What the fuck


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I'm just puzzled about the amount of players who complain about this online before even trying to use tease once.

The game doesn't reinforce what it taught you in the tutorial and even fucking discourages it early on. So why the fuck would anyone think to try it?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The game doesn't reinforce what it taught you in the tutorial and even fucking discourages it early on. So why the fuck would anyone think to try it?

I suppose fault lay a lil bit on both sides.

On our players that we forgot devs hinted at very onw game start about high-unkillable by any non-lust attacks enemies. And devs...well they hinted possibility for such enemies to...lay silent until few(ish) weeks ago to throw endgame (for now) boss tier enemy that is only weak to lust dmg while others types are hardly tickling her.

With time when we get few more such enemies also as some generic ones people would learn this lesson hard or soft way to also use lust attacks sometimes. xD


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2016
Pretty much how it goes for Tech Specalists.   If you rely upon energy weapons and don't have smuggler's aimed shot perk, Amara will hit you like a brick wall.  As many times as it takes to reduce your will or your dignity into tiny little pieces. 

What wise guy thought giving a boss both Mirrored and Grounded would have any semblance of balance?

Amara's total resists are: 40% Kinetic, 45% burning*, 30% electric**, 15% corrosive, 15% poison, 90% lazer*, grounded** and -15% freezing.

*pretty much all obtainable thermal energy weapons need to slog through both the 45% and 90% resists before dealing any damage. 

** 30% plus whatever number is attached to the "grounded" tag.  Presumably 50+%

I'll take "What is Power Armor" for 500 credits, Alex.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Deep Queen needs to be teased into submission as well


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
How the hell does anybody beat Amara? Should I just never bother to use anything that doesn't do lust damage ever again?

Even if I kill the other three guys and take down her shields, Emmy's first upgraded rifle reward thing does 1 damage and the best I can do is 5 with Khan's arcwhatever. That's all assuming I don't just get stunned for eight rounds in a row at the beginning of the fight. At this point, it seems like literally the only thing I can do is start a new character because I was dumb enough to not be ready for an inexplicable difficulty ramp at the last possible second. Fuck me, I'm even playing on crybabybitch mode.

1st off: What Class are you? Max Level and a Vamp Blade from the KihaCorp shop on Myrellion are extremely helpful. You can also buy energy restores from the Honey Stall in gold territory, ask for it To Go, you'll probably want a good number of that. I don't really know of a effective health restore item that isn't one use or self inflicting lust so energy is gonna have to be my guide for you.

Merc: Take cover or smack with melee, Head Butt Amara, if the stun fails and you use melee for evasion boosting, then strike again, then Cleave or Grenade until goons are dead and done. Restore if needed and Headbutt, Rapid Fire/Heavy Strike, then rinse and repeat the Headbutt/Damage Skill.

Tech: Stun with Static Shock or Overcharge, AoE skill til goons are dead and done, restore energy as needed, Stun and Volley/Overcharge.

Smuggler: Stealth/Disarm Amara, Flash Grenade, Grenade until goons are dead and done, restore energy as needed, flash or stun and Aim Shot/Sneak Attack her.

Over all, make sure your covered from her assault in some fashion, weather hiding yourself, blind/stun, disarming. Just make sure you got energy to do such so you can consume a energy restore because she hits like a truck so you don't want her moving.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The game doesn't reinforce what it taught you in the tutorial and even fucking discourages it early on. So why the fuck would anyone think to try it?

Infected myr in deep caves, while can be brute forced down, is easier to tease. She even gets stunlocked if that's all you do. Super easy. Max tease with the right like and you can two shot her.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Infected myr in deep caves, while can be brute forced down, is easier to tease. She even gets stunlocked if that's all you do. Super easy. Max tease with the right like and you can two shot her.

I forgot about those girls. Still one other exception does not do well in reinforcing the game concepts taught with the combat tutorial.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Infected myr in deep caves, while can be brute forced down, is easier to tease. She even gets stunlocked if that's all you do. Super easy. Max tease with the right like and you can two shot her.

Gray Goo boss battle works similar, either defeat her physically 3 times or so, or tease em down once.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Gray Goo boss battle works similar, either defeat her physically 3 times or so, or tease em down once.

Yep, so it's not that it isn't enforced, just people don't think about it because it's not a main priority. I think it's mostly a mindset thing; got weapons, use weapons. I know I tried bruting Gray Prime first time and I lost, thinking she's invincible, so I tried Lust and hey presto one round and a win.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Yep, so it's not that it isn't enforced, just people don't think about it because it's not a main priority. I think it's mostly a mindset thing; got weapons, use weapons. I know I tried bruting Gray Prime first time and I lost, thinking she's invincible, so I tried Lust and hey presto one round and a win.

The regular Gray Goo are effective against teasing as well, they can do a "quickie" when ever they feel like it. Certain boss battles will auto masturbate unless you combine a stun skill into the mix.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The regular Gray Goo are effective against teasing as well, they can do a "quickie" when ever they feel like it. Certain boss battles will auto masturbate unless you combine a stun skill into the mix.

I don't think Prime got the chance to release Lust with me. I musta gotten lucky or I just don't remember.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
You know, I think I've still managed to hack every single enemy in the game apart with my Vampblade. It was long and drawn-out, yes, but the shield leech kept me going. Personally I don't consider combat in the game to be much more than an inconvenience standing between me and the fucking. I dunno about you guys, but I don't play a porn RPG looking for a deep, involved combat system. I have ACTUAL RPGs for that.

I don't particularly need a DEEP combat system either, but I'm into dominance and power fantasies, so beating the crap out of anyone who gives me some attitude is very satisfying.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I don't particularly need a DEEP combat system either, but I'm into dominance and power fantasies, so beating the crap out of anyone who gives me some attitude is very satisfying.

Why don't you turn Easy Mode on, then? Just pretend that it's called something different.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, I could, but I can beat it on regular and that's more satisfying, so why not?

The feeling of wiping the floor with your enemies. The best example I can think of from personal experience is late-game Borderlands 1 where you have uniques/legendaries with great stats just mowing through enemies.