What are some attributes of your character that you feel don't get enough attention?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
But Nonesuch, why doesn't the chess game acknowledge my special snowflake bimbo PC with 40 Int?
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Active Member
Mar 23, 2016
They're frankly exhausting.

That's the problem I was trying to convey but in the end deleted the rest of my comment and just posted what I did. It teetered on OP territory requiring its own thread.

Basically what I was trying to say was that there should be a global system in place to give basic generic sex scenes for parts not covered by a specific contributor. This would also free up a contributor to focus on flavor text and their story rather than the exhausting work of accounting for all sex organs and such.

My apologies, I didn't mean to offend anyone on here, and I especially did not intend to imply that I was not appreciative of their work. Having done quite a bit of quest logic and description text, I know how laborious the process can get.

In my experience with game development, we handle things a bit differently than how it is done here. In our case, we're forced to have descriptors and "effects" for every doodad and feature we add to the game (mostly having to do with the cost of adding them and trying to get the most mileage out of what is done, even if we end up cutting features).

I think the confusion comes with me not understanding that, each character my PC meets (I have several characters, not just a kui-tan, and experiment with all sorts of combinations) be it Kaede to Embry is written by a contributor whose character, features, actions, and scenes are specific to that character. The contributor who wrote it has a specific attachment to that character and may not wish to have that character encompass a particular fetish.

I don't approach game design in that fashion, or rather, that is new to me and is something I've never seen before. It just seemed strange to me when a writer has to explain whether they added features for a game mechanic or not. I thought that the game engine spit out the effect for the feature the character had, rather than individual writers having to write specific text for any feature they wish to include.

Again I apologize if my original comment came off as abrasive or unappreciative, it was not my intention.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
When I started writing TiTS stuff I tried very hard to avoid parser calls because I felt like it restricted my ability to describe things. I didn't like the idea of pulling from the same list of adjectives as everyone else, especially when you see some of the word combinations so often. It felt like it made all writing the same and reduced word diversity.

It's truly hard to find a middle grounds sort of thing. I don't know about the rest of people, but I can't say it's a turn on to constantly read the likes of "Oh, Steele, I love your modest cock!" yet, as this thread shows, some attributes could do with a little bit of care.

As for the "guys who don't want to deal with virgins because of, yes, the "inherent emotional weight" and associated issues" stuff, I once found someone who feared that his girlfriend-to-be would turn out to be a freak because she was of a certain age and had remained a virgin until then ("...and now she says she wants to do it with me! How should I deal with it!?").


Aug 27, 2015
I can't say it's a turn on to constantly read the likes of "Oh, Steele, I love your modest cock!"

The descriptors for that whole range of dick sizes needs to be revised imho. Between 5-8 inches, they shouldn't receive any size descriptors at all; there's no way to describe a reasonably sized penis in a scene without it sounding stupid/a backhanded insult. Below 5 inches should get vaguely SPH lines.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The descriptors for that whole range of dick sizes needs to be revised imho. Between 5-8 inches, they shouldn't receive any size descriptors at all; there's no way to describe a reasonably sized penis in a scene without it sounding stupid/a backhanded insult. Below 5 inches should get vaguely SPH lines.

It's probably a backhanded insult if it comes from someone used to taking fat logs, like Ellie.


Aug 27, 2015
It's probably a backhanded insult if it comes from someone used to taking fat logs, like Ellie.

  However then the scene is already set up for small dick humiliation, so it doesn't need the descriptors. If small dicks had the relevant language attached to them, then the scene works for folks who are into that; if they don't, they escape a scene like that with some dignity rather than feel the game is sarcastically sneering at them for having an entirely reasonably sized penis.

Pastel Skulls

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2016
I feel like my asshole is kinda underused, not in a "this game needs more penises" way but in a "why can't I ride this defeated enemies cock instead of having to top them?". It's kinda my fault because I wanna stay trans instead of going herm and I understand that it's because the writers would have to write two scenes, but I just get a little miffed whenever I come across something like not being able to work at the brothel when I'm trans while there's an Ovir dancing on stage.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I feel like my asshole is kinda underused, not in a "this game needs more penises" way but in a "why can't I ride this defeated enemies cock instead of having to top them?". It's kinda my fault because I wanna stay trans instead of going herm and I understand that it's because the writers would have to write two scenes, but I just get a little miffed whenever I come across something like not being able to work at the brothel when I'm trans while there's an Ovir dancing on stage.

Yeah, a lot of scenes that can potentially work for ass as well as vagina don't, despite a function being there for just such an occasion.

Pastel Skulls

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2016
I thought there was talk at some point of a potential expansion to the brothel to allow a broader range of PC's to participate, but I don't believe it's being worked on at this moment. Probably a viable target for a commission if you really wanted it, though.

I don't if it bugs me enough to want to commission something, just enough to want to try and write some scenes myself like anal consentacles.

Pastel Skulls

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2016
Oh yeah ditzy speech is also underused, Doctor Badger recognizes it, but it doesn't change anyone's out look of you on New Texas except maybe the one Minotaur with addictive cum.  I was hoping to get treated like a total bimbo slut after sneezing my brain out and overdosing on gush but everyone pretty much talked the same, all the sex scenes were the same, and everyone continued to try and egg me on to do the treatment. Same with going to Sena's party, I was bimbofied and got the tramp stamp, but I was still talking completely normally and acting competently during everything. I thought that if the tramp stamp perk really hinged on being a bimbo it might make the party a little different.


Aug 26, 2015
Ditz Speech is really fucking hard to work with because it requires changing all of Steele's dialogue on top of the existing Kind/Mischievous/Hard shit.  If you wanted to be thorough you'd need six versions of every line.

Brute Speech is even worse.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Ditz Speech is really fucking hard to work with because it requires changing all of Steele's dialogue on top of the existing Kind/Mischievous/Hard shit.  If you wanted to be thorough you'd need six versions of every line.

Brute Speech is even worse.

I've always thought that both of those perks just override normal personalities on account of PC's reactions being governed by enforced behaviour and speech patterns.

Ditz Speech is at least defined. Brute Speech was so obviously a "...oh yeah, men exist as well, don't they?" thing that I wonder why Fen even bothered.

I just wished that it got decoupled from normal maleTreatment to make it more lore friendly. Why can't my character channel the Big T and istead is stuck with being, in the worst case scenario, a super mutant. Patriarchy sucks even more when it doesn't work for you.


Aug 27, 2015
Same with going to Sena's party, I was bimbofied and got the tramp stamp, but I was still talking completely normally and acting competently during everything. I thought that if the tramp stamp perk really hinged on being a bimbo it might make the party a little different.

The tramp stamp thing happened more or less by accident, it was never meant to hinge on anything. Whether or not scenes notice you're a bimbo is dependent on the writer. I had umpteen things to consider when I was building that event - the fact the PC might not be dressed as a schoolgirl at all because they aren't on board with the whole submissive femininity thing being just one - that tailoring dialogue for ditzes never figured.

I just wished that it got decoupled from normal maleTreatment to make it more lore friendly. Why can't my character channel the Big T and istead is stuck with being, in the worst case scenario, a super mutant. Patriarchy sucks even more when it doesn't work for you.

As we keep saying, no-one wants to sound and act like a "fuck-hungry brute". Some people might like to sound and act like Big T. If I bother with it at all I bear that in mind.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
As we keep saying, no-one wants to sound and act like a "fuck-hungry brute". Some people might like to sound and act like Big T. If I bother with it at all I bear that in mind.

I wouldn't go as far as to say that no one wants to act and talk like a brutish beast or a meathead. Hell, if that had been a valid option, I'd have rolled a character just for that.

I just think that it shouldn't be something that a normal dose of male Treatment does to you. Then again, no point in making two ultra-masculininty perks out of one that none of the writers really care about.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I just think that it shouldn't be something that a normal dose of male Treatment does to you. Then again, no point in making two ultra-masculininty perks out of one that none of the writers really care about.

Lore-wise it does basically same things to both males and females. Only difference is that females are usually become notably more subby than males.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Lore-wise it does basically same things to both males and females. Only difference is that females are usually become notably more subby than males.

Unlike the females, they suffer no loss of perceived IQ, but they do experience several other key changes.

It's further confirmed by none of the male Treated NPCs displaying anything like the worst tendencies male Treated PC gets right now. Even the unfinished Bull character Jim was working on, one that literally got hit harder than anyone else with the beastializing stick, was deemed unstable and dangerous and essentially placed in a solitary confinement, was still fully capable of articulating his thoughts in an intelligent manner.

If anything, Mino Charge should have been the thing that Brute Speech got stuck to. :smugdog:


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Unlike the females, they suffer no loss of perceived IQ, but they do experience several other key changes.

It's further confirmed by none of the male Treated NPCs displaying anything like the worst tendencies male Treated PC gets right now. Even the unfinished Bull character Jim was working on, one that literally got hit harder than anyone else with the beastializing stick, was deemed unstable and dangerous and essentially placed in a solitary confinement, was still fully capable of articulating his thoughts in an intelligent manner.

If anything, Mino Charge should have been the thing that Brute Speech got stuck to. :smugdog:

It really is a mess, after all...


Aug 26, 2015
Literally Mino Charge's tagline in the doc is that it does not make you a brute.

The Treatment is a fucking mess of an item.  What it does mechanically is almost nothing like what it does in the story for males or females: see also Fen's repeated insistence that female Treated aren't turned into idiots even though it makes your Intelligence take a massive nosedive if you're a girl.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Literally Mino Charge's tagline in the doc is that it does not make you a brute.

The Treatment is a fucking mess of an item.  What it does mechanically is almost nothing like what it does in the story for males or females: see also Fen's repeated insistence that female Treated aren't turned into idiots even though it makes your Intelligence take a massive nosedive if you're a girl.

That's pretty much a blatant contradiction on Fen's part o_O
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Wait, it only lowers your intelligence if you're a girl?


I did not know that. Not sure how I feel about that, either.  :|

Yup, the treatments mandatory to for NT civilians. Reaha had to smuggle herself off world to avoid it. Its not guaranteed to turn girls into brainless bimbos, but its pretty rare for it not to. Some peeps here avoid NT entirely due to this.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I've been sitting here for 15 minutes trying to think of a way I could appropriately articulate my thoughts. I've determined that I can't, and I believe it is in my best interest to avoid the discussion altogether. Probably in everyone's best interest...

Yup... there is already enough squabble about this already on the forums, I'm just gonna say the facts and leave with a finger over my lips, shushing any debate. Its been debated to death so far, I'd recommend just to ignore it if you hate it. There is a little more depth to it, the intelligence is supposedly just suppressed under the enhanced nerves and endorphin, libido, ect. I'm forgetting a few things I think, talking with all the residents of NT will shed more light on this. The goal is to help populate the planet as quick as possible, and the Treatment has stressed the galaxy enough forbid any export of it.

Edit - Its a touchy subject, I think this is enough to give clues where to look without sparking anything. I'd like to avoid sparking anything.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Other thing I'd like to point out is the fact that even when they take femTreatment, PC gets hit with the bimbo bat a lot harder than any of the NPCs we meet. Ellie, Carrie and Cora seem to be fully functional individuals despite being bimbos; Cass and Canada have a temporary reverse mechanism built in; Millie and Zephyr didn't get the bimbo effect at all. Granted, unlike maleTreatment, the lore sirt of supports the way it currently work as well.

Maybe consider throwing in that reverse mechanism for the PC at some point, now that we have a fully functional fluid tracking system?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Been thinking of what I normally don't see mentioned and/or given attention, and I've come up with the following. Granted this project is still fairly new and the methods for most of these weren't in game yet till recently, but these are some of things I'm normally searching for.

The Jiggle of Large Butts.

The Butt Lube you get from Easy Fit.

Multiple Dongs/Vagina/Breasts.

PC Dog/other Tails wagging & other Racial Instincts like how Ausar illegibly pants during sex.

Super Stretchy Vaginas being noticed or just mentioned for such.

Hidden Genitalia like the slit you get for your dong with the naleen tf.

Lipples/other nipple types.

I also think knots could use a bit more mention, weather they're kept out on purpose, as they expand outside, or shoved in, especially if your shoving it into a race that has em, like how Syri is missing taking knots. As well as Large/Hyper Clitoris sizes.


Active Member
Mar 23, 2016
I think we have to separate aesthetics from mechanics. I think that's where I'm seeing an issue.

So my character is blonde with blue eyes and muscular. To me, it's an unreasonable expectation to demand that a contributor mention those features as my PC engages with one of their characters. That's because in my opinion, aesthetics are common features that should predominantly be relegated to the Appearance tab. I think the same goes with hip ratios, sashaying while walking, femininity appearance, extra long eye lashes, and so on. And yes I'm aware that some characters may have a fetish for some of those features, but such characters should be the exception not the norm.

Mechanical features on the other hand, I do feel should get attention by the various characters. Not that all of them must get attention, but the more important and blatant ones should. Take an extra lubricated anus for example. It can break the suspension of disbelief if the engaged character has to use a bottle of artificial lubricant, or spit, or dabs their hand in a the PC's vagina, or pre-cum, in order to lubricate an already naturally lubricating anus. All the more glaring if said orifice produces excess lubrication. And that's what I meant with Knotted characters. It was glaring to me when said penis is used in a sex scene as if it were a normal penis ignoring the mechanical features that may make traditional sex impractical (even more-so when dealing with kui-ten who have extra knotted organs).

It's not that I want more knotting, equine penis, or lubrication content; no not at all. It's just that the scenes that mention them aren't treating certain mechanical features correctly breaking the suspension of disbelief. Again, I'm not trying to step on any content writer's toes. I think it's more an issue of how the game was put together rather than oversights or negligence on behalf of content writers.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Wings, claws, fangs, horns, eyes, tails. Any bodypart that hints at giving you a new or enhanced ability, should. Also wings need to be mentioned in scenes where you lie down, someone rubs your back, and so on, like any other body part...

Flight-capable wings and certain tails could give you a knockdown attack or bonus evasion. Claws could be used to fight while disarmed, to blind, grapple/wrap (in a sort of pounce and swipe repeatedly until the enemy breaks free sort of way), and so on. Horns could increase the damage of Headbutt. Eyes could give bonuses to aim/accuracy, eliminate accuracy penalties associated with low light conditions, maybe a skill where you analyze your opponent on one turn to get a big crit bonus on the next turn. Fangs could paralyze/sleep/DOT/lust effects or heal your HP (if you had vampire-like fangs or something)


Aug 27, 2015
Flight-capable wings and certain tails could give you a knockdown attack or bonus evasion. Claws could be used to fight while disarmed, to blind, grapple/wrap (in a sort of pounce and swipe repeatedly until the enemy breaks free sort of way), and so on. Horns could increase the damage of Headbutt. Eyes could give bonuses to aim/accuracy, eliminate accuracy penalties associated with low light conditions, maybe a skill where you analyze your opponent on one turn to get a big crit bonus on the next turn. Fangs could paralyze/sleep/DOT/lust effects or heal your HP (if you had vampire-like fangs or something)

You can ignore devs telling you that the PC's physicality will never give straight-up bonuses in combat all you like, it's still not going to happen.