Where would I start (and go from), if I wanted to make a text game like TiTs?

Veritas Et Vita

New Member
Dec 30, 2018
Why, hello there, my name is... uhhhhhh... you can call me Neb. I am a new member to this forum, account wise, but I've been reading these threads and the games on Fenoxo's blog for years, now, on and off.

I've always liked to write, and the idea of infusing my writing into something like TIT appeals to me greatly. Only one problem (we all know what it is). I hAvE nO pRoGrAmMiNg knowledge. But I'm not going to rant and rave on. I'd like to carry out this project using the coding language, 'Python,' as I've heard; it's (relatively) easy to learn and; the knowledge obtained from learning Python can be easily transferred to other languages

Also, I just think Python sounds cool, and the logo for it looks nice. :p

So, to those of you out there who are learned in these ways, of programming and/or common sense that I lack, please send a care packag- I mean help me out. I don't know where to begin, but I really want to do this. Thanks for reading this.

Veritas Et Vita

New Member
Dec 30, 2018
Bumping this because I feel like more people will click on it now that I have a profile picture on here.
Btw the title was meant to say 'and go from there.'


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I know you said python, but since this is a flash based thing you're more likely to have similarities coding something in a flash format (AS3, action script 3, likely).

I'm just going to point you in the same direction the pointed me a year or two back. Try flash develop. They even have a "getting started" thing that can help you... well, get started. Best thing about it is that it's free. I did dabble, yes, but didn't get very far so don't ask me for a tips and tricks guide.

Of course the best advice for this sort of thing will be straight from a developer's mouth, or fingers in this case.

Edit: Now that I think about it, I'd like some tips straight from a dev as well. Been thinking of starting something huge as a hobby to fill my spare time and learn coding along the way.
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Veritas Et Vita

New Member
Dec 30, 2018
I know you said python, but since this is a flash based thing you're more likely to have similarities coding something in a flash format (AS3, action script 3, likely).

I'm just going to point you in the same direction the pointed me a year or two back. Try flash develop. They even have a "getting started" thing that can help you... well, get started. Best thing about it is that it's free. I did dabble, yes, but didn't get very far so don't ask me for a tips and tricks guide.

Of course the best advice for this sort of thing will be straight from a developer's mouth, or fingers in this case.

Edit: Now that I think about it, I'd like some tips straight from a dev as well. Been thinking of starting something huge as a hobby to fill my spare time and learn coding along the way.

Thank you, by the way. I'll take that into consideration.


Mar 1, 2019
I think python has some merit when it comes to making a text game. For the most part like you said it's pretty easy to learn.

Some others are Twine or Choicescript (though I don't know if the programmers of choicescript might get iffy about their program being used to make games similar to Tits.) Another is renpy. It's a visual novel maker but with some tweaking you can make it text as well, with the added bonus of easier to make buttons.