EDIT: I guess this is another gripe. The Aim based Merc has a really hard time escaping grapples unless they train Physique like crazy. That's why I was looking for the aug weave armor so I could spend less "real time" training Physique. I was dumping my "non-Aim" leveling points into Willpower.
There are a couple of items with Grapple Escape Boost:
Ganger Jacket &
Xenogen Slimesuit. I don't think having two items with the flag stacks, but you do have a choice. Ganger Jacket even has +75 HP, so it's good for a Merc. You can also get Limber from Yoga with Paige, which I believe does stack.
As an aside, this is one of the reasons I think Bigger Guns doesn't fit the Mercenaries' kit.
The only thing that doesn't seem to get massive spec enhancements from planet to planet is armor. Perhaps I just don't understand the defense specs well enough to notice how much better one armor is from another? I mean, I keep wondering why Steele would buy hardlight armor on Dhaal that costs 250,000c when they can buy armor with other, seemingly (to me) as good specs, on Uveto that for 33,000c. Comparing armor in this game makes me scratch my head and I "thought"I had an okay brain.
On Dhaal, I'd generally recommend the
Paragon Hazard or
Chameleon (both of which you can get for free) for a Mercenary, depending on if you're planning on Teasing. I'm not sure which Uveto armor you mean, or I'd offer more advice.
Shields have dropped off, too. Isn't it about time to replace the Prototype Pirate?
Perhaps that's my third gripe, not my brain, but armor that seems to only make a modest difference in Steele's success without one armor being obviously better in some situations, than another...and, yes, I know how to max out my evasion or build my defense and what differences they make...except they don't seem to make a big difference to Steele's success or failure in combat...even on a pure combat, rare to no tease, builds.
Armor can make a big difference, depending on the fight. Airtight can completely remove certain mechanics. Equipping the Black Void armor made a big difference vs Amara, since it's Mirrored and she does a lot of Laser damage. In the other direction, one of the things that makes the Janeria fight so hard is you have to use a specific armor that isn't very good for a lot of builds. I've found stacking Shields is generally enough, even for Mercenaries, rather than agonizing over % Resistances.
It may also depend on how fast you defeat enemies. If it's in a handful of rounds, so you don't take much actual damage, Armor will be a lot less impactful than if you're taking awhile. Choice of weapons seems to end up being more important, especially if you're using one with Stun Chance.