Where's the forced femme content?



God its been years since I've played these games. I've forgotten so much. I hope this is the right forum section for this.

Anyway, the start of this game is so overwhelming for me because I have specific things that I like and I never know where to start. Maybe its real easy, but IDK.

Basically, my fetish is pretty standard trans woman sissy bimbofication. I mostly like my character being submissive, but I do remember it becomes rather difficult to play this.

Essentially, what's the closest and fastest I can get to this fantasy:
Start as an average male character.
Start growing tits, ass, etc
Starts becoming intellectually weaker
Becomes increasingly submissive maybe
dick shrinks and eventually becomes a vagina
maybe a chastity cage could be involved.
The rest I'm kinda indifferent too.
You know. Just standard sissy bimbo forced femme stuff.

I don't care as much about if the end result is that she becomes a horsegirl or whatever.

But the main thing is that I just don't want the dick to get bigger. I want my character to start as a male and be forced or corrupted into transitioning to female.

I think this is all in the game? Where? I want to engage my fantasy as soon as I can but I do not prefer to start with a female body and identity.

Sorry if this is a stupid question. The game is just kinda overwhelming sometimes. Also, I've never visited these forums before so I could be missing something.


Okay I just realized I am playing Fall of Eden. Can I delete this or something?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
On top left of the thread next to the watch button is three dots. Click that and click delete thread.


New Member
Dec 16, 2023
Well... ok even though I missed up which game I'm talking about, its looking like this is still a valid topic for this game and I think I just lost my save on FoE so...

Okay. Are those CoC2 items relatively easy to obtain?

Closest I can think of off the top of my head is the witch outfit then there's the collar of submission


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Are those CoC2 items relatively easy to obtain?
Both of those items are fairly easy to obtain.

For the item that most likely is up your alley the Collar of Submission can do most if not all of what you want in more over time manner, you can get it from Viviane in the forest north of HawkThorn by first finding her late at night while also doing all her talk option and then you need to find her again at night and she will have her shop open and you can buy it. The Collar also has a use with I think a few character such as Lyla who can proc it a few time with some of her sex options.

The Witch's Corset is the the more instant option if your a male, to find it you need to go into the forest and searching around for it laying on the ground. You use to need level two for it but I have found it at level one.