What sort of "True" end game are you guys looking for?

Wife Material

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2016
To be honest, I want my Steele to open their very own brothel and be able to choose which NPC's work their magic there. 

What are your desires? Feel free to discuss. 


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
Reform Jill let her take over the company and stay with my mistress as her pet goo girl X3


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Take over my Dad's company and expand it into a true powerhouse, maybe something along the lines of Sansha's Nation from EVE (But without the "Let's make everyone who isn't a member of the elite zombie-slaves" part)


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Take over the company and start forging it to be even bigger, add Jill to my harem, use my marriage to Tairvra as an excuse to take over the fucking bug planet and then make that planet my corporate headquarters, marry the rest of my harem, convince as many of the people i bang but don't have on my crew to move to my new palace and marry them, track down any illegitimate children i may have from all the combat rape I've done, and generally make sure the media has a collective seizure when they try to report on my love life.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Create more descendants than your dad.

"I'm proud of you, kiddo."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Screw legacy and boring corporative shit, give CEO place to Jill if she want it so badly under terms of retaining access to all company assets, be an adventurer forever.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Screw legacy and boring corporative shit, give CEO place to Jill if she want it so badly under terms of retaining access to all company assets, be an adventurer forever.

Why not both.jpg

Space teleconferences would let you run the company from the privacy of your own ship without having to worry about your cousin doing anything but slacking off on their oral duty.

Hell that might make for a great way to intimidate the board members. Lounging in your space chair, in full armor (minus helm and crotch-plate), cousin between your legs and just glaring at the suits for interrupting your general debauchery and scouting for new resources for the company to exploit to explain to you why progress on some project has slowed this quarter.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Why not both.jpg

Space teleconferences would let you run the company from the privacy of your own ship without having to worry about your cousin doing anything but slacking off on their oral duty.

Hell that might make for a great way to intimidate the board members. Lounging in your space chair, in full armor (minus helm and crotch-plate), cousin between your legs and just glaring at the suits for interrupting your general debauchery and scouting for new resources for the company to exploit to explain to you why progress on some project has slowed this quarter.

As I said, boring. Real control would require quite a lot of actual work.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
As I said, boring. Real control would require quite a lot of actual work.

Obviously this would be abstracted in actual gameplay, but you've gotta live up to yer dad's wishes and take the company.

Plus the opportunity to intimidate, emasculate, and/or mentally scar a board of directors with a new generation of Steele sexual antics is incredibly appealing. And staying on my ship and continuing to adventure probably makes HR happy as I'd probably impregnate less employees that way.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Not everyone, though. Actually, being forced to be galactic celebrity is one of the WORST things in this game.

I kinda like it. Also it's not really given much notice imo. There's one chick who mentions seeing you on the space news and like one or two commenting on how you're the kid of a billionaire. Hell I think your dad gets more attention and you're just his kid to a good number of people.

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I kinda like it. Also it's not really given much notice imo. There's one chick who mentions seeing you on the space news and like one or two commenting on how you're the kid of a billionaire. Hell I think your dad gets more attention and you're just his kid to a good number of people.

You mean like an avatar of sorts? I kinda try to forget that I apparently have a name to live up to and would prefer getting recognized for myself.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
You mean like an avatar of sorts? I kinda try to forget that I apparently have a name to live up to and would prefer getting recognized for myself.

I think it's a compelling bit of narrative that lets the game at least try to be something other than something to fap to. The (at least mildly) complex blend of living up to your father's deeds, dealing with his still living friends, the feud that has jumped to the next generation, and all your half-siblings make for a great thing to complicate the plot of your father's test of seeking out all those probes.

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think it's a compelling bit of narrative that lets the game at least try to be something other than something to fap to. The (at least mildly) complex blend of living up to your father's deeds, dealing with his still living friends, the feud that has jumped to the next generation, and all your half-siblings make for a great thing to complicate the plot of your father's test of seeking out all those probes.

I can't deny that at all. Then ending I'm looking for is my Steele making a name for himself and leaving Victor's shadow. Don't see that happening anytime soon since you're using his ship as well as having his "acquaintances" as my crew members.


Jan 23, 2016
The game ends with you, and your doctor, choosing the assets of your heir, like your dad did, i thinks that's the perfect epilogue.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015

I agree completely Etis on all accounts i really wish we could choose to actually not accept the role that our father has set for us x(

The game ends with you, and your doctor, choosing the assets of your heir, like your dad did, i thinks that's the perfect epilogue.

I personally would be disappointed if we were forced into this not everyone wants kids i personally can't stand the thought of giving birth or being a mother x( but each to their own i guess. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Maybe become some sort of famous Space Privateer/Vigilante. Not a proper hero, more like the bad lady who punishes other bad people.  


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Maybe become some sort of famous Space Privateer/Vigilante. Not a proper hero, more like the bad lady who punishes other bad people.  

Sexy punishment?

Cus I've punished quite a few pirates.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
  • Changing mentalities and making sapient lifeforms recognize that sapient AIs are people and should be treated as such. Bess/Ben executive CEO ftw.
  • Freeing the PC from Victor's shadow (either by choosing their own path, renouncing his legacy and adventuring among the stars for a living, or by becoming so famous/influent/powerful that everyone forgets Victor)
  • Helping their waifus/husbandos/dom(me)s/subs reach their true potential (for example : famous writer Embry, independant Bess/Ben, Reaha, ...)

Also, a bit of variation depending on how nice/asshole you are would be cool.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
The game ends with you, and your doctor, choosing the assets of your heir, like your dad did, i thinks that's the perfect epilogue.

Damn, people already said what I wanted to say! Sure, I could do all this other wish fulfillment stuff, but I'm a pretty "down to earth" person so this fits the best for me. Also cyclical games are awesome.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
If going to standart in a "big things" way, it would be that the last item your father left you get unleasses something that can put end to a mayor part of the galaxy, being it someking of race/infection/weapon/blackhole, and you decide to (not) solve somehow solve it (h)ero(t)ically [remove () as it pleases you], with(out) you keeping your live and winning/lossing the company with multiple kind of endings depending on some choices you did on the game.

But hey, this is TiTs, almost everything can happen, so the more original the better for me, still isnt bad the first option.