What kinds of armors/clothing would you like to start seeing in TiTS?



As stated by people before some sort of living armor that would molest you would be great. However since we already have goo armor it could be developed from that. As it is the goo armor can help you arouse others in combat, but what if it had another mode, namely to arouse you. It could bump up your passive lust accumulation (like the perk Extra Ardor), every time you moved from room to room there could be a 5% chance of a short random one paragraph event which bumped your lust up by 10-20.

And in combat it could act as a sort of double edged sword. The enemy would get aroused every turn (maybe to a smaller degree since it isn't touching them, but putting on a show as it were), but so would you. The tradeoff would be that since a part of the armour didn't detach, you would retain the defensive properties.

Now that i think of it, you could even have a hybrid mode which would arouse you if you had less than 50% of your max lust, and arouse others if you had more. The logic behind it being that as a goo it wants nurishment, so its doing everything it can to get you to sleep with anything you encounter, thus being fed.

And one more thing.. its a goo, so why does it have to cover your whole body and have a undefined form? It would be great that with reaching certain milestones some "style" options would unlock. For example a big butt or wide hips would make miniskirt avaliable, exhibitionism above 33 would enable it to get a revealing tag and not cover your chest and genitals, bimbos could maybe style it into some bimbo-like clothing (dunno what really, just throwing it out there), and so on...

And if all that's impossible/too hard to implement... a dildo belt and/or slave collar would always be fun. Dildo belt preventing your holes from tightening up and arousing you passively, and slave collar maybe triggering some subbmissive events when encountering appropriate enemies without a fight ever starting.

Doesn't seem too hard. The mimbranes have an option to help you increase enemy lust but it also increases yours at the same time.