What if and hear me out first.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Character creation in real life weird right, image if you had a chance to make your self before you were born. You can do anything with it because fuck the way shit works, you want to be born a herm well there.

Just something that came to me after remembering a YouTube video, now your thoughts.
Would you change anything if you had a chance or just stay the same, also is this a philosophical question because that's what I was going for?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
You did ask "If you could change anything about yourself, would you?", are you really surprised that, at the very least, some people would have a lot they'd like to change?


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2016
Do I get to choose a different family? If yes, then that's one thing I'd like to change, I'd like a more functional family. I'd also like to have not been born with ADD and depression because that combo is not fun.

On the more cosmetic side, if I could I'd love to make it so that my hair isn't going from ginger to brown. I liked having red hair.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
It just Character creation, hmm you do have a poin,t there some that do have different starting points and background so yeah.

I put the Hmm because I rethought it and yes why not.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Oh fuck me dead dry and running, where do I begin!

There's a damn good reason why in a post I made a while ago I said "if you're anything like me, I'm sorry", lol.

But im working on it as best I can. And hey, nobody's perfect, right? We all got something fucked up with us. Only difference is the nature and severity of it, and how we respond to it.

That's just life in a nutshell man.