What makes a bad end good?


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2015
I know TiTs draws a very mixed crowd of people, and that's reflected in the number of tastes that wind up in the game. The things I like aren't things that appeal to everybody. I like bad-ends, and between other forum threads and comments on release posts, I know I'm not the only one. I find myself wondering:

What makes a bad-end good to you?

I considered making this a poll, but that might severely limit freedom in describing exactly what's appealing.

Personally, I like slow burns. Female domes that don't have the need to be verbally abusive are massive positives. Nyrean Alpha, Jerynn, and Ceraph bad end from CoC are pretty much perfect examples. There's a steady buildup of lewdness, a lead up where the character understands that there's a point of no return, and then a conscious acceptance of those consequences. In the Jerynn bad-end, the player even goes so far as to accept enormous body-modifications to get his/her non-drug dependent fix. Abrupt death bad-ends are the total opposite. This isn't my game to say what fits and what doesn't, but they jar the player out of something that is otherwise very playful in tone.

Two notes:
*I fully understand that to influence writing, it is most important to either write, and code things myself or have work commissioned. This is in no way meant to influence anything outside of the thread.

*TiTs features a lot of content that is questionable outside of the gaming context. Don't be judgemental to others in this thread, as liking a text fantasy is in no way endorsement of actual cruelty or intent to cause harm.

Thank you based Wsan for the latest bad-end. You always deliver great content.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
My favorites are ones that add something new and aren't super abusive to the player. I'm also rather fond of the "good ends" that are on the rare side of things.

My favorite is the beat queensguard and lose to the queen bad end and choosing to make your rival your bedwarmer.

A Random Guy

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2015
My favorite bad ends are the ones where they sound like the complete opposite of a “bad” end. One great example of this is Carrie’s bad end where you spend the rest of your life on New Texas as a millionaire.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2015
My favorite bad ends are the ones where they sound like the complete opposite of a “bad” end. One great example of this is Carrie’s bad end where you spend the rest of your life on New Texas as a millionaire.

Those can be good depending on the angle. There's more than one way to "Win" the game.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2015
My favorites are ones that add something new and aren't super abusive to the player. I'm also rather fond of the "good ends" that are on the rare side of things.

My favorite is the beat queensguard and lose to the queen bad end and choosing to make your rival your bedwarmer.

Can you give an example of what you mean when you say "add something"?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Personally I don't really much care for too many of the "bad ends" but I'd prefer they were called different ends or good end or something along that.


Aug 27, 2015
My favorite bad ends are the ones where they sound like the complete opposite of a “bad” end. One great example of this is Carrie’s bad end where you spend the rest of your life on New Texas as a millionaire.

Probably not a millionaire, but certainly comfortably well off.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2016
In short. Presentation.

A bad end like the robot on Mengha isn't particularly "Good" you just die.

One's that have had effort put in though, like the Nyrea Queen as someone mentioned, are a lot better since they're well written and provide a little choice in the ending itself.
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Jan 8, 2016
I think my favourite type of bad end is the 'gradual loss' to a specific NPC; like Izma and Kelt in CoC, where you show up and continually, deliberately, subject yourself to their whims until eventually they just take ownership and by then you're too far gone to say no. Another good example is the Wetraxxel Brawler in TiTS. It feels better to earn it, I think.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2016
I think my favourite type of bad end is the 'gradual loss' to a specific NPC; like Izma and Kelt in CoC, where you show up and continually, deliberately, subject yourself to their whims until eventually they just take ownership and by then you're too far gone to say no. Another good example is the Wetraxxel Brawler in TiTS. It feels better to earn it, I think.

Yeah. Feels more like you "earned" the bad end through choices rather than just got stuck with it due to bad luck.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Cora and Carrie 'good ending' is kinda horrifying if you think about it.

Reminds me a little of Silent Snow, Secret Snow. Except, you know, more tittyfucking.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
Heh, good bad ends for me are those who tickle my kinks.

Jerynn's and the alpha Nyrea's bad ends are my two favourites :catte:
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