As far as I can tell, the codex entry for the species was never written. If it was, I don't have access to it to implement it. In the code, there is a trigger to unlock the entry, but since there is no existing entry for it, it never appears in the codex's list.
Is it hard to implement a codex entry?, I could give writing the text for an entry a shot, though I'm no good at writing code like this. I'd imagine the Codex Entry to be similar to Sydians frankly speaking.
As a side note I've noticed that only the Stormguards have a Codex Entry, while the other religions like The One, Followers of the Infinite Aspect and Zyi do not have Codex Entries. Some of the religions not being full entries make sense, Zyi and Infinite Aspect are only with 2 characters and is not heavily expanded on or story-relevant, however The One is a pretty major religion and does appear early on, so it would be interesting to have maybe a Codex entry for that.
EDIT: I noticed the same for androids:
Only the Vi-KO series is listed and not Kiha-corp builds like Gianna, Olympia and Syne, or the Seigwulfe drones. The Bess/Ben of the Maia series AI are listed under Technology rather than robotics (for some reason as the category makes the more specific Robotics/Android category redundant, since it includes AI/VI and android bodies).
Tarkus Sexbots are also left poorly noted despite a whole side-quest dedicated to them. Maybe the encounter log could have a Robot section wherein different types of robots - both unique and mass-production - like the Warbot, T1K4 or Yoma get listed as being met, with a short description, even if they don't merit a full codex description. Commonly met androids like KihaCorp droids or Siegwulves could have an codex entry since they're expanded on enough to merit one just like the Vi and V-KO series.
Should I just make this a topic?