What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

Mark Lackey

May 7, 2021
I guess that having Adjatha as the main bust creator as the game progressed didn't help matters, what with turning every character into blowdoll versions of Palaeolithic "Venus" figurines. Even applying it to more "moderate" characters. Not that artists always cared about text descriptions, mind you. There was a thread back in the day discussing such.
This is my main gripe with the game. But the world and writing are pretty fun. I just turn the busts off and read the appearances


Nov 27, 2023
I think that's a creator decision and not necessarily an artist one. Adjatha is just following the assignment laid out by the creators of the characters. Nuka have bimbo inflated lips and mouth-nipples (that look like inflated nipples before the tongues are out), and Adjatha isn't the author for them.


Active Member
Dec 10, 2024
My biggest gripe with this game is the lack of consistency when it comes to scenes.

Like, there's a lot of different options for character customization and some of these options do get spotlit in scenes from time to time but it's clear that the options highlighted with the character creation races take priority over everything else in terms of writing them in the scenes. Now, that would be fine for the most part if it wasn't for the fact that the character customization is one of the game's biggest selling points.

Having big horns is great and all but if I suck literally every character's dick and only like two of them grab a hold of those suckers in a scene, there's something up there. I can have 10 back tentacles but they're only useful for one really specific sex option and never get mentioned anywhere else despite it feeling like that's something that'd come up a lot at least in scenes when you have more than one partner. I always use Bumpy Road on my characters but I've never even seen them brought up unless my genitals already come with them like a Feline Penis or a Gryvain Vagina.

Hell, it's not even just sex scenes and obscure transformations. I've played a 8 feet tall absolute slab of beef and yet apparently I fit into every ventilation shaft, every home even if it's built specifically by a smaller race like the Korgonne, and don't need to bend down to kiss someone shorter than me. Prehensile Tails are fairly common but I've never seen a scene where my character uses it to grab anything. And don't get me started on having a Naga Tail for Legs.

I understand this is a game made by like 20 people (plus guests writers) but it sometimes feels like there's not much in way of consistency as a standard to make sure the options you choose to craft your character matter as much.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
Expanding upon that theme:
Steele gets the Rahn Premium Breeder tat. Steele goes to Mhen'ga. Does Flahne notice? NO.
Steele gets pumped full of eggs on Tarkus. Does Shekka notice? NO.
Steele gets dropped off in Irestead by a FREAKING FROSTWYRM. Does anybody notice? NO.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2024
Expanding upon that theme:
Steele gets the Rahn Premium Breeder tat. Steele goes to Mhen'ga. Does Flahne notice? NO.
Steele gets pumped full of eggs on Tarkus. Does Shekka notice? NO.
Steele gets dropped off in Irestead by a FREAKING FROSTWYRM. Does anybody notice? NO.
Flahne has a scene for the premium breeder tat iirc, I would expect acknowledgement of it is in that somewhere. Agreed on the frostwyrm thing, though.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
Flahne has a scene for the premium breeder tat iirc, I would expect acknowledgement of it is in that somewhere. Agreed on the frostwyrm thing, though.
I had tried it and she didn't react at all, but maybe they added something after I had finished with that.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
The inconsistency of the size of dick steel can suck/fuck, for example, for calia and big t, you need that tf for more pussy capacity, but kiro you don’t

the text for calia states that you can’t suck his dick even though you have snakebyte, but you can suck that male zebra in myrellion


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
EDIT: I guess this is another gripe. The Aim based Merc has a really hard time escaping grapples unless they train Physique like crazy. That's why I was looking for the aug weave armor so I could spend less "real time" training Physique. I was dumping my "non-Aim" leveling points into Willpower.
There are a couple of items with Grapple Escape Boost: Ganger Jacket & Xenogen Slimesuit. I don't think having two items with the flag stacks, but you do have a choice. Ganger Jacket even has +75 HP, so it's good for a Merc. You can also get Limber from Yoga with Paige, which I believe does stack.

As an aside, this is one of the reasons I think Bigger Guns doesn't fit the Mercenaries' kit.

The only thing that doesn't seem to get massive spec enhancements from planet to planet is armor. Perhaps I just don't understand the defense specs well enough to notice how much better one armor is from another? I mean, I keep wondering why Steele would buy hardlight armor on Dhaal that costs 250,000c when they can buy armor with other, seemingly (to me) as good specs, on Uveto that for 33,000c. Comparing armor in this game makes me scratch my head and I "thought"I had an okay brain.
On Dhaal, I'd generally recommend the Paragon Hazard or Chameleon (both of which you can get for free) for a Mercenary, depending on if you're planning on Teasing. I'm not sure which Uveto armor you mean, or I'd offer more advice.

Shields have dropped off, too. Isn't it about time to replace the Prototype Pirate?

Perhaps that's my third gripe, not my brain, but armor that seems to only make a modest difference in Steele's success without one armor being obviously better in some situations, than another...and, yes, I know how to max out my evasion or build my defense and what differences they make...except they don't seem to make a big difference to Steele's success or failure in combat...even on a pure combat, rare to no tease, builds.
Armor can make a big difference, depending on the fight. Airtight can completely remove certain mechanics. Equipping the Black Void armor made a big difference vs Amara, since it's Mirrored and she does a lot of Laser damage. In the other direction, one of the things that makes the Janeria fight so hard is you have to use a specific armor that isn't very good for a lot of builds. I've found stacking Shields is generally enough, even for Mercenaries, rather than agonizing over % Resistances.

It may also depend on how fast you defeat enemies. If it's in a handful of rounds, so you don't take much actual damage, Armor will be a lot less impactful than if you're taking awhile. Choice of weapons seems to end up being more important, especially if you're using one with Stun Chance.

Come to think of it, it makes no sense that there's almost no armor or clothing that offers more sexiness than just stripping. Hell, it's hard enough to find items that even meet that threshold.
There used to be, but then Lust combat got reworked. Note: There is a soft-cap on Lust damage, so bonus Sexiness only helps so much. In particular, you had to change underwear each new planet to keep up.

Transformations should give abilities if you go all-in. As of now, there isn't really much for transformations aside from a few aesthetic chances and the rare scene where being a certain thing gets you a few more lines of dialogue. Some, like the new (for public) behemoth TF, give perks that...might have a benefit, but others don't. You mean I have this nice centaur body and can't kick with it? Being a dragon doesn't give me a breath attack? Being a frostwyrm doesn't enhance my psionics?
Fenoxo's previous game, Corruption of Champions did this. The team specifically decided not to do it in TiTS because some of the racial abilities were better than others, and it made people feel like they needed to have specific body parts to be optimal, instead of being able to freely choose the appearance they wanted.

On a related note, being corrupted just means you're hornier, which isn't exactly a bad thing. I don't know if there's supposed to be a penalty like a bad end or the probes now a needing a minigame to activate because you have to convince them that you are, in fact, still victor's kid, but considering taking two Soaks too soon will lead to a bad end, this feels like it should DEFINITELY fuck the player up more than "you can be lustier".
Who knows, maybe the final Probe won't open for a Corrupted Steele. Maybe the epilogue will describe an early death. But yeah, it's something that feels like it could have more impact. IIRC, it changed in development, as well.

There really should be a save editor or some manner of aesthetic fixing. I mentioned it in the bug report, but the behemoth tf makes your dicks uselessly huge. There's ways to fix that, in game, but the RNG and grind are...un-good for how much you need. Being exact would be cool.
There are two save editors, though neither are official (and neither has been updated in a while, IIRC). It's also fairly easy to do some things yourself, once you get used to the formatting. JSONs can be opened with standard Text Editors like Notepad.

The diminishing returns on minimum lust are brutal and it's basically impossible for corrupted Steele's to run around with a permanent boner. (100 Lust)
Diminishing returns for Minimum Lust stacking was deliberately implemented to prevent characters from becoming effectively unplayable.
If you really want to be capped on Lust all the time, you can carry a stack or two of Savicite at all times.

If I had to list one major gripe I have with TiTS, it's the economy is so absolutely horrid to engage with. Everything after Zheng-Shi is so damn expensive that you have to either resolve to cheat or grind to afford new gear and utilities. And because I don't like sitting at a black jack table pressing 3 numbers repeatedly, or waste hours fighting ship battles and hoping to get the big payout ones each time, that means I have to cheat.
Some money-farming tips:
1. Mining Robots reliably drop valuable minerals, but the encounter rate plummets if you've freed the slaves. You might want to delay until you've made the amount of money you want.
2. Zaika Gangers have a high chance to drop Ganger Jackets, (100K Credits, 85K when sold to Anno). You can get multiple per battle, if you're lucky.
3. I like farming on Uveto. You can trade Piercings and gems to Kiona for Savicite.

Aaaaand once again there's NO ESCAPE for your character even when they have 90 reflexes and +14% evasion! Why do you even have a run button at this point? Or better yet, take out the wait button and inform people that the run one is that.
I don't think Evasion increases Escape chance.
Increases: Steele is Flying, high Reflexes, Steele is higher Level, enemy is Paralyzed, Stunned or Blinded.
Decrease: Enemy is Flying, enemy has high Reflexes, multiple enemies (including Shalin Shaman).
There are a number of statuses that can prevent you from escaping, but there should be a message if you have one.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Diminishing returns for Minimum Lust stacking was deliberately implemented to prevent characters from becoming effectively unplayable.
If you really want to be capped on Lust all the time, you can carry a stack or two of Savicite at all times.[/Spoiler]
Carrying stacks of Savicite unfortunately doesn't affect Steele's minimum lust.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Carrying stacks of Savicite unfortunately doesn't affect Steele's minimum lust.
No, but it will max* current lust extremely quickly.
*75% of true maximum. Which can be 100+ with some increases to Maximum lust.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
I know. That wasn't my gripe though. However, I appreciate that you're trying to help. Thanks.

€: Let me try to clarify what irks me:
Reaching 100 lust gives Steele's male genitalia a full hardon. Thanks to the diminishing returns, "corrupted" Steele's can't run around with a perma-100%-boner.

I'm aware that these diminishing returns were implemented to not make the game unplayable for some players, even though it wouldn't be an instaloss for corrupted Steele's during combat. I just don't like them, and apart from that it feels like that this softcap is reached a bit too early.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I know. That wasn't my gripe though. However, I appreciate that you're trying to help. Thanks.
What is the girpe, exactly? Do you want 100+ (in an absolute) or 100% (so you auto-lose combat)?

IIRC, Amazonian Needs reads it's value 1, so you could get that and Save-Edit to some absurd value.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
I edited my post to be a bit more specific, since we're talking now and I'm not only just screaming my gripe into the void anymore. :D


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I edited my post to be a bit more specific, since we're talking now and I'm not only just screaming my gripe into the void anymore. :D
Just created a test save. Jacking up Amazonian Needs v1 definitely works.


  • CorruptedAmazonianNeedsTest.json
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