What are the exact 'consequences' for stealing the Sidewinder?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2017
Greetings. As someone who plays the public game, I was wondering if there was a 'best way' of taking the Sidewinder? Or what exactly the 'consequences' were for doing so? Is it just only a really hard ship boss fight on return trips or was there something more?

I believe at some point, somewhere, it was mentioned that you could get into good standing with the various pirate gangs and that would influence what happened after stealing the Sidewinder. Was that ever put into effect?

Thank you for your time.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
To the best of my knowledge, none of the after theft events with the leaders of the Zheng Shi pirate leaders have been written. All I've heard on the matter comes from William, who has at least tentative ideas for the Raiders and Jumpers.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
1. You lose your current ship, but keep items in storage and upgrades like the Dong Designer and Sleep Fapnia.
2. Olympia will be a permanent crew member on the Sidewinder, but no other ship.
3. There is a difficult fight vs Dr Teyaal when you return to Zheng Shi (repeatable 3 times, I think). The intent was for the fight to only happen if you brought the Sidewinder back, but is currently bugged such that it occurs whatever ship you're using. (See the Blog post for 8.010/8.011). In addition, the Sidewinder has no weapons by default, so make sure you install some before going back! A Shield Booster or Shield Vampire would also be a good idea.
4. This hasn't been implemented (yet?) to my knowledge. Dr. Teyaal does invite you to meet her on the Recreation Deck after the third win, but I don't think you actually can, yet.

Install 2x Missile Turrets, 1x Hardened Systems. Maybe throw on a Shield Vampire if you feel like turning her tricks against her.

Her initial attack is a Shield Disruptor, and with 80 Systems you have a decent chance to negate it. She tries to use a Shield Vampire when her Shields are low, but 80 Systems makes that likely to fail as well.
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Jul 7, 2018
Has meeting Dr. Teyaal been implemented yet in Public? I've beaten her the three times but can't find her on the recreation deck.
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