What do you think a day in the life of a UGC citizen is like?


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2018
Say you're a UGC citizen living on the fringe or in the core. What do you think you're life is like? What kind of culture do you think a world of sex positivity and most eroticism being non-taboo would create? How do you think your daily routine would go?


Well-Known Member
The average citizen's life probably isn't too different from a modern person's, if I were to guess: wake up, go to school/work, socialise, pay taxes/bills, etc.. The quality of most stuff (food, health care, scientific knowledge, etc.) would be a significant improvement over what we have in the modern day, but they'd be just as used to their stuff as we are to ours, so...

About the only major differences I can think of would be:
  • Increased risk of pirate attacks outside the more highly civilised areas
  • Risk of falling into indentured servitude if you make the wrong financial decisions or break the wrong laws (though if you're lucky with who your contract ends up with, it could be vastly preferable to crippling debt or a prison sentence)
  • Slightly increased chance of accidentally stumbling upon some sexy stuff while you're going about your daily routine
  • Anything involving illegal drugs is likely to have far greater consequences even if you don't get caught
  • Sex Ed is taught earlier in schools (though I doubt it'll ever teach how to have recreational sex beyond 'proper use of contraceptives' and 'the principles of Safe, Sane and Consensual')
  • Chances are you'll be interacting with aliens anywhere from 'semi-regularly' to 'married, with kids', but with how similar all the most common species are (both biologically and psychologically) I doubt that'd change much compared to interacting with humans only
  • You'll probably be having sex more often (unless you're one of those Church of the One weirdos)
  • You can go on vacation to an entirely different planet if you want to (probably one of those resort worlds)
  • You can change your appearance if you want to and can afford the necessary mods (though if you become a furry, you may be the target of discrimination in places dominated by ausar culture)