What's up with the hate on taurs?


Aug 27, 2015
Yes. Just like it would be with Goo or any similar change in morphology.

Here's the thing about goo, naga and similar undulatory monsters: you don't have to create a completely different sex scene for it to make sense for them. So long as the PC retains everything from the hips upwards, and Fen was sensible enough for that to be the case, they can have the same sex scene as two-leggers. Yes, it's a bit of a fudge in some cases, and their existence means you can't do too much interesting in the leg department without investing a lot of effort, but still; you can give them access to general content without it being too egregious.

The entire problem with centaurs is the genitals-on-the-back thing. That cannot be ignored without it standing out like a sore bellend. Hence having to write almost twice as much content, just for them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Here's the thing about goo, naga and similar undulatory monsters: you don't have to create a completely different sex scene for it to make sense for them. So long as the PC retains everything from the hips upwards, and Fen was sensible enough for that to be the case, they can have the same sex scene as two-leggers. Yes, it's a bit of a fudge in some cases, and their existence means you can't do too much interesting in the leg department without investing a lot of effort, but still; you can give them access to general content without it being too egregious.

The entire problem with centaurs is the genitals-on-the-back thing. That cannot be ignored without it standing out like a sore bellend. Hence having to write almost twice as much content, just for them.

Or, as the case may be, remove the option to be tauric, so Savin and Fen don't need to have their lashings doubled.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Here's the thing about goo, naga and similar undulatory monsters: you don't have to create a completely different sex scene for it to make sense for them. So long as the PC retains everything from the hips upwards, and Fen was sensible enough for that to be the case, they can have the same sex scene as two-leggers. Yes, it's a bit of a fudge in some cases, and their existence means you can't do too much interesting in the leg department without investing a lot of effort, but still; you can give them access to general content without it being too egregious.

The entire problem with centaurs is the genitals-on-the-back thing. That cannot be ignored without it standing out like a sore bellend. Hence having to write almost twice as much content, just for them.

And to be more fun mostly sex scenes for PC mean we need meantion about his below waist parts, so many scenes meantion genitalia which...be it tail ones or not are below waist. Thus we run into issue of where said genitalia are placed. Luckly we not yet have any power ragers about hate for tail genitalia owners...yet *shrug*

@Woider: That would still be choosing a lesser/greater evil of two (depends how each of readers would see removing this variants of body shape from those accesable for the PC). Plus would push us back to square one when someone would make thread about why it was removed. Esentialy making it like this one thread but from the other side started. You will never please all people that play TiTS so...us all must deal with it.
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Aug 26, 2015
Frankly the likelihood of taurs being removed are slim to none.  It would be a pain in the ass to debug when it inevitably broke something.

You play a taur, you accept it's going to lock you out of most sex scenes or impossible biology is going to be going on.  It's not on us or the devs.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
And I fucking loved all the Edryn scenes. I'm currently writing a gene-modded centaur for TiTs because Edryn was so bitching for residential floor. I just hate writing taur-only scenes because it's for 5% of players.


Exactly how many NPCS for residental deck are you planning!?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
I think like 4

doesnt sound like alot when you type it, but 4 NPC's + new texan bull, Vahn and Embry x-packs being written at once? JimT is some sort of half crazed drunken ninga pervert with superpowers* who's master plan is to turn Gedan mad.

*JimT; no offense, mean that as a compliment.


Aug 26, 2015
The entire problem with centaurs is the genitals-on-the-back thing. That cannot be ignored without it standing out like a sore bellend. Hence having to write almost twice as much content, just for them.

The game actually has 4 possible genitalia positions: Waist (Normal human pelvis), Mid-tail (of a long tail--Defaults to waist on bipeds), Hind Legs (Between last legs--like taurs--or at end of long tail), and Under-tail (On underside of a tail--Driders and the like).

There is only one of scene that actually uses the genital location check (Ellie's suckle scene--Xanthe does have one, but it's only for a small blurb parse and not an entire scene), all other scenes just do a check for genitalia and assume that the form is bipedal. On rare occasions, unless it's a specific scene that is required to check it, a scene may check for if the character is a taur or not. More commonly, taurs are checked for tiny blurbs though, like for when a character sits down or walks around. While taurs are at minimal awareness, the other two are totally left out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The game actually has 4 possible genitalia positions: Waist (Normal human pelvis), Mid-tail (of a long tail--Defaults to waist on bipeds), Hind Legs (Between last legs--like taurs--or at end of long tail), and Under-tail (On underside of a tail--Driders and the like).

There is only one of scene that actually uses the genital location check (Ellie's suckle scene--Xanthe does have one, but it's only for a small blurb parse and not an entire scene), all other scenes just do a check for genitalia and assume that the form is bipedal. On rare occasions, unless it's a specific scene that is required to check it, a scene may check for if the character is a taur or not. More commonly, taurs are checked for tiny blurbs though, like for when a character sits down or walks around. While taurs are at minimal awareness, the other two are totally left out.

To be fair, the other two aren't currently implemented with TF's. Still, tho, the under-tail might not get any scenes anyways if it's locked to driders or the like, technically being a tauric body, unless someone writes a scene only for under-tail. Where's that TF the siel use for their front-genitals? Get that in the game and then just do a position check, would probably do wonders.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
doesnt sound like alot when you type it, but 4 NPC's + new texan bull, Vahn and Embry x-packs being written at once?

Actually, I'm only submitting two entirely new NPCs for the residential deck, and adding a room for Vahn with some new sex scenes for him; three in total (that's potentially a dozen to two dozen sex scenes @_@l). Keeping it 'light' to begin with so it's easily digestible for the team. That Vahn X-pack is part of that. Embry X-pack required a place to put her off the ship when you knock her up, hence me doing a residential floor.

Besides the Bull, the tattoo + piercing parlor (Kinky Ink Inc) is now a thing. Soo... yeah, that's a fuckton of work. But all self-inflicted. Because I have too much free time on my fingers.
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Aug 27, 2015
The game actually has 4 possible genitalia positions: Waist (Normal human pelvis), Mid-tail (of a long tail--Defaults to waist on bipeds), Hind Legs (Between last legs--like taurs--or at end of long tail), and Under-tail (On underside of a tail--Driders and the like).
Mid-tail = same scene as regular joes and Under-tail = extra genitals you can write another scene for, if you are so minded. This isn't in disagreement with what I said.

While taurs are at minimal awareness, the other two are totally left out.
Driders and that type of shit will get coverage eventually. Mid-tail... what are hoping to see, exactly? Especially given you can just give naga the same stuff as anybody else.


Aug 26, 2015
Mid-tail = same scene as regular joes and Under-tail = extra genitals you can write another scene for, if you are so minded. This isn't in disagreement with what I said.
Nah, I fully agree with what you said--I just wanted to add onto it with what I know about what's already been implemented. Like these features are already in the game, but they are barely being used because the scenes that authors write never specify them (whether if they don't want to or if they are just not aware). So for any authors who do desire to write such scenes, those would be the four possible genital locations they can work with, as well as possible variations for a genderless (asshole should be right where it belongs), genital tails, and breast genitals.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
^I wholeheartedly concur :D
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