What fo you absolutely LUV about TiTS?


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2022
I saw a post asking what I (or others) would change/add to TiTS. I thought the devs might like to see a list of things that make us play (and sometimes pay) for the game.

1. TiTS strongly reminds me of my first pen & paper RPG campaign - the Volturnus Campaign from TSR for their StarFrontiers RPG. Lila Starstorm my character remains one of my all time favorite characters.
2. I like the various cultural references.
3. It takes a lot of self-discipline to not reload a game when an encounter goes south but I luv how a poor encounter is often not an end-game experience and you just have to manage the less than favorable results (increased taint, lust, libido, exhibition, unwanted pregnancy, STD, addiction, etc).
4. I'd be lying if I didn't acknowledge I get a kick out of modding my character.
5. I like collecting babies from various races. It's kind of like collecting gold medals and way better than collecting achievements. I've modded Katie's incubation speed WAY up so that I can have kids in a minimum amount of in-game time. I spend as little time as possible in the maternity ward but nearly all my time pregnant. This does hamper Katie's smuggler reflexes more than a little.
6. I like having lots of babies from my favorite races and NPC's where possible. Katie just had a quell babie - awe - she's sooo cute.
7. I like collecting many/most perks - even those that put me at a disadvantage. I like to see what it takes to win an encounter when I can't keep my lust under control.
8. I like romance novels, a lot. This is so much randier than a romance novel but at the end of the day romance novels are still just word porn. This game doesn't hide it.
9. I like how simple innattention to a character weakness can make all the difference in combat or even a dialog (both your own weaknesses and an enemy weakness). I can't tell you the number of times I've entered combat and groaned because Katie's lust was at 90-plus. I stepped out of a town to release said lust once thinking the first square would be safe only to fall to an encounter Katie'd normally be able to one-shot-win because my lust was already 100. I've also gotten bent over the counter without an option to back away because I wasn't managing my lust in-town. These little things make the game interesting and challenging in unexpected and often fun ways.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I am sure there are threads like this one, but I'll just say I really like being able to customise Steele from head to toe. That, and...
  • Having the chance to be with many kinds of races, genders and sexes.
  • Certain kinks, characters and scenes I like.
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Well-Known Member
Aside from some things that have already been said, I very much like the setting. People keep saying it's a cyberpunk dystopia, but if anything, I'd say it's clearly more post-cyberpunk (at least, given TV Tropes' descriptions of the two genres):
  • Megacorps may be powerful, but they're usually not so powerful they supplant local governments, and they're not 100% bad; there are both good megacorps (e.g. Steele Tech) and good individuals within "bad" megacorps who don't act against the interests of said megacorp (e.g. Xenogen's Kimber and Dr. McAllister).
  • Technological advancements (particularly transformative gene mods) are generally seen in a positive light, and it's only when they're abused (which isn't too common) that things get negative.
  • There's plenty of middle ground between "rich corporate overlord", "corporate stooge" and "lowest class neo-peasant/gangster"; there are a lot of successful independents and small business owners (Kaede, Sera, Azra, Fisianna, Bianca, Kally, Luca... the list goes on).
  • The PC is clearly on the side of the megacorps (what with being the future CEO of one of them), and that does literally nothing to prevent them from being a good person and/or mingling with the "common" folk on a basis so regular it might as well be their natural social status.
Other things I like about the setting:
  • Discrimination is almost non-existent, and what discrimination does exist is generally portrayed either negatively, as part of a primitive culture (and they'll thus presumably get over it as they modernise), or both.
  • Similarly, while most races have stereotypes, it's clear they're just that: they're not binding on an individual's personality or behaviour. Even when there aren't non-stereotypical members of a race, there's still usually enough diversity between individuals to show that they're people, not some monolithic Other we can't apply basic sapient rights to.
  • There have only been two major interstellar conflicts. Aside from those, the biggest threat to the galaxy isn't some existential threat, or a belligerent rogue nation, or even internal corruption; it's pirates, and even the most powerful pirates generally can't operate in public. Both of those are indicative of a much more peaceful setting than a lot of other sci-fi series, especially the more prominent ones like Star Wars.
  • Most species can naturally make hybrids with each other, which IMO really hammers home the parrallels between ethnicity and species, and thus that there's not much difference between ethnicity-racism and species-racism.
  • It's sci-fi.


New Member
Jul 1, 2022
Besides the things that already have been said:
1. It's a solid RPG. I already liked that about CoC, and while I miss the delightfully cheesy OP transformatives of CoC1,
TiTS has a lot more under the hood mechanics wise, and the fights are just plain FUN. Granted, even a difference of one level often feels like a cliff,
but I like hard and narrow fights, and clawing my way up that cliff.
2. The side characters. That is where the worldbuilding and creativity really shines!
3. The exploration. Encounter rates are a bit too low for my taste (is there any item to increase them?) but the descriptions of the squares are vivid,
and many places are worth traveling to even just for the mental picture. Plus the neat stuff you can find in out-of-the-way places.
4. Varied enemies. It's fun to discover what jumps out of the bushes this time!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
1. TiTs has some incestuous content that I enjoy.
2. No forced sex with Male characters, even if Steele thinks certain folk are hot.
3. Get to play as a female or Herm.
4. Plenty of delicious ladies with cocks.. Verusha, Luca, Ardia, Arine, Kiro, Mirrin, Zephyr, Syri (my fav ausar), Anyx, Amara (hoping she gets more content), Sela, Dr Teeyal, Kelly, Kally.. you get my point.
5. I can have an all women crew.. woo
6. Don't have any one with Steele when out adventuring like in CoC2.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2022
I've got to add that I find it fun to "figure out" an encounter. There are many encounters and bosses that are difficult if I use the wrong tactic and quite easy if I use the right one. It takes up inventory space but I've taken to carrying numerous guns with different damage types.