What type of food do TiTS characters eat?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Probably not, as chocolate is poisonous to dogs and given how much emphasis the writers have put on the Ausar being canid, that's possibly carries over. (Its the Theobromine that's the culprit, look it up).

Food is going to be largely different because of the sheer amount of planets in the setting, opening up new sources of meat, grain, vegetables and so on. Yeah, there's going to be the classics, such as steak and the like, but you've got planets like Uveto where instead of turkey for Christmas, you've got a different creature. You also have different dietary requirements by species and what might be tasty and delicious for one species, could induce vomiting or diarrhoea in another.

And we all know that Anno likes a nice piece of meat.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Probably not, as chocolate is poisonous to dogs and given how much emphasis the writers have put on the Ausar being canid, that's possibly carries over. (Its the Theobromine that's the culprit, look it up).

Food is going to be largely different because of the sheer amount of planets in the setting, opening up new sources of meat, grain, vegetables and so on. Yeah, there's going to be the classics, such as steak and the like, but you've got planets like Uveto where instead of turkey for Christmas, you've got a different creature. You also have different dietary requirements by species and what might be tasty and delicious for one species, could induce vomiting or diarrhoea in another.

And we all know that Anno likes a nice piece of meat.
I think you went way above and beyond what I imagine this thread's intent is. I'm picturing a lot of, "Soandso likes ramen, Whatshisnuts eats cinnamon oatmeal, and Whatshertits likes cherry ice cream."

Kudos for the preemptive legitimacy.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
All the puppy people love peanut butter, this much is known.

There's multiple scenes where you can see Kaede likes asian food (and doesn't even put her takeout in the fridge, the slob!). You can catch her and her daughter getting ice cream on New Texas. When you take her on a date on Uveto she orders "a rare synth-steak and a diet soda." Gotta watch that waistline, girl.

I don't think we ever see Syri eat anything other than alcohol. I imagine she's a gremlin and just woofs down Space Doritos and pizzas.

I bet Anno eats a lot of salads and stuff because it makes her feel better about eating an entire tub of ice cream while she works.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I don't think we ever see Syri eat anything other than alcohol. I imagine she's a gremlin and just woofs down Space Doritos and pizzas.
Hey, beer is just liquid bread. And having seen the Space Doritos as well as Syri being on Uveto for a gaming tournament....my god....she's D.Va!


Mar 26, 2017
I think you went way above and beyond what I imagine this thread's intent is. I'm picturing a lot of, "Soandso likes ramen, Whatshisnuts likes cinnamon oatmeal with lots of butter, and Whatshertits likes cherry ice cream."

Kudos for the preemptive legitimacy.

i do like ramen, is true

on a side note, mirrin has an entire arc dedicated to eating sloppy bbq so


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Did that actually flag you?

Flags only come with the @. That means that SoandSo is a lurker extraordinaire.

Edit: Also, Yammi cooks up a bunch of different stuff. The only thing that seems remotely terran in her list of items is the Ice Cream.


Well-Known Member
Probably not, as chocolate is poisonous to dogs and given how much emphasis the writers have put on the Ausar being canid, that's possibly carries over. (Its the Theobromine that's the culprit, look it up).
Cats are lactose intolerant, so the same logic behind "ausar = dogs" would mean that kaithrit should also be lactose intolerant, yet they aren't. Also, ausar treats - which were designed to be eaten by ausar - are described as chocolatey, which I doubt would be the case if chocolate was bad for them.
How about fish? Well, for kaithrits of course because all cats eats it.
Cass (a kaithrit) actually does eat a fish & rice dish during The Treatment, but there's nothing to indicate that's a racial preference (or a cultural preference, especially since Cass isn't from a kaithrit world). Fisianna - a human modded to be a cat-girl (specifically, a nekomata) - also seems to have a preference for fish.

Speaking of modded humans, Penny mentions that after she got her mods, she gained a strong preference for meats. It's possible that some furry mods imbue their users with tastes stereotypically associated with whatever animal they're modelled after.

Conversations with both Aina and Penny mention that replicator food is of low quality (Penny even says she's considering learning how to program one to make a decent steak). My head-canon is that such replicators basically put a bunch of nutrient paste (healthy but bland-tasting for most species) and some flavourings into the general shape and texture of whatever the user has ordered, and that the perceived low quality is because the flavour and texture are noticeably different from the real thing.
Aina also worked at a fast-food chain to afford her mods, so those still exist.

Also, synth-steak. The fact that 'synth' is in the name implies that it's made in a completely unnatural way - probably the logical progression of real-life research into synthetic/lab-grown meats. The fact that Kaede orders a synth-steak on Uveto Station and relishes in being able to afford one indicates, to me at least, that it's not exactly cheap but much better than replicator-quality stuff. I imagine other synth-meats also exist, and my head-canon is that because the food scientists in charge of making them really know what they're doing, they're superior to their natural counterparts in pretty much every single way (e.g. healthier, tastier, more eco-friendly) except possibly cost.

One of the room descriptions in the New Texas fields says that soybeans make up the majority of the galaxy's cheap rations. There are also a bunch of other crops out in those fields, some of which are also edible and thus presumably used for food.

Steele, of course, will eat just about anything that's edible - and even some things that normally aren't.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Steele, of course, will eat just about anything that's edible - and even some things that normally aren't.
I mean, for something this nanobots have to be good, besides building and removing taint.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Cats are lactose intolerant, so the same logic behind "ausar = dogs" would mean that kaithrit should also be lactose intolerant, yet they aren't. Also, ausar treats - which were designed to be eaten by ausar - are described as chocolatey, which I doubt would be the case if chocolate was bad for them.
Its not the chocolate itself that is dangerous, its the theobromine, which is an alkaloid that isn't readily metabolised by most digestive systems. The reason its so dangerous for dogs is because it doesn't take a lot of theobromine to build up in the body to cause theobromine poisoning, about 50mg to 400mg depending on the dog. Ausar might be okay because of a similar digestive track to Humans or an evolutionary track that allows them to metabolize that alkaloid, but then again, anything can be a poison.

In fact, a lot of the foods humans eat would probably make an outsider wonder why we aren't dead. Capsaicin, the chemical that makes peppers spicy, is actually an irritant and can cause damage to the skin if its exposed to it. Birds can eat it without any ill effect. One example, but the list itself is quite long.

I'd be more interested in seeing an alien reacting with disgust to Steele eating a normal meal, just because something simple like the sauce, was inedible or dangerous to them.

With regards to synth-meat. You'd be more likely to find that on a space station or on a new colony. Space is at a premium in those locations and you can't afford to give up living space just to raise animals for meat. And it isn't feasible to ship in meat, the cost sky-rockets. So the most feasible option is grow meat in a lab, cheaper too as you aren't paying for feed, vet bills or storage. And for someone like Kaede, who grew up on space stations, she'd be more used to the taste of artificial meat than the real stuff.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
While we are on the thema of food...

Research that could well culminate in what you sit down at breakfast to in the near future, dear boy!” Darnock exults, evidently delighted you’ve asked this question. “I’m sure you know of Snugglé - they had a hand in producing most of the things you ate over the past week, most likely. A planet with such an embarrassment of floral riches as Mhen’ga is of huge interest to such a company - we are here testing a range of native plants’ suitability to mass produce. The meal you are in the process of demolishing is merely a taster of the fruits of our labor so far.

He waves excitedly at the serried crops beyond the veranda.

Out there we grow every type of plant that has so far been discovered to be non-toxic and edible within this planet’s immense biome - and of course, there are many, many still to be discovered. So many tests that have to be run before a specimen can even be provisionally put forward as a potential crop, though; how does it react in a farmed environment? Will it flourish in another planet’s soil? What are its effects on other plants around it? Is something that is edible to a human poisonous to a leithan? We test that, and many other things, in the east wing of the manor.

And how are things going?” you say, toying with some green mush that tastes a bit like hummus.

Very well,” replies the old human enthusiastically. “We’ve identified 17 contenders for crop status already. Maybe only 2 or 3 of them are truly ideal but even so - that’s remarkable for a newly discovered planet. So much so Snugglé have expressed serious interest into turning Mhen’ga into an agri-world. Whether that can happen is dependent on other factors, though.” He sighs, twisting his water glass around and around.

I think with Snugglé around, one can probably savley say that food, interplanetary, is stupidly diverse. The backside of every package of food probably has, next to things you can be alergish against, a list of species it is considered save for.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
This thread is like "What does Earth eat?" to the power of ten.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Regarding Ausar and chocolate...
Ausar are aliens though at the end of the day, aliens with dog-attributes and behavior, but are not actual dogs, and are in a fantasy land. Good chances are, they are able to eat most chocolate just fine unlike terran dogs because their digestive systems aren't like normal canids. Who's to say the future in TiTSverse hadn't been able to make chocolate without the theobromine that is harmful to our dogs today? It's sci-fi, they can do it and get away with it and the dog treats are described as chocolate-ish. If it was bad for them they probably would've instead done Peanut butter or something.
Either way, applying rl logic to fantasy aliens is bound to cause errors in logic, and it seems rather selective anyways (Seeing as the Korgs canonically love peanut butter). Otherwise, like said before, all Kaithrit and cat people in general might as well be lacktose intolerant, yet I bet those pussies can drink a whole bowl of milk and cream without digestive issues at all because actual cat logic shouldn't need to apply to them unless it's part of an individual one to have that issue, and frankly, that's not fun to apply it to all of them. (And personally I never liked when others do that) These are not actual cats or dogs, as much as they act like them.

Though it does have me wondering if the Kaithrit hate citrus now just for the memery...
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Actually, when Savin said "puppy people", he was referring to the korgonne, who orgasm messily and voluminously upon consuming peanut butter - though there's nothing saying ausar can't love peanut butter, too (whether it's a racial preference or an individual one).
Oops, must've misread that then. Off to edit. x3x Point still stands tho.
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Caprice Dhusara

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
Steele, of course, will eat just about anything that's edible - and even some things that normally aren't.
I think it's pretty clear that between the microsurgeons and their own apparently superhuman constitution, Steele being able to eat or drink something and surviving is not a sign that anybody else should attempt to try it themselves. Especially considering that whatever the hell it was that Bess/Runa/Ben makes would likely have been lethal had it been anyone else who taste tested it. Steele literally says (if you're nice to Bess/Runa/Ben) that the microsurgeons probably would adapt them to it before it had could kill them and jokes that if they tried it again they'd likely be fine.
On the other hand, we know that having some form of alcoholic drink is common to most of the planets Steele visits, and there are at least 3 places Steele can buy and eat local food that doesn't trigger TFs other than weight gain (Ilaria's shop on Tavros, multiple places on New Texas, and Kazra and Lorre's outpost on Uveto). Beyond that though, I'd say it's up in the air as to what can be considered common since pretty much everything else Steele consumes induces TFs.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Makes sense. From the Fandom Doritos wiki:

In 2008, Doritos were promoted by an "out-of-this-world" advertising campaign, literally beaming a 30-second advertisement for Doritos brand tortilla chips into a planetary system 42 light years away. The project was in collaboration with EISCAT Space Center in Svalbard, Norway. The "You Make It, We'll Play It" contest chose the winning advertisement that was transmitted on June 12, 2008. The ad was beamed towards 47 Ursae Majoris, a distant star within the Ursa Major constellation that is orbited by planets which may harbor life.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I don't think we ever see Syri eat anything other than alcohol.
Hey, beer is just liquid bread.
Syri is clearly on the Drinking Man's Diet. (Song is optional).

The Treatment makes mention of 'ration bars', which Steele eats a lot of during it's effects.

Anno apparently eats a lot of Ausar Treats.

Saendra is currently stuck drinking 'ausari steamed, fermented cream' (which is 'cheaper than water' and alcoholic).

The Anno or Syri Christmas date event mentions 'cheeses that come from a gene-moded reptile' which taste horrible, but are 'all the rage this year'.


Well-Known Member
Definitely Not Literally Steamed Cum.txt
Which is what Saen claims as well. We should give her some 'Nuki Nutbutter to see if that's true; if it is, she wins, but if it's not, we win twice.

Wait, we should reverse the bet. That way, we win either way!
(This was just an attempt at a joke; if it falls flat, please don't hurt me!)