What does flight do?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
The biggest thing wings can do is let you go up and down between the lower and upper caverns of Myrellion without expending a ton of energy.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
The biggest thing wings can do is let you go up and down between the lower and upper caverns of Myrellion without expending a ton of energy.
Do they really? I guess I can stop lugging around that Climbing kit :D


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
If you get them early enough, there's also a blurb during the terrorist attack on Tarkus about how they make it easier to navigate in zero-gee, I believe. It's been a while since I was there.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Generaly any body part that may give some advantage are a huge NO-NO in this game. Whenever it's for good or bad sake ^^

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Nonsense, it would make perfect sense for wings to help you escape. In CoC they helped both in battles and in actual scene choices.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
-SPOILERS- You get a blurb as you try to find the avian stripper on Myrellion after he goes missing. Its after you've gathered enough clues and go visit red territory, as a option of dealing with the guard. If you're small enough and have wings, you fly to the vent and sneak in. Other then that, wings get blurbs for escaping combat, but I don't know if they're CoC like where they boost evasion or just a blurb.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Once Plantation Quest gets in, wings will allow you to fly up to and back down the cliff side to the Zill village (assuming you made peace or destroyed the village). If you try to use them to cheat though, you'll get pushed back by a swarm of Zill.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Generaly any body part that may give some advantage are a huge NO-NO in this game.

Nonsense, it would make perfect sense for wings to help you escape. In CoC they helped both in battles and in actual scene choices.
IIRC, somewhere Fen explained that he found that was a bad choice workload-wise back then, and so for TiTS he decided to not allow any game-mechanic-changing TFs without some serious thought. Which is why, six planets in, perks are still pretty rare, and usually mutually exclusive. AFAIK, the only one that helps out in combat so far is the Myr Venom perk, and even that one is quite minimal.

Otherwise, the usage of wings is usually highly reliant on the author of the scenario remembering that the option exists, which is why there are few to no h-scenes that refer to the existence of PC wings. As someone who still gets wings nearly every time through, it can be a bit jarring to read about your Steele ending up in a position that would be next to impossible with two or more sets of limbs extending back from your shoulders.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It grants a minor boost to flee chance. Also, recovering from Tripped status is taking one turn for those who can fly. Few actual uses in scenes already mentioned. And some minor flavor text in scenes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hehe Flying giving advantage... I demand nerfing it to the ground *muahahaha*

Well that one thing on TiTS in never liked like perks aside few from lvl-ing up are quite spacefillers :/ But that devs choices so I not care much on this anymore ^^