Who is your favourite crewmember?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Isn't Lerris officially trans?

Huh, being trans in the TiTs universe would be pretty easy. I mean, just grab some drugs and poof, you're the right sex to match your gender

If you can afford them at least

Must be pretty frustrating if you can't...


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2016
I have to go with Bess.

I love her storyline, her personality (I don't actually know how much this changes with different choices), her wake-up scenes, and her spend time scenes.

(I like it when characters have spend time/chat scenes that at least a bit different each time you talk to them, it feels like your actually hanging out with them. When they say the same thing each time, it makes the conversations feel awkward. And when options can only be picked once ever it sometimes feels like you're not allowed to be be friends with them as much as you used to.)

The only real downside with her is that her complexity and author leaving basically guarantee there won't be any more content made for her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I could've sworn she said she was a girl, and wanted "to finish what Lactaid started". Oh well, whatevs.
She does say both, considering she gets really happy when you give her pussybloom to make her a herm. Even wants the player to keep treating her like a girl.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Yammi. My favorite is Yammi.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Welp, the wiki says she's male, but gender-fluid and uses feminine pronouns.
Lerris is MtF iirc. Idk who put the 'genderfluid' thing in the wiki, but she doesn't really scream 'genderfluid' in any of her talk scenes, not even in her talk scene about her body. The way her text in that talk option is written seems more like she discovered her true gender identity as a female or something, even took mods to keep her tits and gets super happy if you give her Pussybloom. Plus she wants you to treat her like a girl and wants to be treated as such 24/7. Heck Erika, who just got in, refers Lerris as female and her 'sister', not as male in any regard.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
All this talk about Lerris makes me want to bring Celise and Reaha with me next time I stop by the Tamani Corp shop... get real milky and have someone other then Lerris clean up the mess.

And while Yammi is my fave, Celise, Reaha, Sera and Anno have special places in my heart. The Pexxiga is also adorable.
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