What Qualifies As A Cum Addict In [0.9.114]?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2016
Trying to proc and meet conditions for random acts of cock sucking. Is it tied a status effect? A perk? The taint meter? Or am I too late since I picked the Amazon part of the treatment?
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Aug 12, 2021
I'm not all that sure that the new scenes even work. So far I haven't encountered them while playing.
Sep 8, 2024
I finally got it to proc. I went to the Tavros merchant deck and just waited 12 hours over and over again until it triggered. Is there just the one scene? Or does it change depending on where you are?

EDIT: Nevermind, I just got another one at Novahome.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2016
I finally got it to proc. I went to the Tavros merchant deck and just waited 12 hours over and over again until it triggered. Is there just the one scene? Or does it change depending on where you are?

EDIT: Nevermind, I just got another one at Novahome.
Need help. Anything you did specific? Been mashing that 12 hour rest button in Tavros Merchant Deck for in game weeks and I cannot get it to trigger.


Active Member
Jan 23, 2016
I've gotten the one on Tarkus but I haven't triggered the one on Tavros yet. Whatever the parameters are they're WAY to high I think, or they need to be more clearly defined. I've been wandering around for days, its been over a week since my PC last ingested cum and even wandering around places for hours doesn't do anything. I've tried Tavros (Merchant and Residential), Mhenga, Tarkus (got that one to trigger twice), Myrellion both topside and downside and the Red side, Zheng Shi, Dhaal, New Texas. I even wandered around Canadia for a day and haven't had anything happen.

Can we get a clue as to what parameters we need to meet? Like, is it not going to trigger if we're pregnant, or if we're in Dzaan Withdrawl too?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Since when does being a goo give the Cum Thirsty perk like Adjatha said? Or does he mean that being a goo counts for the "is cum slut" variable? and if so when?

Also I'm questioning if info from him might be iffy because the treatment part is somewhat vague. As far as I know only Cum Cow counts towards being counted for the "is cum slut" variable unless Cum Highs also counts now. And even then only a few of the Treatment paths can make you that way.

The procs might be rare too some because the only way I know of getting the "is cum slut" variable is to be a Cum Cow, the Dumb4Cum perk, or the Cum Thirsty perk.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2023
right so something I've realized is that waiting is not going to cause anything to trigger, they're events that specifically have a chance to trigger every time you enter a valid tile. don't currently know what the valid times are

I'm not familiar with cum withdrawal mechanics myself but it does seem to require having gone at least 2 weeks without it


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Found it (in roomFunctions):
pc.isCumSlut() && pc.lust() === pc.lustMax() && !rand(100) && (!flags.CUM_WTHDRWL_TS || (GetGameTimestamp() - flags.CUM_WTHDRWL_TS) >= (60 * 24 * 14))

Cum Thirsty
DEPENDANT_CUM (Cum Thirsty OR "Oral Fixation" status)

You have to be at maximum Lust. Natural Lust gain stops at 75%, so you have to go over somehow.
Not sure what the rand() function is doing.
Either no CUM_WTHDRWL_TS flag, or at least 14 days after it's been set?
CUM_WTHDRWL_TS is set when the scene plays, so it's a 14-day cooldown.

Only Tavros, Tarkus & Myrellion have scenes from what I saw.

To be clear, this is from publicly available code.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Only Tavros, Tarkus & Myrellion have scenes from what I saw.
Dhaal seems to have a scene too.

Weird to use a cumslut check for cum withdrawal when the game makes a difference between cumsluts and cum addicts and there's a cum addict check.

What Adj points to is towards the status effect "Thirsty", gained by characters with the "Cum Thirsty" perk (which counts as being a cum addict) who spend too much time without drinking cum, which to me sounds way more reasonable than what is coded.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
1. It was coded by Leek, (who is part-time, IIRC) and may not be familiar with all the possible calls.
2. Dumb4Cum withdrawal should also qualify, but I'm not sure the game checks for that.

I'm confused by the rand(). Is it actually doing anything?
The Max Lust requirement is somewhat awkward, too.


Well-Known Member
Well, rand(100) simply rolls a number from 0 to 99; ! means "not", so in order for !rand(100) to return true, rand(100) would need to return false, which I'm pretty sure means it has to roll 0. As such, I think that bit merely means it's a 1 in 100 chance, which would explain why it's so rare even if you meet all the prerequisites.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2023
Well, rand(100) simply rolls a number from 0 to 99; ! means "not", so in order for !rand(100) to return true, rand(100) would need to return false, which I'm pretty sure means it has to roll 0. As such, I think that bit merely means it's a 1 in 100 chance, which would explain why it's so rare even if you meet all the prerequisites.
this is correct, but I believe it's like this because it can trigger on every step you take. given the time prerequisite, I'm not convinced it's necessary however, it's not exactly a scene that will spam you
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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Well, that explains why the scene "never" happens- because the chance is way too low and its requirement is only seldomly fulfilled..


Active Member
Jan 23, 2016
I know it's got a shorter turnaround than 2 weeks without cum, since the first time it procced for me it was only at about 4 days since I'd gotten the "withdrawal" debuff from Thirsty. It being tied to arousal/lust sort of makes sense, but the game provides you ways to satisfy lust without satisfying the cum addiction, and even so I wandered around Tavros/Tarkus for literal days, just going back and forth through the place and still only ever saw the Tarkus one once. Whatever the parameters are they're so narrow that it will almost never come up, even if you're actively searching for it.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2023
since the first time it procced for me it was only at about 4 days since I'd gotten the "withdrawal" debuff from Thirsty
this would most likely be what the !CUM_WTHDRWL_TS indicates. i was hesitant to make any definitive statements on it because its not something i've ever played with