What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
'Psychic' being used as a synonym for 'psionic'. For me at least:
  • 'Psychic' carries connotations of actual magic, including not only what we see psionics do but also things like predicting the future (non-scientifically, of course), communicating with the dead, etc. that don't belong in TiTS, as well as mysticism and other unfalsifiable, pseudo-scientific (at best) beliefs*.
  • 'Psionic', while still being sufficiently not well understood that it is effectively magic, doesn't carry those fantasy-esque connotations (at least, not as much as 'psychic' does) and sounds like something that can, in theory at least, be described rationally and scientifically.
While I can see primitive societies conflating the two (much like how Urbolg considers spacefarer technology to be magic), I don't think a society as advanced as the UGC would do the same thing.

*While it's okay for such beliefs to exist within a purely sci-fi universe, having those beliefs be correct in the same way as they would be in fantasy isn't, as that kind of defeats the purpose of the 'science' part.

Just saying that one term feels more scientific to you isn't really saying why they shouldn't be used as synonyms. Seems like this is more a gripe about your preconceptions than it is about the game itself.


Well-Known Member
Just saying that one term feels more scientific to you isn't really saying why they shouldn't be used as synonyms. Seems like this is more a gripe about your preconceptions than it is about the game itself.
Possibly. I guess I just prefer consistent terminology, and I feel that more mystical terms (like psychic) are a better fit for fantasy settings while less mystical ones (like psionic) are more appropriate for sci-fi ones. I'd find it less of an issue if the 'psionic' <-> 'psychic' synonymy was restricted to things like dialogue and not included in things like tooltips and Codex entries.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Possibly. I guess I just prefer consistent terminology, and I feel that more mystical terms (like psychic) are a better fit for fantasy settings while less mystical ones (like psionic) are more appropriate for sci-fi ones. I'd find it less of an issue if the 'psionic' <-> 'psychic' synonymy was restricted to things like dialogue and not included in things like tooltips and Codex entries.
I'm all for being precise in our diction, but what, exactly, is the distinction? Soft Sci-Fi has been using 'psychics' instead of 'magicians/wizards/mages' for decades at this point.
Oddly, Dictionary.com has a definition for 'psychic' but not 'psionic'.
I've got a Webster's New World Dictionary (from 1970, admittedly).
It has an entry for Psychic, but skips from 'psilomelane' (a type of mineral) to 'psittacine' (resembles a parrot).
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Well-Known Member
I'm all for being precise in our diction, but what, exactly, is the distinction? Soft Sci-Fi has been using 'psychics' instead of 'magicians/wizards/mages' for decades at this point.
Oddly, Dictionary.com has a definition for 'psychic' but not 'psionic'.
I've got a Webster's New World Dictionary (from 1970, admittedly).
It has an entry for Psychic, but skips from 'psilomelane' (a type of mineral) to 'psittacine' (resembles a parrot).
The "definitions" I gave in my original post were based off how I felt on each of them, and it was those feelings that caused me to be annoyed. There's a Wikipedia article on psionics, and based on that, it seems the term 'psionic' was primarily used in 50's & 60's science fiction as an electronics-related variant of psychic phenomena and IRL as a pseudoscience in the same vein as ESP. A quick Google search/Wiki walk also finds that 'psionic' has also been used in fantasy, too. So there's significant overlap between 'psionic' and 'psychic', I just feel the former is more suited to sci-fi than the latter. So ultimately, I guess it's just a personal preference of mine. Plus, I'm pretty sure Fenoxo is literally the only TiTS writer who consistently uses 'psychic', and everyone else consistently uses 'psionic'. I might be wrong, though.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Yeah, I doubt most people are aware of the history of the terms. I certainly wasn't. 'Psychic' isn't much older, dating back to the 1850s or so.

Also fun - the difference between 'Arcane' (Root: box, as in to keep in a box/container) and 'Occult' (Root: to hide/hidden). Both from Latin.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
i dont know what it is but i feel like this game needs more spice, i havent been able to get into it for months now. it might be just me but it lacks the same interest.

this might contribute just a little bit
personally i think this game has too many restrictions, for a fetish game i think there should be much less *your penis is too big* or *your penis is too small, npcs will now laugh at you*
condensol cant automatically be used before selecting a scene so you often get stuck doing one you dont want to do even if your not a hyper-sized character.

we live in a society where 8 inches is small (but 13 is too big) i never thought i'd have to min-max my penis size


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
And not everyone wants to go the swiss army crotch route... it really does make a mess of an immersive character.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
And not everyone wants to go the swiss army crotch route... it really does make a mess of an immersive character.

At this point I'm pretty sure the character's not really supposed to be immersive to you, but just is supposed to fit into the game universe and, considering some of the silly and just ridiculous stuff in the universe, I'd say it's fairly immersive in that regard. I've seen the staff tell people multiple times how Steele is into everything and everyone no matter what, essentially meaning they aren't YOUR Steele, you're just giving them vague orders and Steele is going and fulfilling them in the best way they can think of. So, right from the get go with the character that would normally be your character in other games is, instead, just someone you're whispering orders to and living vicariously through, meaning that your immersion isn't really much of a consideration as long as everything meshes together in the "world" that's been made. To that extent, considering some of the really wild genital configurations in the world, having a swiss army crotch works perfectly for the person wanting a lot of sex and to just fuck all the people and things.

So, in summary, it seems that the character is not yours, they're their own person, your immersion isn't important, what's important is that Steele fits into the crazy and wacky tainted space they're in. You're just sorta an invisible guiding force, in the end that gets to perv on Steele and their goings on.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
So, in summary, it seems that the character is not yours, they're their own person, your immersion isn't important, what's important is that Steele fits into the crazy and wacky tainted space they're in. You're just sorta an invisible guiding force, in the end that gets to perv on Steele and their goings on.
i dont particularly view this as a good or fun thing


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Staff member
Apr 16, 2018
United States
i dont particularly view this as a good or fun thing

Admittedly, I have several qualms about CoC2's design, and one of them is that "it always fits." From a personal standpoint, when I write content for these games I do it with a very clear vision of what I would most be comfortable with. This shows a lot in my own characters, or in special cases -- I'm deadset on never doing dicknipple stuff in any of my personal content, and you would never want to imagine those things near your offspring, right?

TiTS always had size limits, and I don't go through with adding them to my NPCs just because it's 'what you do'. This is personal and should technically not affect someone else's experience, but I can't reconcile thinking of, say, a 5'3 character just taking a 4-foot dong because 'that's how it is', and I get that I shouldn't have hangups because it's the player's personal choice.... but that's why I think having the size limits presents real consequences to the rampant and extraordinarily detailed transformations present in the games, and without them the TF'ing mechanics are, frankly, rendered down. TF'ing is the core conceit of all these games, making your very own character and having fun with a variety of sexual configurations and pitting them against heavily detailed encounters that check this and that bodily part you have and make you feel good for having it, and by simply allowing you to ram your deity-destroying dick down some rat girl's ear because 'you can' just doesn't sit right with me, principally and personally.

If an NPC has size limits or thresholds, it should encourage the player to go out and meet them. Fen himself has commented that he really likes it when he presents a character that people have gone through TFing to get more out of, and that just resonates with me. Going forward, I plan to at least have several 'consolation' scenes for those moments where you're too big on the NPCs I do (which is why I'm canning any future NPC conceptualization, my laquine sisters + Bianca will be my very last because I want them to be very detailed) so that if you can't fit in the throat you can at least get a body-job of sorts. In fact I just wrote that recently in a secret project, wherein you can accept oral form a character, dick, vag, or too biggus dickus and you basically pin her down with your mammoth dick and force her to pleasure it while you hump the fuck-hole her body creates.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
I agree that size limits both make sense and are a good thing. I just wish it was a little easier to use the copious amounts of Condensol that Velvet goes through, and that she could buy stock in
J’ejune Pharmaceutical.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
i dont particularly view this as a good or fun thing

Fun or not, it's just one of many ways to tell a character's story via a game.

Some games you play as the character, other games you play as I described, the invisible guiding force.

I think the disconnect here is that since you can make the character whatever you want them to be which makes people expect to be in full control over fetishes, likes, dislikes, and every other aspect of them.. but that just isn't the case. In a way it's a little like a parent-young child dynamic. You can make them look how you want, dress them how you want, but that doesn't mean they're going to be how you want. You can guide them and even make a lot of choices they'll just unquestioningly go with, but, again, that doesn't mean they'll do things how you wanted them to or feel how you'd like them to.

I mean, it does kinda make sense people think it's "their" character. There's no real dialogue or indicator that Steel is anything but under your control until they start enjoying and getting into things you didn't tell them to. There's nothing to point out that Steele's more "a character in their own right that the player sorta controls" as opposed to a "player's character" until things get so far along that you become invested after making a bunch of different choices for them and carefully curating customizations.

In summary, it feels like Steele is going to be "your" Steele at first, and the game does a good job of, at first, giving you only content you want. But then it stops and you start getting into content that only Steele likes, even in the cases where it was supposed to be a scene with stuff you liked, they may have done it in a way you didn't approve and now, suddenly, you see "your" Steele enjoying things you don't and it feels wrong because no one ever really told you that the character is just Steele, not "your" Steele.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
What you're describing is what I felt with Mass Effect. Really any game with a voiced protag, but that sticks out to me because I felt I was supposed to be them, not guide a preset character.

Fuck, at least it ain't Fallout 4 though.

But I'm ignoring the Rival almost as much as I ignored Shaun...


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
A minor one I guess, but one nonetheless given the lore in the codex and what happens in game.

According to the codex, there are over-the-counter meds to suppress the addictive nature of the Dzaan Alphas' semen, however in order to get anything close to it, I need to go through some long ass process that reminds me of why, though I'm a sucker for cowgirls, I avoided Marble's content like the plague. Why isn't there such an option for Ardia under interactions with her if there's not enough time to code a pharmacy on the plot-relevant areas? Doing this also neatly prevents something else from happening that I don't think was considered, Ardia addicting the rest of the crew to her.

Continuing with pharmaceutical options, the medicine cabinet option in the bathroom, what purpose does it serve? Couldn't it be used as a kind of "portal" I guess to have certain products available at a small charge whenever you dock at an area that could have the item in stock? Stuff like generic birth control or medicines for use against the various STDs...so on. Hell even have it be a mini salon with options for shaving/beard growth or casual hair styling while away from Ceria or even make-up. There's a lot more that could be done with that one addition to the bathroom.

I guess my gripe, when looking at what I have just written down, is that the Lore in the Codex can be misleading, leading one to believe that an issue has a quick fix when it doesn't, and unless it's for something specific, there're these interactive objects coded in that are just...there not doing much if anything at all.
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Dec 24, 2019
To start with, I appreciate, like, even love the game since I discovered it and I probably haven't explored even a quarter of the content. However if I have one gripe, it's how the game deals with potentially unwanted pregnancies of the (womb-bearing) PC, in particular the fact there is no way to terminate them, even when in the early stages, let's say the first few days (or weeks) when you open your codex after an hour of gameplay or so and notice your Steele gal is preggers. Especially since there is a drug (Sterilex) that when taken twice in 24h renders you(r womb) infertile forever but doesn't seem to affect a pregnancy even in it's earliest stages.

Now a search on this site has led me to believe that this is not an oversight but a deliberate choice by the main content creators of the game, which I find pretty ironic in view of the other content included in the game and some of the major themes in it.

So be it.

But to add insult to injury there isn't even a message to signal that you're pregnant when it happens even though a. your codex registers it the moment it happens with all details about probable duration, number of offspring and progenitor; and b. you do get messages about how much cum is leaking out of your orifices, which is nice to know but a bit lower on the list of potentially life changing events.

Now if for whatever reason the creators don't want/like to include any in game methods to deal with unwanted pregnancies (and for the record, I'm all in favor for wanted pregnancies, my current Steele is carrying Sera's twins which is admittedly a good way to avoid unwanted pregnancies), I'd like them to make it maybe a bit more easy to savescum my way out of an unwanted pregnancy by implementing the fairly simple solution of having a message appear that you're pregnant at the moment your codex registers this.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
i just think there should be a sterilex for eggs that makes them dissolve or something since I've heard anger about being infertile but still getting eggnant

Ooh Woo

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2019
To start with, I appreciate, like, even love the game since I discovered it and I probably haven't explored even a quarter of the content. However if I have one gripe, it's how the game deals with potentially unwanted pregnancies of the (womb-bearing) PC, in particular the fact there is no way to terminate them, even when in the early stages, let's say the first few days (or weeks) when you open your codex after an hour of gameplay or so and notice your Steele gal is preggers. Especially since there is a drug (Sterilex) that when taken twice in 24h renders you(r womb) infertile forever but doesn't seem to affect a pregnancy even in it's earliest stages.

Now a search on this site has led me to believe that this is not an oversight but a deliberate choice by the main content creators of the game, which I find pretty ironic in view of the other content included in the game and some of the major themes in it.

So be it.

But to add insult to injury there isn't even a message to signal that you're pregnant when it happens even though a. your codex registers it the moment it happens with all details about probable duration, number of offspring and progenitor; and b. you do get messages about how much cum is leaking out of your orifices, which is nice to know but a bit lower on the list of potentially life changing events.

Now if for whatever reason the creators don't want/like to include any in game methods to deal with unwanted pregnancies (and for the record, I'm all in favor for wanted pregnancies, my current Steele is carrying Sera's twins which is admittedly a good way to avoid unwanted pregnancies), I'd like them to make it maybe a bit more easy to savescum my way out of an unwanted pregnancy by implementing the fairly simple solution of having a message appear that you're pregnant at the moment your codex registers this.
Not that it addresses any criticism over the lack of an in game way to address it, but it's pretty easy to use TiTSed to get rid of a pregnancy.


Dec 24, 2019
Is it pretty easy to use TiTSed? Or is it easy to use it to get rid of a pregnancy, once you're familiar with it?

a. I don't like messing with my save files too much.
b. I don't want to have to learn to navigate a whole new programme just to be able to address this one type of problem.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2017
Is it pretty easy to use TiTSed? Or is it easy to use it to get rid of a pregnancy, once you're familiar with it?

a. I don't like messing with my save files too much.
b. I don't want to have to learn to navigate a whole new programme just to be able to address this one type of problem.
Yeah, it's a pretty intuitive program to use. You just need to choose which save file you want to change (click OPEN in the top right) and you're good to go. Don't forget to SAVE AS and choose a destination whenever you're done changing shit.

To remove pregnancies specifically, all you need to do is go the Misc (Miscellaneous) tab, select the pregnancy, and click Remove.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I've been thinking about the complaints of Steele not being 'your' character and being into anything and everything, even if the player isn't.

One thing I haven't seen mentioned:
All the scenes are written in second person. Steele isn't your character, but the player is told 'you' do these things. 'You' are into anything and everything.

We can customize just about any physical characteristic, use whatever given name we want, and are implicitly told to identify with Steele by the phrasing of all the narration. Everything implies Steele is our character (within some limits, obviously). And then they aren't, in some very personal and important ways. This is the disconnect, I think.

To start with, I appreciate, like, even love the game since I discovered it and I probably haven't explored even a quarter of the content. However if I have one gripe, it's how the game deals with potentially unwanted pregnancies of the (womb-bearing) PC, in particular the fact there is no way to terminate them, even when in the early stages, let's say the first few days (or weeks) when you open your codex after an hour of gameplay or so and notice your Steele gal is preggers. Especially since there is a drug (Sterilex) that when taken twice in 24h renders you(r womb) infertile forever but doesn't seem to affect a pregnancy even in it's earliest stages.
You have complete control of your Fertility. You can see how much Sterilex time you have left in the Status bar on the right side of the screen. I'm pretty sure conception happens immediately and isn't checked after, so if you're protected at the time of insemination, you won't get pregnant. One dose of Fertite Plus removes Sterile/Firing Blanks. It is kind of annoying that it also increases your base Fertility when you use it that way, though.

Also, you need to take Sterilex 3 times for Sterile/Firing Blanks.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
The pseudo (setting aside all the moot debates over whether true second person narration is possible) second person narration is a callback to old text adventure games. In those you'd create a character and then have the action and surroundings described as though by a narrator. It's an old roleplaying device but it's understood that in roleplaying games you're stepping into the shoes of a character you've invented, not pretending as though you yourself are going about the adventure.

In any video game roleplaying experience you have to accept that some things about the character you're playing are out of your control.


Dec 24, 2019
I've been thinking about the complaints of Steele not being 'your' character and being into anything and everything, even if the player isn't.

One thing I haven't seen mentioned:
All the scenes are written in second person. Steele isn't your character, but the player is told 'you' do these things. 'You' are into anything and everything.

We can customize just about any physical characteristic, use whatever given name we want, and are implicitly told to identify with Steele by the phrasing of all the narration. Everything implies Steele is our character (within some limits, obviously). And then they aren't, in some very personal and important ways. This is the disconnect, I think.

You have complete control of your Fertility. You can see how much Sterilex time you have left in the Status bar on the right side of the screen. I'm pretty sure conception happens immediately and isn't checked after, so if you're protected at the time of insemination, you won't get pregnant. One dose of Fertite Plus removes Sterile/Firing Blanks. It is kind of annoying that it also increases your base Fertility when you use it that way, though.

Also, you need to take Sterilex 3 times for Sterile/Firing Blanks.
The cost of Sterilex is prohibitive to use it as a consistent/regular (pill/day) contraceptive at the start of the game. It would also be interesting to have longer acting contraceptives. Also I think it's somewhat absurd that contraceptives for a month would cost over 5 times as much as an elaborate hair styling on Tavros or over 100 times as much as the most fancy drink in the local bar and a year's worth of contraceptives can get you a fairly nice space ship with some upgrades. But I understand that pricing is based on game logic rather than anything remotely resembling sensible economics.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
The cost of Sterilex is prohibitive to use it as a consistent/regular (pill/day) contraceptive at the start of the game. It would also be interesting to have longer acting contraceptives. Also I think it's somewhat absurd that contraceptives for a month would cost over 5 times as much as an elaborate hair styling on Tavros or over 100 times as much as the most fancy drink in the local bar and a year's worth of contraceptives can get you a fairly nice space ship with some upgrades. But I understand that pricing is based on game logic rather than anything remotely resembling sensible economics.
You have vaginal sex every day? I do think the intended use is to use 3 for Sterile and 1 Fertite Plus to reverse it when you want to have children. It's significantly cheaper that way, and the increase in fertility is only active when you want to get pregnant anyway. Unless you want to go back and forth, I suppose. Even then, you're spending a lot of time pregnant unless you also invested in speed boosters.

As for the elaborate hair styling, remember it's movie hair. You keep the chosen style no matter what you do, until you decide to change it. No more bed-head! I'd say that's worth some money.

Speaking of ridiculous prices, Paige's eye cloning and surgery is more expensive than entire spaceships. 500K vs 400K for the Sledgehammer, the most expensive purchasable ship in the game (The Sledgehammer Mark II is one of the most powerful, combat-ready ships on the market).


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
You have vaginal sex every day? I do think the intended use is to use 3 for Sterile and 1 Fertite Plus to reverse it when you want to have children. It's significantly cheaper that way, and the increase in fertility is only active when you want to get pregnant anyway. Unless you want to go back and forth, I suppose. Even then, you're spending a lot of time pregnant unless you also invested in speed boosters.

As for the elaborate hair styling, remember it's movie hair. You keep the chosen style no matter what you do, until you decide to change it. No more bed-head! I'd say that's worth some money.

Speaking of ridiculous prices, Paige's eye cloning and surgery is more expensive than entire spaceships. 500K vs 400K for the Sledgehammer, the most expensive purchasable ship in the game (The Sledgehammer Mark II is one of the most powerful, combat-ready ships on the market).

Game-logic versus narrative concerns.

Or all the ships are used. I have no friggin' clue honestly.

Ooh Woo

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2019
Now I'm stuck wondering if there's a (Watsonian) reason Paige's eyes cost so much more than Liliana's arm.

(forgive me if there is one that I'm forgetting, it's been a long time since I went through Paige's content)


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
My biggest gripe is the ship sharp limit on shipmate quantity.
I have not played since it was introduced since I am waiting for this to be scaled back.
I don't want to dismiss most of my followers, and I don't want to start grinding like crazy to buy a bigger ship
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