and I can't understand how I'm to find anything with that nagivation or where my health bar is with how the bars flop back and forth every turn, but at least there is TiTS.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
I think it's safe to say the most universal reason is player character customization. It's tough to find porn games that let you play as the exact type of character that you'd most prefer -and- have at least some content that makes use of it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2018
When it comes to erotic flash games, TiTS just takes the cake for me. Sure, I could just go to games of desire, but the art style is weird and the English isn't that great. Plus, there's only like one game on there that features body expansion.

I feel like TiTS just has it all: a well built story that wasn't just thrown together in 5 minutes, tons of incredibly well written sex scenes and fetish use, good RPG mechanics, a very customizable character, and characters to fit any archetype you're into (might even include a big tiddy goth gf soon :)).

I would say my only actual gripes about the game are a lack of balance (Tech specialist is absurdly OP), and the fact that there's no vore. Like, dude, I love vore. It sucks that it's on the blacklist, but oh well, I guess.

Oh, and one last thing. As an exclusively mobile user (I don't even own a computer), I'm super happy that the mobile port is the exact thing as on computer.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2018
I play it because A) I love custom player characters in rpgs and B) its the only game of its type that has actual gameplay with effort within it having been put into the gameplay (not counting other fenoxo titles or ones I haven't heard of) as opposed to click to play porn. you've got builds, perks, companions, weapons enough, numbers for the metagamers while enough help around for casuals and enough collectables for completionists.
ive seen tits through the ages and heck I remember tarkus back when it was new and half the wastes were placeholders while the big task was stopping the bomb. it only gets better.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I feel like this is a trick question.

All of the above?
Installed for the sex, stayed for the story.

Originally I got the game just for something to jack off to since at the time I was between relationships, but over my time I started realizing "Hey, I realy frick dickin like this universe". I got realy specific tastes when It comes to sci-fi shit and the game honestly checked all the boxes for me. Both the game and the community felt alive, and I honestly spend a lot of my time reading codex entries about lore rather than sticking my dick in every orifice I can find.

gud gaem :toot:
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