What stuff do you guys like to see in porn games


New Member
Jul 22, 2017
Hi there! I'm new to the forums but as the title suggests..

What is subjects, fetishes, general things you enjoy to see in porn games when you start one up going in blind?


What are some of those that, soon as you see it come into play you instant turn that shit off?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Copious, just copious amounts of ladydicks. In all shapes, sizes and number. You get a dick! YOU get a dick! Everyone gets a FREE DICK!!
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Nov 22, 2015
Agree w/ Woider ... but above that I like to see some (well written) text to accompany the imagery... if I just want to fap I can find pics anywhere... if there's some good background, story, etc that can find a way to even just tangentially invest me into the game in some way it greatly increases my interest more than a good art style alone would do.

Especially when said dialog involves some sort of gradual descent into a state of madness, corruption, bestial state, etc... including the struggles to fight the descent, or willingness to fall into it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Copious, just copious amounts of ladydicks. In all shapes, sizes and number. You get a dick! YOU get a dick! Everyone gets a FREE DICK!!

... As long as my character isn't on the receiving end when I play as a male too often, though if I at least got dinner of some sort before hand or afterwards it was totally worth while. Or I have to really like the character do to how their written, Urta comes to mind she had a good bit of back story to get you invested and a quest plus your own kids telling you to start using condoms is hilarious.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
My number 1 requirement is internal logic, that goes for the world and the characters in it.
You want cumflation fine as long as either the character or the milieu gives at least a half nod of explanation.
Character is a jerk, fine all time and space is stocked with jerks, give at least a hint at the origin
If you story has the PC attempting to instigate congress with everyone they meet there should be a better reason than their pee-pee was cold.
In short everything should happen for some reason, it doesn't have to be a good reason but some reason.

Biggest No-Nos well the sort of things that would get you banned.
The question "whose your Daddy?", in general I would just use the Harkness test but with the wrinkle that despite a considerable fondness for both my father and my children there are acts I simply will not countenance performing.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I like seeing one of my top 3 fetishes (if more thna one or all three then it's even better). I mean who not loves to see games with stuff they loves most? (so the Like part is pretty cliche for me ^^)

I dislike when some authors start to think that X fetish is everyone fetish and squize it everywhere cuz "everyone literaly begs for more of it".
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Orange Juice Jones

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
As someone who has played a copious amount of Visual Novels I've got to say its characters and story that's the real draw for me. If it's some basic bullshit with garbage fuckstick characters and the thinnest story to hold in the sex scenes then I will probably loose interest and stop playing. There has to be something more to it than that.

Oh one thing that really bugs me about Visual Novels is the fact that almost every character that you romance and sex up is a virgin. It's always a awkward and literal bloody mess
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As someone who has played a copious amount of Visual Novels I've got to say its characters and story that's the real draw for me. If it's some basic bullshit with garbage fuckstick characters and the thinnest story to hold in the sex scenes then I will probably loose interest and stop playing. There has to be something more to it than that.
Yeah story is definitely the reason why I play TiTS it's all well written and fun to play.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2017
My number 1 requirement is internal logic, that goes for the world and the characters in it.
Like Aeris/Aerith dying in FF7 even though ever since the start of the game you've been using and can get phoenix dawns, Logic
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Phoenix Downs ony heal KO ailments, not bring back people who have kicked the bucket already.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2017
Phoenix Downs ony heal KO ailments, not bring back people who have kicked the bucket already.
is not what the item description says, it pretty much says REVIVE not heal, and in FF7 it says "Restores life" but okay sure xD


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It's not that VII had the best translation ever. Also...
...in FF V, the party tries to use every spell and item to keep Galuf from dying. Speficically, Faris tries to use a Phoenix Down on Galuf to no avail. In FF VI, Locke tries to use the Phoenix Magicite on Rachel, yet that only brings her back for a moment.
The franchise makes a point of showing how zombies and the like aren't there because everyone has a spare Phoenix Down on a pocket :p
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2017
that only showcase more failed logic, otherwise whenever a character died as you spend a long time carrying him/her dead in your group while walking or trying to escape a cave/dungeon, you should not be able to restore life/revive them too.
the "Because Plot Reason" screws logic most of time in games
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Gameplay and story segregation. One of the silliest things about that is that they could get around it if they said that characters only fell unconscious when their health hit 0 and resurrection effects didn't raise the dead. Or maybe you want to have it that people can be resurrected and have scenes where that happens, with plot deaths tied to not being able to retrieve the body or someone being artificially aged to death, where the resurrection won't work anymore.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yep, it's mostly down to gameplay and story segregation.

if they said that characters only fell unconscious when their health hit 0
I'm not sure about other games, but most FF have that as an in-game description of Phoenix Down. Some games even refer to KO as an status. As far as I know, only VII and some Tactics games claim that PD restores life.
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